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Our favorite bookstores around the world

by Anshika Malik 24 Apr 2024
Our favorite bookstores around the world


In a digital age dominated by e-readers and online retailers, the allure of bookstores remains undiminished. For bibliophiles, there's a distinct magic in wandering through aisles filled with the scent of paper and ink, surrounded by shelves stacked with literary treasures. From cozy independents to grand institutions, here's a curated list of our favorite bookstores around the globe, promising a delightful journey for book lovers everywhere.


1. Shakespeare and Company, Paris


Shakespeare and Company, Paris


Nestled in the heart of Paris, Shakespeare and Company is more than just a bookstore; it's a literary sanctuary. Founded in 1919, this iconic establishment has been a haven for writers, poets, and artists throughout the years. With its charming interior and vast collection of English-language books, including rare editions and signed copies, it's a must-visit for anyone seeking inspiration in the City of Light.


2. Strand Bookstore, New York City


Strand Bookstore, New York City


No list of beloved bookstores would be complete without mentioning the legendary Strand Bookstore in New York City. With its "18 miles of books," this iconic landmark is a paradise for book lovers, offering an unparalleled selection of new, used, and rare books across multiple floors. Whether you're hunting for a literary gem or simply browsing, the Strand is sure to captivate you with its rich history and endless shelves of books.


3. El Ateneo Grand Splendid, Buenos Aires


El Ateneo Grand Splendid, Buenos Aires


Housed in a former theater dating back to 1919, El Ateneo Grand Splendid in Buenos Aires is a book lover's dream come true. Step inside, and you'll find yourself surrounded by the grandeur of the theater's original architecture, complete with ornate balconies and frescoed ceilings. Today, the stage has been transformed into a café where visitors can enjoy a coffee amidst the pages of their favorite books. It's a truly enchanting experience that combines culture, history, and literature in one spectacular setting.


4. Livraria Lello, Porto


Livraria Lello, Porto


Renowned for its stunning neo-Gothic architecture and exquisite interior, Livraria Lello in Porto, Portugal, is often described as one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world. From its iconic red staircase to its intricate woodwork and stained glass windows, every detail of this bookstore is a work of art. With a diverse selection of books in multiple languages, it's a must-see destination for book enthusiasts exploring the charming streets of Porto.


5. Powell's City of Books, Portland


Powell's City of Books, Portland


As the largest independent bookstore in the world, Powell's City of Books in Portland, Oregon, is a literary mecca that attracts book lovers from far and wide. Spanning an entire city block, this sprawling bookstore boasts over a million books across multiple floors, organized by genre and topic. Whether you're searching for a rare first edition or the latest bestseller, Powell's is sure to have something to delight every reader.


6. Daunt Books, London


Daunt Books, London


Tucked away in the heart of London, Daunt Books is renowned for its elegant Edwardian interior and curated selection of books from around the world. With its oak-paneled walls and long oak galleries, this bookshop exudes a timeless charm that transports visitors to a bygone era of literary sophistication. Whether you're seeking travel guides, fiction, or non-fiction, Daunt Books offers a carefully curated collection that reflects the diversity of global literature.


7. Bart's Books, Ojai


Bart's Books, Ojai


Nestled in the picturesque town of Ojai, California, Bart's Books holds the title of the largest outdoor bookstore in the world. What began as a small collection of books displayed on bookshelves along the sidewalk has since grown into a beloved institution with shelves spilling out into an open-air courtyard. Visitors can peruse the eclectic selection of books under the shade of trees, making it a unique and charming destination for book lovers of all ages.



From the cobblestone streets of Paris to the bustling avenues of New York City, these beloved bookstores offer more than just a place to buy books; they provide a sanctuary for bibliophiles to immerse themselves in the written word. Whether you're exploring the grandeur of a historic theater-turned-bookstore or wandering through aisles lined with literary treasures, each of these destinations promises an unforgettable experience for book lovers around the world. So pack your bags, grab your reading glasses, and embark on a literary journey to discover the world's best bookstores. Your next great read awaits!

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