Business & Economics
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Analítica de datos: La guía definitiva de análisis de Big Data para empresas, técnicas de minería de datos, recopilación de datos y concep2 manuscritos completos en 1 libro Anal tica de datos: Una gu a esencial para principiantes en miner a de datos, recolecci n de datos, an lisis de big data para negocios y conceptos de inteligencia empresarial (Data Analytics) Miner a de Datos: Gu...
- HK$259.38
- HK$259.38
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An Overview of The Public Relations Function, Second EditionThis second edition of An Overview of the Public Relations Function examines current thought to help busy managers and students master the most important concepts of management in communication quickly, accessibly, and with an eye to helping an organization achieve excellence through cutting-edge, research-based...
- HK$350.55
- HK$350.55
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US Army PSYOP Book 2 - Implementing Psychological Operations: Tactics, Techniques and Procedures - Full-Size 8.5x11 Edition - FM 3-05.301 (MCRP 3-40.6"TO SUBDUE THE ENEMY WITHOUT FIGHTING IS THE ACME OF SKILL" (Sun Tzu) Book 2 of 3 in the C.M.L. U.S. Army PSYOP series. Discover how to plan and prepare psychological warfare - PSYWAR - operations at the operational level. Learn how to change...
- HK$390.85
- HK$390.85
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Organizational Design that Sticks!Why do 70% of organizational changes fail? Why do employees have to endure negative and repeated reorganizations? Higher success rates require a multidisciplinary approach along with a full view of the business ecosystem. When approached this way, success rates jump dramatically This book builds...
- HK$643.00
- HK$643.00
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Crystallizing Public OpinionYou may not know Edward Bernays, but Edward Bernays knows you. As the era of mass media unfolded after the first World War, many people became interested in the new opportunities for mass manipulation. A relative of Sigmund Freud and already a fan of...
- HK$380.91
- HK$380.91
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L'Outil Periceo: Équipes Et Organisations, Développez Vos Capacités d'Intelligence CollectiveIl est des contextes, des organisations où la générativité existe Un ensemble de facilitateurs, membres du Dilts Strategy Group, a donc eu comme intention ces dernières années de modéliser les organisations qui fonctionnent en Intelligence Collective et de déterminer quels en sont les facteurs...
- HK$259.08
- HK$259.08
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Monkey Money Mind: How to Stop Monkeying Around with Your MoneyIn Monkey Money Mind, authors Chris Zadeh and Angelique Schouten explore the psychological influences that spur our irrationality and mute our reason when it comes to financial decision-making. Featuring interviews with notable contributors, Monkey Money Mind focuses on why we stop thinking when we...
- HK$389.54
- HK$389.54
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Grow: The Ceo's Master Playbook for Coaching Value Into ExistenceIt is possible to transform your large, existing organization into a player that adapts fast, moves fast and grows fast. It is possible for your company to play an even bigger role in the world than it does today. Especially during this era of...
- HK$2,584.79
- HK$2,584.79
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Authority Marketing: Your Blueprint to Build Thought Leadership That Grows Business, Attracts Opportunity, and Makes Competition IrrelevantLearn how to use Authority Marketing(R) to build thought leadership and dominate your competition by playing a game no one else knows is being played with this ground-breaking book Are you the Authority in your field? Are you recognized as a stand-out thought leader,...
- HK$324.61
- HK$324.61
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Robert's Rules of Order: The Original Manual for Assembly Rules, Business Etiquette, and ConductFor parliamentarians and anyone involved in an organization, association, club, or group, there is only one guide to smooth, orderly, and fairly conducted meetings and assemblies. It's Robert's Rules of Order Robert's Rules of Order was originally published in 1876, as a guide for...
- HK$196.85
- HK$196.85
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Questioneering: The New Model for Innovative Leaders in the Digital AgeIn a world where all the answers are known, value is created by understanding what questions to ask. The single biggest mistake leaders are making in today's disruptive environment is executing the right answers to the wrong questions. Questioneering introduces a decision making model...
- HK$246.58
- HK$246.58
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Be a Better Leader NOW!: New Insights on 10 Powerful Skills that will Dramatically Increase Your Leadership EffectivenessYou can become a better leader NOW This book is not just about what you do to become a better leader but how to do it. Kirk shares new insights on timeless leadership principles turning them in to skills that can be learned, applied...
- HK$142.96
- HK$142.96
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From Chaos to Successful Distributed Agile Teams: Collaborate to DeliverDistributed agile teams have a terrible reputation. They don't deliver "on time," and too often, they don't deliver what the customer needs. However, most agile teams, have at least one remote team member. And, agile approaches are here to stay. Don't blindly apply agile...
- HK$599.84
- HK$599.84
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The DNA of Leadership: Leadership Is All About PeopleIn The DNA of Leadership Dick Abel has given us a concise but meaningful discussion of the attributes, challenges, and rewards of being a principled and effective leader. He has led the life, knows the subject matter, and given anyone who would hope to...
- HK$193.84
- HK$193.84
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Collected Writings of W.D. Gann - Volume 1This collection of writings contains an assortment of Marketing Brochures which were used by Gann to market his courses & services, Annual Forecasts for a year in advance, interviews with Gann & articles about him, & a selection of his Trading Records. These writings...
- HK$719.87
- HK$719.87
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Problem, RIsk, and Opportunity Enterprise Management: How to use language, data, information, and analytics that easily align with the ways we thinkThrough decades of consulting practice, Dr. Hagen has tailored a decision making process to correspond with the way that our brains actually function. This comprehensive book shares his methodology and the basis for it. He presents powerful insights and distinctions that are not found...
- HK$648.62
- HK$648.62
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Agility: How to Navigate the Unknown and Seize Opportunity in a World of DisruptionAs the Fourth Industrial Revolution barrels forward and the pace of disruption accelerates, all organizations must operate with agility. But this urgent priority, now widely-accepted by senior leaders, presents a major challenge: In business, government, and warfare, agility is a buzzword. There is no...
- HK$363.00
- HK$363.00
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The Pie Life: A Guilt-Free Recipe for Success and SatisfactionThe Pie Life is the ultimate self-improvement playbook for women who work. Now is the time for you to banish the guilt and start living a life you love Having worked with thousands of women over the past two decades, Harvard MBA and best-selling...
- HK$337.06
- HK$337.06
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Founder's Pocket Guide: Convertible DebtThis easy to follow guide helps startup founders understand the key moving parts of the convertible debt funding structure, and serves as an easy reference for the most common terms and calculations related to convertible debt.In detail, this Founder's Pocket Guide helps startup founders...
- HK$138.34
- HK$138.34
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Napoleon Hill's Life LessonsAn Official Publication of The Napoleon Hill Foundation "Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Are you satisfied with where you are and the direction you are going? If not, take control of your life and change whatever needs to...
- HK$207.59
- HK$207.59
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