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Swirling WatersSwirling WatersHe was a clean-limbed man of thirty-seven. There was usually a look of masterfulness in the firm lines of his face, the straight, direct glance, the stiff, close-cut moustache. But to-night his eyes were tired, very tired. He leant back in a corner...
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Garthowen: A Story of a Welsh HomesteadGarthowen: A Story of a Welsh HomesteadI. A Turn of the Road II. "Garthowen" III. Morva of the Moor IV. The Old Bible V. The Sea Maiden VI. Gethin's Presents VII. The Broom Girl VIII. Garthowen Slopes IX. The North Star X. The Cynos...
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La San-Felice, Tome 05La San-Felice, Tome 05Des fentres de la bibliothque, il avait vu ce qui s'tait pass dans la rue San-Carlo, c'est--dire la mutilation du malheureux Ferrari. Comme le chevalier tait, sous sa douce apparence, extrmement brave et surtout de cette bravoure que donne aux grands...
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The Sky Is FallingThe Sky Is FallingDave stared around the office. He went to the window and stared upwards at the crazy patchwork of the sky. For all he knew, in such a sky there might be cracks. In fact, as he looked, he could make out...
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A Christmas StoryA Christmas Story - Man in His Element: or, A New Way to Keep House'My dear Mary,' said I, one morning, to my widowed sister, as she sank into an arm chair in front of my library fire, and heaved a sigh replete with...
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By Berwen BanksBy Berwen BanksCaer Madoc is a sleepy little Welsh town, lying two miles from the sea coast. Far removed from the busy centres of civilisation, where the battle of life breeds keen wits and deep interests, it is still, in the opinion of its...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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The Heart's KingdomThe Heart's Kingdom"A beautiful woman is intended to create a heaven on earth and she has no business wasting herself making imaginary excursions into any future paradise. The present is her time for action; and again, Charlotte, I ask you to name the day...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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UndineUndineIn the eyes of every mortal you may see a soul. In the gay blue eyes of Undine, look you long and never so deep, no soul will look forth to meet your gaze. Love, joy, sorrow, these are the pearls that shine in...
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HK$715.51- HK$49.75
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Wandering HeathWandering Heath The stories in this volume made their first appearance in England as follows: "The Roll-Call of the Reef" in The Idler; "The Looe Die-hards" in The Illustrated London News, where it was entitled "The Power o' Music"; "Jetsom" and "The Bishop of...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Argelaga floridaArgelaga floridaA la memria del meu pare en Joan Roig i Soler, pintor de claretats, adreo aquests humils esplais, que en hores de reps, ran del mar i al cim de les muntanyes, refan la meva nima de la fadiga ciutadana. El jorn s'anava...
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Lore of ProserpineLore of ProserpineI hope nobody will ask me whether the things in this book are true, for it will then be my humiliating duty to reply that I don't know. They seem to be so to me writing them; they seemed to be so...
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The Victim: A Romance of the Real Jefferson DavisThe Victim: A Romance of the Real Jefferson Davis BOOKS BY THOMAS DIXON The Victim The Southerner The Sins of the Father The Leopard's Spots The Clansman The Traitor The One Woman Comrades The Root of Evil The Life Worth Living In the historical...
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Micah Clarke - Tome IIIMicah Clarke - Tome III - La Bataille de SedgemoorLe maire Timewell et Saxon s'taient partag l'organisation de cette partie de l'arme, et comme c'taient des gens qui avaient longtemps servi, ils placrent l'artillerie dans une situation moins expose et postrent une forte troupe...
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Space TugSpace TugThrough the transparent domes of their space helmets, Joe could see a look of horror and disbelief pass across Haney's face. But it was true! Joe and his crew were locked out of the Space Platform. Four thousand miles below circled the Earth....
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Micah Clarke - Tome IIMicah Clarke - Tome II - Le Capitaine Micah ClarkeDe tous les cottages situs sur le bord de la route, de toutes les fermes aux tuiles rouges, les paysans sortaient en foule sur notre passage, portant des cruches pleines de lait ou de bire,...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Micah Clarke - Tome IMicah Clarke - Tome I - Les recrues de MonmouthJames Scott, duc de Monmouth, (1649-1685), fils naturel de Charles II d'Angleterre. l'avnement de Jacques II, il organisa avec le duc d'Argyle un coup de force qui choua. Ses troupes furent crases le 6 juillet...
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Abe and Mawruss: Being Further Adventures of Potash and PerlmutterAbe and Mawruss: Being Further Adventures of Potash and Perlmutter"I come down on the subway with Max Linkheimer this morning, Mawruss," Abe Potash said to his partner, Morris Perlmutter, as they sat in the showroom one hot July morning. "That feller is a regular...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Violets and Other TalesViolets and Other TalesThese fugitive pieces are launched upon the tide of public opinion to sink or swim upon their merit. They will float for a while, but whether they will reach the haven of popularity depends upon their enduring qualities. Some will surely...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Kotona Kerttulassa: Kertomus nuorisolleKotona Kerttulassa: Kertomus nuorisolleLuettuani "Ainan" "*Hemma p Gretaby*", ihastuin kirjaan, tekijn puhtaan hengen ja sujuvan kirjoitustavan vuoksi, ja ajattelin, ett tmhn olisi meidn suomalaisellekkin nuorisolle sopivaa lukemista. Koska aina olen rakastanut nuorisoa, ptin knt yllmainitun kirjan suomeksi. Kauppaneuvos G. W. Edlund otti sen hyvntahtoisesti...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Dr. Dumany's WifeDr. Dumany's WifeThis, the latest story from the pen of Hungary's great man of letters, Maurus Jkai, was translated directly from the manuscript of the author by Mme. F. Steinitz, who resides in Buda-Pest, and was selected by him for that purpose. Maurus Jkai...
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