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A Canadian Heroine, Volume 3A Canadian Heroine, Volume 3 - A NovelMr. Leigh was in a very depressed and anxious mood. His late conversations with Mrs. Costello had disturbed him and broken up the current of his thoughts, and even to some extent of his usual occupations, without...
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OorlogsvisioenenOorlogsvisioenenDe scheiding tusschen den zoon en zijn vrouw had plaats gehad terwille van een jeugdige dienstmaagd. De jonge vrouw had dat meisje kort na haar huwelijk in haar dienst genomen en zij was er zeer tevreden over en alles scheen uiterst best te gaan,...
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Tales of the ChesapeakeTales of the Chesapeake[9] [11] The night before Christmas, frosty moonlight, the outcast preacher came down to the island shore and raised his hands to the stars. "O God! whose word I so long preached in meekness and sincerity," he cried, "have mercy on...
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A Canadian Heroine, Volume 2A Canadian Heroine, Volume 2 - A NovelMrs. Costello had felt it a kind of reprieve when she heard from Mr. Strafford that they might delay their journey safely for a month. The sober middle age which had come upon her before its time,...
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Nouvelles mille et une nuitsNouvelles mille et une nuitsLe nom de Robert-Louis Stevenson est attach, en France, au souvenir d'un livre d'trennes, l'le au Trsor, qui fit fureur il y a peu d'annes. La traduction de M. Philippe Daryl nous dispense de raconter les lointains et merveilleux voyages...
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The Freebooters of the WildernessThe Freebooters of the WildernessI have been asked how much of this tale of modern freebooters is true? In exactly which States have such episodes occurred? Have vast herds of sheep been run over battlements? Have animals been bludgeoned to death; have men been...
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Moll FlandersMoll FlandersLa fortune littraire de Robinson Cruso a t si prodigieuse que le nom de l'auteur, aux yeux du public, a presque disparu sous sa gloire. Si Daniel de Fo avait eu la prcaution de faire suivre sa signature du titre qu'il avait la...
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HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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The Bridal March One DayThe Bridal March; One Day[The Bridal March (Brude-Slaatten) was written in Christiania in 1872. It was originally published in the second volume of the first popular edition of Bjrnson's collected tales, issued in Copenhagen in that year. In November 1873, a small edition was...
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Jean-nu-pieds, Vol. 2Jean-nu-pieds, Vol. 2 - chronique de 1832 1876 Il serait bien difficile d'tablir quel architecte exotique a pu dessiner le plan de ce monument ridicule. Mais la religion prte ces ogives grotesques je ne sais quel aspect artistique plus grand que les pierres tailles...
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From the Valley of the MissingFrom the Valley of the MissingOne afternoon in late October four lean mules, with stringy muscles dragging over their bones, stretched long legs at the whirring of their master's whip. The canalman was a short, ill-favored brute, with coarse red hair and freckled skin....
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Samantha at the World's FairSamantha at the World's FairIt wuz a beautiful evenin' in Jonesville, and the World. The Earth wuz a-settin' peaceful and serene under the glowin' light of a full moon and some stars, and I sot jest as peaceful and calm under the meller light...
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A Dozen Ways Of LoveA Dozen Ways Of LoveIt was after dark on a November evening. A young woman came down the main street of a small town in the south of Scotland. She was a maid-servant, about thirty years old; she had a pretty, though rather strong-featured,...
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AutumnAutumnI Mrs. Grumble II School Lets Out III The Barlys IV Mr. Jeminy Builds A house Out of Boxes V Rain VI Harvest VII Mrs. Grumble Goes to the Fair VIII The Turn of the Year IX The Schoolmaster Leaves Hillsboro, His Work There...
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Le cycle patibulaireLe cycle patibulaireIl s'enfonait, oblong et assez vaste, derrire la maison sans tage. On poussait une petite claire-voie peinte en vert qui le sparait de la cour et empchait les poules d'y pntrer. Par-dessus la haie vive mergeaient le clocher du village et la...
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L'effrayante aventureL'effrayante aventureVers onze heures du matin, par un doux soleil de printemps,on tait au commencement d'avril, le 2, pour bien prcisertout coup des hurlements clatrent dans la rue Montmartre, proximit du boulevard, tandis qu'une foule de coureurs rapides, mais peu lgants, se ruaient du...
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HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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L'américaineL'américainePermettez-moi, madame, de vous envoyer, de Paris Philadelphie, ce livre o vous rencontrerez plus d'une observation et plus d'un trait qui m'ont t donns par l'minent homme d'tat, le profond philosophe et le causeur charmant dont vous portez le nom respect. Je n'ai pas...
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HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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The Good ComradeThe Good ComradeThe Polkingtons were of those people who do not dine. They lunched, though few besides Johnny Gillat, who did not count, had been invited to share that meal with them. They took tea, the daintiest, pleasantest, most charming of teas, as the...
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HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Little blue book, no. 1169Stories of Ships and the Sea"If you vas in der old country ships, a liddle shaver like you vood pe only der boy, und you vood wait on der able seamen. Und ven der able seaman sing out, 'Boy, der water-jug!' you vood jump...
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HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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Flower of the DuskFlower of the DuskThe pines, darkly purple, towered against the sunset. Behind the hills, the splendid tapestry glowed and flamed, sending far messages of light to the grey East, where lay the sea, crooning itself to sleep. Bare boughs dripped rain upon the sodden...
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HK$448.20- HK$49.87
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L'abîmeL'abîmeEn mme temps toutes les glises de la ville ouvrent leurs gosiers de bronze et forcent leurs voix. Quelques-unes ont inconsidrment commenc de chanter avant la Cathdrale; d'autres n'y vont pas si vite et sont en retard de quatre, de six coups sur la...
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