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La araña negra, t. 9/9La araña negra, t. 9/9Estaba Zarzoso leyendo la seccin de noticias de un peridico de la noche y se dispona ya a acostarse, en vista de que los relojes de la plaza del Panthen acababan de dar la una de la madrugada. Las cadas...
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La araña negra, t. 7/9La araña negra, t. 7/9Al triunfar la revolucin de septiembre de 1868, Alvarez vino a Espaa, entrando por Catalua con algunos generales emigrados. En Barcelona se reuni con Prim, que haca su viaje insurreccional por las costas del Mediterrneo, y entr en Madrid formando...
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La araña negra, t. 3/9La araña negra, t. 3/9El 20 de septiembre de 1852 fu admitido en la Academia Militar de Toledo un muchachote de diez y seis aos, de rostro franco y ademn altivo que, como detalle tpico, tena entre las dos cejas esa arruga vertical que...
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La araña negra, t. 6/9La araña negra, t. 6/9Aquel nio plido y enclenque, de ojazos soadores y de expresin dulce y humilde, era el predilecto de los padres maestros, y el encargado de desempear todos los papeles distinguidos dentro del colegio. Cuando el padre Claudio visitaba el establecimiento...
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La araña negra, t. 4/9La araña negra, t. 4/9Di dos gritos, se retorci furiosamente las manos, revolvironse sus ojos en sus rbitas como si quisieran saltar, y arrojando espumarajos por la boca se dej caer, revolcndose a su sabor entre los muebles cados por la anterior lucha. Saba...
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La araña negra, t. 5/9La araña negra, t. 5/9En fino papel de seda escriba con gran cuidado largas cartas que firmaba con un complicado garabato y que iban dirigidas a otros tantos nombres simblicos, sacados en su mayora de la antigua historia romana. As era, efectivamente. Alvarez, que...
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Ways of War and PeaceWays of War and PeaceAs I advance in years I look upon life as a good deal of a paradox; at times it seems to be a mass of contradictions of love and hate, of friendship and enmity, of truths and falsehoods, of war...
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La araña negra, t. 2/9La araña negra, t. 2/9Si las gentes de poca monta que a aquella hora iban a sus quehaceres a paso apresurado y soplndose las manos para ahuyentar el fro, se hubieran fijado en el marcial comandante de caballera de la Guardia, les habra llamado...
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La araña negra, t. 1/9La araña negra, t. 1/9No es sta la mejor hora para hacer visitas. En este colegio se guardan muy bien las reglas, seor; no s si la madre directora podr recibirle..., pero, a pesar de esto, preguntar. Y el hermano Andrs, al decir estas...
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Holland en de oorlogHolland en de oorlogOverduidelijke druk- en spelfouten in het origineel zijn gecorrigeerd; deze zijn voorzien van een dunne oranje stippellijn, waarbij de Brontekst via een zwevende pop-up beschikbaar is. Variaties in spelling (met/zonder accent, met/zonder koppelteken, met zonder extra spatie) zijn behouden. Acht dagen...
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Balsamo, the Magician or, The Memoirs of a PhysicianBalsamo, the Magician; or, The Memoirs of a Physiciancontaining 104 pages, 1114 inches in size, consisting of large 912 plate pages giving plans, elevations, perspective views, descriptions, owners' names, actual cost of construction (no guess work), and instructions How to Build 70 Cottages, Villas,...
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Die Juden Im WeltkriegeDie Juden Im WeltkriegeDie folgenden Ausfhrungen verdanken ihr Entstehen freien Stunden an der Front in Kurland, wo ich dem unendlichen Leid der Ostjuden auf Schritt und Tritt begegnete, einer unterdrckten Menschenmasse, die menschlich unser Interesse verdient, aber auch sprachlich, da sie den Deutschen darin...
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Over Periscope PondOver Periscope Pond - Letters from Two American Girls in Paris October 1916-January 1918They first met in Paris, each having volunteered her services to the Rev. and Mrs. Ernest W. Shurtleff, to aid in relief work among the refugees, or, as Dr. Shurtleff expressed...
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Pro Judaeis: Riflessioni e DocumentiPro Judaeis: Riflessioni e Documenti Sembrerebbe, sopratutto, oltraggio alla umana ragione dover invocare dagli scrittori discorrenti degli Ebrei, che applichino loro quell'elementare principio di equit da Carlo V, Re di Francia, nel xiv secolo sancito con apposita legge: non doversi l'intiera nazione ebrea tener...
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Jose: Our Little Portuguese CousinJose: Our Little Portuguese CousinOne of the important historic events of the present century is the revolution which took place in Portugal on the third day of October, 1910, when King Manuel II lost his throne. The king and his mother were exiled and...
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In Vanity Fair: A Tale of Frocks and FemininityIn Vanity Fair: A Tale of Frocks and FemininityThe Parisienne, in her subtler phases, is a theme for a feminist of genius; and this little book does not venture upon the psychological deep seas. Grave issues are tangled in the game of fashion-making; but...
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Winged Wheels in FranceWinged Wheels in FranceThis is not a love story. These wings are wings of motion, not of Cupid, yet there is much of romance and story in these pages,for who can travel the plaisant pays de France and not dip deeply into both? When...
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Rogers' Rock, Lake George, March 13, 1758: A Battle Fought on Snow ShoesRogers' Rock, Lake George, March 13, 1758: A Battle Fought on Snow ShoesLake George was frozen and the snow four feet deep in the woods, when on March 10, 1758, Colonel Haviland, commanding at Fort Edward, sent Major Rogers with one hundred and eighty...
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New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol. 8, Pt. 2, No. 1, July 1918New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol. 8, Pt. 2, No. 1, July 1918A AERONAUTICS, "Aerial Record," 51; "The War in the Air," 80; hospitals bombed, 83; Lufbery's last fight, 85; Richthofen's death, 85; list of German aviators killed, 86; ingenious devices...
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Their Majesties as I Knew ThemTheir Majesties as I Knew Them - Personal Reminiscences of the Kings and Queens of EuropeM. XAVIER PAOLI THE "CHAMBERLAIN" OF THE FRENCH REPUBLIC AND THE FRIEND OF SOVEREIGNS It was in 1903, and the King of England was making his first official journey...
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