Political Theory
The Words of Selves: Identification, Solidarity, IronyMarlene Dietrich had the last line in Orson Welles's A Touch of Evil: What does it matter what you say about other people? The author ponders the question: What does it matter what you say about yourself? She wonders why the requirement to be...
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Frost: A Literary Life ReconsideredThis study demonstrates the complex interaction between Frost's life and work. Based not only on the poetry, but on letters, notebooks, recorded interviews and public appearances as well, it treats the most significant aspects of Frost's life and poetry.Author: William H. PritchardPublisher: University of...
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Zarathustra's Dionysian ModernismIn arguing that Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a philosophical explanation of the possibility of modernism--that is, of the possibility of radical cultural change through the creation of new values--the author shows that literary fiction can do the work of philosophy. Nietzsche takes up...
- $92.50 AUD
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Promoting good citizenshipPromoting good citizenshipMr. Bryce has for a long time been a man of international prominence. His wide influence is undoubtedly due to many causes, but it may, in general, be traced to two characteristics: Mr. Bryce is a humanist who sympathetically watches the progress...
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The Roman assemblies from their origin to the end of the RepublicThe Roman assemblies from their origin to the end of the RepublicThis volume is the first to offer in monographic form a detailed treatment of the popular assemblies of ancient Rome. Necessarily much of the material in it may be found in earlier works;...
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Compendio del derecho público romanoCompendio del derecho público romanoEl deseo que se me ha manifestado por diferentes y atendibles conductos, de ver expuesto el Derecho pblico romano en forma clara y suficiente para que lo conozcan los juristas que no son a la vez filsofos, es lo que...
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A Critical Analysis of Patriotism As an Ethical ConceptA Critical Analysis of Patriotism As an Ethical Concept - A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy May 1, 1918Patriotism is a live issue. It is almost impossible for...
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International ThoughtInternational ThoughtTo those who, until 1914, believed in civil behaviour between man and man, the war and its ensuing peace brought disenchantment. Preoccupied with the humaner pursuits, and generally unfamiliar with the real struggle for existence, they were caught napping. The rest of mankind...
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Greek ImperialismGreek ImperialismThis book contains seven lectures, six of which were delivered at the Lowell Institute in Boston during February, 1913. In the first of them the main lines of imperial development in Greece are sketched. In the others I have tried to characterize, having...
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The Philosophical Theory of the StateThe Philosophical Theory of the StateTranscribers Note: The text is that of the first edition, with the errata incorporated. Because there are no page breaks, footnotes are placed under the paragraphs or quotations to which they relate, and renumbered accordingly. Page numbers have been...
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A vindication of the rights of men, in a letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke occasioned by his Reflections on the Revolution in FranceA vindication of the rights of men, in a letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke; occasioned by his Reflections on the Revolution in FranceMr. Burkes Reflections on the French Revolution first engaged my attention as the transient topic of the day; and reading...
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Notice bio-bibliographique sur La Boëtie, suivie de La Servitude volontaireNotice bio-bibliographique sur La Boëtie, suivie de La Servitude volontaireCe travail biographique est compltement d au hasard. Nous n'avions, en effet, nulle intention de nous occuper isolment de La Botie, qui n'entre dans les recherches que nous avons entreprises sur Montaigne que comme satellite...
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La libertàLa libertà Giovanni Stuart Mill nacque a Londra nel 1806. Il padre di lui, Giacomo Mill, storico ed economista di qualche valore, scolaro di Bentham ed intimo amico di Ricardo, sottopose il suo promettente ingegno ad un sistema di educazione che ne svilupp assai...
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Lectures on the Principles of Political ObligationLectures on the Principles of Political Obligation - Reprinted from Green's Philosophical Works, vol. II., with Preface by Bernard BosanquetThe present volume consists of the late Professor Green's lectures on the 'Principles of Political Obligation,' together with a chapter on the different senses of...
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History of the Origin of Representative Government in EuropeHistory of the Origin of Representative Government in Europe In 1820, at the time when the various faculties of the Acadmie de Paris and the Collge de France were recommencing their courses of lectures, several persons combined to establish a Journal des Cours Publiques,...
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La séparation des Églises et de l'ÉtatLa séparation des Églises et de l'État - Rapport fait au nom de la Commission de la Chambre desMessieurs, En 1778, quelques annes peine avant la Rvolution, il existait dans le royaume de France une moyenne de 130.000 ecclsiastiques. On pouvait les rpartir ainsi:...
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The PrinceThe PrinceOf all Machiavelli's works The Prince is undoubtedly the greatest; and a new English edition of it is likely to be welcome to all those who have not the advantage of reading it in the classical Italian original. For a true appreciation of...
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Why Men Fight: A method of abolishing the international duelWhy Men Fight: A method of abolishing the international duelLe souffle, le rhythme, la vraie force populaire manqua la raction. Elle eut les rois, les trsors, les armes; elle crasa les peuples, mais elle resta muette. Elle tua en silence; elle ne put parler...
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The Republic of PlatoThe Republic of PlatoRepublic.INTRODUCTION. THE Republic of Plato is the longest of his works with the exception of the Laws, and is certainly the greatest of them. There are nearer approaches to modern metaphysics in the Philebus and in the Sophist; the Politicus or...
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Yhteiskuntasopimuksesta, eli, Valtio-oikeuden johtavat aatteetYhteiskuntasopimuksesta, eli, Valtio-oikeuden johtavat aatteetEnsiminen luku: Ylin valtiovalta on luovuttamaton. Toinen luku: Ylin valtiovalta on jakamaton. Kolmas luku: Voiko yleistahto erehty? Neljs luku: Ylimmn valtiovallan rajoista. Viides luku: Elmn ja kuoleman oikeudesta. Kuudes luku: Laista. Seitsems luku: Lainlaatijasta. Kahdeksas luku: Kansasta. Yhdekss luku: Jatkoa....
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