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The GeorgicsGeorgicon Quid faciat laetas segetes, quo sidere terram vertere, Maecenas, ulmisque adiungere vitis conveniat, quae cura boum, qui cultus habendo sit pecori, apibus quanta experientia parcis, hinc canere incipiam. Vos, o clarissima mundi lumina, labentem caelo quae ducitis annum, Liber et alma Ceres, vestro...
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The Bucolics and EcloguesThe Bucolics and Eclogues MELIBOEUS You, Tityrus, 'neath a broad beech-canopy Reclining, on the slender oat rehearse Your silvan ditties: I from my sweet fields, And home's familiar bounds, even now depart. Exiled from home am I; while, Tityrus, you Sit careless in the...
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The Bucolics and EcloguesThe Bucolics and Eclogues T. O Meliboee, deus nobis haec otia fecit: namque erit ille mihi semper deus; illius aram saepe tener nostris ab ovilibus imbuet agnus. Ille meas errare boves, ut cernis, et ipsum ludere, quae vellem, calamo permisit agresti M. Non equidem...
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The AeneidThe Aeneid The Trojans, after a seven years voyage, set sail for Italy, but are overtaken by a dreadful storm, which Aeolus raises at the request of Juno. The tempest sinks one, and scatters the rest. Neptune drives off the winds, and calms the...
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AeneidosAeneidos ARMA virumque cano, Troiae qui primus ab oris Italiam, fato profugus, Laviniaque venit litora, multum ille et terris iactatus et alto vi superum saevae memorem Iunonis ob iram; multa quoque et bello passus, dum conderet urbem, inferretque deos Latio, genus unde Latinum, Albanique...
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Cicero's OrationsCicero's Orations L. Sergius Catilina, homo patricii generis, magna vi et animi et corporis, sed ingenio malo pravoque, praetorius, qui iam a. u. c. 689 caedem consulum facere eaque facta rerum potiri constituerat, casu autem rem perficere prohibitus erat, ascitis ad consilium rei publicae...
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A Pair of Blue EyesA Pair of Blue Eyes The following chapters were written at a time when the craze for indiscriminate church-restoration had just reached the remotest nooks of western England, where the wild and tragic features of the coast had long combined in perfect harmony with...
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The Wisdom of Father BrownThe Wisdom of Father Brown THE consulting-rooms of Dr Orion Hood, the eminent criminologist and specialist in certain moral disorders, lay along the sea-front at Scarborough, in a series of very large and well-lighted french windows, which showed the North Sea like one endless...
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The Moon and SixpenceThe Moon and Sixpence Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII Chapter XIV Chapter XV Chapter XVI Chapter XVII Chapter XVIII Chapter XIX Chapter XX...
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The Return of Sherlock HolmesThe Return of Sherlock Holmes IT was in the spring of the year 1894 that all London was interested, and the fashionable world dismayed, by the murder of the Honourable Ronald Adair under most unusual and inexplicable circumstances. The public has already learned those...
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The Secret SharerThe Secret Sharer On my right hand there were lines of fishing stakes resembling a mysterious system of half-submerged bamboo fences, incomprehensible in its division of the domain of tropical fishes, and crazy of aspect as if abandoned forever by some nomad tribe of...
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HK$742.83- HK$50.09
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Heart of DarknessHeart of Darkness The Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest. The flood had made, the wind was nearly calm, and being bound down the river, the only thing for it was to...
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C. Iuli Caesaris De Bello Gallico, I-IVC. Iuli Caesaris De Bello Gallico, I-IV GALLIA est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur. Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt. Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, propterea quod a...
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Sons and LoversSons and Lovers The Bottoms succeeded to Hell Row. Hell Row was a block of thatched, bulging cottages that stood by the brookside on Greenhill Lane. There lived the colliers who worked in the little gin-pits two fields away. The brook ran under the...
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Tao Te ChingThe Tao Teh King, or the Tao and its Characteristics Ch. 1. 1. The Tao that can be trodden is not the enduring and unchanging Tao. The name that can be named is not the enduring and unchanging name. 2. (Conceived of as) having...
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The Call of the WildThe Call of the Wild Buck did not read the newspapers, or he would have known that trouble was brewing, not alone for himself, but for every tide-water dog, strong of muscle and with warm, long hair, from Puget Sound to San Diego. Because...
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In the Days When the World Was Wide, and Other VersesIn the Days When the World Was Wide, and Other Verses Most of the verses contained in this volume were first published in the Sydney 'Bulletin'; others in the Brisbane 'Boomerang', Sydney 'Freeman's Journal', 'Town and Country Journal', 'Worker', and 'New Zealand Mail', whose...
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The Man from Snowy RiverThe Man from Snowy River THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER, AND OTHER VERSES. THE LITERARY YEAR BOOK: The immediate success of this book of bush ballads is without parallel in Colonial literary annals, nor can any living English or American poet boast so wide...
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A List of Factorial Math ConstantsA List of Factorial Math ConstantsThis file contains factorials from 1!-99! by 1's, 100!-900! by 100's, and 1000!-10000! by 1000's. The program used to calculate the factorials was a simple Scheme program, the source code of which has been lost. 91! 13520 01527 67840...
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