Special Aspects of Education
The Teaching of Art Related to the HomeThe Teaching of Art Related to the Home - Suggestions for content and method in related art instruction in the vocational program in home economics Great difficulties have been experienced in securing adequate instruction in this field. Many schools, especially in the rural communities,...
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Mentally Defective ChildrenMentally Defective ChildrenThe Binet-Simon tests of children's intelligence have been the subject of much discussion during the past few years, both in this country and in America. Much of this discussion seems to have been carried on, at times, without any knowledge of the...
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Address to the First Graduating Class of Rutgers Female CollegeAddress to the First Graduating Class of Rutgers Female CollegeIn the year 1839, with great labor, care, expense, and after long consultation, was the Rutgers Female Institute founded. It grew out of an increasing sense of the importance of the duties of women, and...
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The Story of ChautauquaThe Story of ChautauquaAn ancient writerI forget his namedeclared that in one of the city-states of Greece there was the rule that when any citizen proposed a new law or the repeal of an old one, he should come to the popular assembly with...
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The Intellectual LifeThe Intellectual LifeWe have shared together many hours of study, and you have been willing, at the cost of much patient labor, to cheer the difficult paths of intellectual toil by the unfailing sweetness of your beloved companionship. It seems to me that all...
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Os jesuitas e o ensinoOs jesuitas e o ensinoNo vae nesse silencio louvor, nem vituperio: assignala, apenas, a insufficiencia do escopo. O novo Codigo encerra algumas medidas boas quanto ao magisterio superior; outras, menos felizes, attinentes ao chamado cyclo secundario, ligadas a providencias que se preconisam. Emmudeceu sobre...
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Le Tour du Monde; Éducation des nègres aux États-UnisLe Tour du Monde; Éducation des nègres aux États-Unis - Journal des voyages et des voyageurs; 2e Sem. 1905Page 287: "Une concurrence aimable entretient leur ardeur, et au eu tous travaillent avec la plus belle vaillance," a t chang en "Une concurrence aimable entretient...
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Reflections on the Operation of the Present System of Education, 1853Reflections on the Operation of the Present System of Education, 1853The increasing importance of the subject treated of has led the author to revise an article, published nearly two years ago in a monthly journal, and to present it in the following pages. His...
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Tuskegee and Its People: Their Ideals and AchievementsTuskegee & Its People: Their Ideals and AchievementsInstitutions, like individuals, are properly[1] judged by their ideals, their methods, and their achievements in the production of men and women who are to do the world's work. One school is better than another in proportion as...
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Public School EducationPublic School Education CHAPTER I. PAGE Introductory 7 CHAPTER II. EducationIts Object and Necessity 17 CHAPTER III. Origin of the Public School System 41 CHAPTER IV. Expos of the Public School System 75 CHAPTER V. Evil Consequences of the Public School System on the...
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Een Meisje-Student over 'Een Meisje-Studentje'Een Meisje-Student over 'Een Meisje-Studentje'Het is niet om het boek zelf dat ik over Een meisje-studentje van Annie Salomons enkele dingen wensch te zeggen, maar wel om den indruk, dien het boek naar buiten maakt. Was het een minder belangrijk en belangwekkend milieu, waarin...
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Popular EducationPopular Education - For the use of Parents and Teachers, and for Young Persons of Both SexesWho is sufficient for these things? is a question[vii] which any one may well ask when sitting down to the preparation of a treatise on popular education. The...
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The School and the WorldThe School and the WorldIn December, 1917, the present writers wrote a little book entitled "Political Education in a Public School," in which they put forward their views as to what the aims and methods of a modern liberal education should be. They also...
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Moral Principles in EducationMoral Principles in EducationContents It is one of the complaints of the schoolmaster that the public does not defer to his professional opinion as completely as it does to that of practitioners in other professions. At first sight it might seem as though this...
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Bilingualism: Address delivered before the Quebec Canadian ClubBilingualism: Address delivered before the Quebec Canadian Club - At Quebec, Tuesday, March 28th, 1916Gentlemen of the Canadian Club:Your president has asked me to address you this afternoon in the English language. It is with great pleasure that I received this invitation and that...
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The Making of a Trade SchoolThe Making of a Trade SchoolThe Manhattan Trade School for Girls began its work in November, 1902. The building selected for the school was a large private house at 233 West 14th Street, which was equipped like a factory and could comfortably accommodate 100...
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Projet d'une loi portant défense d'apprendre à lire aux femmesProjet d'une loi portant défense d'apprendre à lire aux femmesQui plus que vous doit sentir la ncessit et l'urgence de la Loi dont le Projet vous est adress, et soumis votre prudence? Les bons mnages deviennent rares; et c'est vous, les premiers, qui portez...
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Begriff der ArbeitsschuleBegriff der ArbeitsschuleAm 12. Januar 1908 hielt ich auf Einladung der Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Zrich zur Feier des 162. Geburtstages Heinrich Pestalozzis in der Peterskirche zu Zrich die Festrede. Ich whlte das Thema: Die Schule der Zukunft im Geiste Pestalozzis und nannte sie eine...
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A Broader Mission for Liberal EducationA Broader Mission for Liberal Education - Baccalaureate Address, Delivered in Agricultural College Chapel, Sunday June 9, 1901In America we recognize no aristocracy except that of genius or of character. Our countrymen are all citizens. Our government was founded upon the principle that "all...
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The Education of American GirlsThe Education of American GirlsThe Table of Contents sufficiently indicates the purpose and aim of this book. The essays are the thoughts of American women, of wide and varied experience, both professional and otherwise; no one writer being responsible for the work of another....
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