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Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos (Vol. 2 of 2)Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos (Vol. 2 of 2) - During the Years 1858, 1859, and 1860Half-a-mile beyond Bakhng are the ruins of Ongcor-Thm. A partly-destroyed road, hidden by thick layers of sand and dust, and crossing a...
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Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos (Vol. 1 of 2)Travels in the Central Parts of Indo-China (Siam), Cambodia, and Laos (Vol. 1 of 2) - During the Years 1858, 1859, and 1860As will be seen, this work is compiled from the private letters of M. Mouhot to his family and friends, and from...
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Beautiful BritainThe Isle of WightIslands have always exercised a peculiar fascination over Englishmen, perhaps because, accustomed as they are to a sense of security induced by the surrounding sea, they never feel more comfortable than when the sea is on all sides at a measurable...
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Mediæval town seriesThe Story of BrugesFEW great medival towns possess so many memorials of the past, alike in masonry and on parchment, as does the ancient town of Bruges. They have been indited by the patience of the scribe in breviary and in charter-roll; they have...
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Briefe einer Deutsch-FranzösinBriefe einer Deutsch-Französin Ich denke zurck an die paradiesischen Tage dieses Sommers vor Ausbruch des Krieges, da keiner noch an ihn glaubte . . . Nie zuvor, erinnert ihr euch, hing der Sommerhimmel so beschwichtigend und waren unsere Wlder so in sich versunken. Nie...
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Mediæval town seriesThe Story of PragueFEW cities in the world have a more striking and feverish historical record than Prague, the ancient capital of Bohemia and of the lands of the Bohemian crown. It is a very ancient saying at Prague that when throwing a stone...
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Cornish Worthies: Sketches of Some Eminent Cornish Men and Families, Volume 2 (of 2)Cornish Worthies: Sketches of Some Eminent Cornish Men and Families, Volume 2 (of 2)'We cannot help expressing our delight with Mr. W. H. Tregellas's masterly "Guide to Cornwall and the Scilly Isles." Mr. Tregellas is an accomplished antiquary and scholar, and writes with love...
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Cornish Worthies: Sketches of Some Eminent Cornish Men and Families, Volume 1 (of 2)Cornish Worthies: Sketches of Some Eminent Cornish Men and Families, Volume 1 (of 2)The question has often been asked, 'Why is there for Cornwall no companion-book to Prince's "Worthies of Devon"?' Fuller, it is true, in his 'Worthies,' allots a section to Cornwall; but...
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The pleasant historie of the conquest of the VVeast India, now called new SpayneThe pleasant historie of the conquest of the VVeast India, now called new Spayne - atchieued by the vvorthy Prince Hernando Cortes, marques of the Valley of Huaxacac, most delectable to reade Whilest I abode (right Honorable) in the Isle of Palma, in affaires...
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Mediæval town seriesThe Story of MoscowTHE medival pilgrim to Moscow, getting his first glimpse of the Holy City from Salutation Hill, saw before him much the same sight as the tourist of to-day may look upon from the same spot. Three miles away a hill crowned...
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Our Little Grecian CousinOur Little Grecian CousinOf all people in the world the Grecians did most for art, and to the ancient Hellenes we owe much that is beautiful in art and interesting in history. Of modern Greece we know but little, the country of isles and...
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The Cherokee Nation of Indians. (1887 N 05 / 1883-1884 (pages 121-378))The Cherokee Nation of Indians. (1887 N 05 / 1883-1884 (pages 121-378))The chief aim of this atlas is to show upon a series of State and Territorial maps the boundaries of the various tracts of country which have from time to time been acquired...
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The Death of the GodsThe Death of the Gods - (Christ and Antichrist, 1 of 3)Dmitri Mrejkowski is perhaps the most interesting and powerful of the younger Russian novelists, the only writer that promises to carry on the work of Tolstoi, Turgeniev, and Dostoievski. His books, which are...
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Omaha sociology (1884 N 03 / 1881-1882 (pages 205-370))Omaha sociology (1884 N 03 / 1881-1882 (pages 205-370)) 1. The Omaha Indians belong to the egiha group of the Siouan family. The egiha group may be divided into the Omaha-egiha and the Kwapa-egiha. In the former are four tribes, speaking three dialects, while...
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Our Little Spanish CousinOur Little Spanish CousinWashed by the blue Mediterranean and kissed by the warm southern sun, the Iberian Peninsula lies at the southwestern corner of Europe. To this sunny land of Spain we owe much, for, from its hospitable shores, aided by her generous queen,...
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Our Little Boer CousinOur Little Boer CousinFar away in the African antipodesat the extreme opposite side of the world from uslies South Africa. Vast as is this British possession, it forms but the southernmost point or tip of the great dark continent. In its very heart lies...
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The Turkish Empire, Its Growth and DecayThe Turkish Empire, Its Growth and DecayThe favour with which, two years ago, my book on The Partitions of Poland was received by the public has induced me to devote the interval to a study of the history of another State which, in modern...
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Calendar history of the Kiowa Indians. (1898 N 17 / 1895-1896 (pages 129-444))Calendar history of the Kiowa Indians. (1898 N 17 / 1895-1896 (pages 129-444))The desire to preserve to future ages the memory of past achievements is a universal human instinct, as witness the clay tablets of old Chaldea, the hieroglyphs of the obelisks, our countless...
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The Annual Register 1914The Annual Register 1914 - A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad for the Year 1914LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON NEW YORK, BOMBAY, CALCUTTA, AND MADRAS SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT, & CO., Ltd.; S. G. MADGWICK SMITH, ELDER, &...
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