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The Devil's Own: A Romance of the Black Hawk WarThe Devil's Own: A Romance of the Black Hawk War It was the early springtime, and my history tells me the year was 1832, although now that seems so far away I almost hesitate to write the date. It appears surprising that through the...
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Bella Donna: A NovelBella Donna: A NovelDoctor Meyer Isaacson had got on as only a modern Jew whose home is London can get on, with a rapidity that was alarming. He seemed to have arrived as a bullet arrives in a body. He was not in the...
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The Trumpeter SwanThe Trumpeter SwanThere were only four passengers in the sleeper, men all of themtwo in adjoining sections in the middle of the car, a third in the drawing-room, a fourth an intermittent occupant of a berth at the end. They had gone to bed...
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La San-Felice, Tome 01La San-Felice, Tome 01Les vnements que je vais raconter sont si tranges, les personnages que je vais mettre en scne sont si extraordinaires, que je crois devoir, avant de leur livrer le premier chapitre de mon livre, causer pendant quelques minutes de ces vnements...
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The Master of ApplebyThe Master of Appleby - A Novel Tale Concerning Itself in Part with the Great Struggle in the Two Carolinas; but Chiefly with the Adventures Therein of Two Gentlemen Who Loved One and the Same Lady A Novel Tale Concerning Itself in Part with...
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MorphineMorphineUne nuit de novembre 1889.Au caf de la Paix, dans l'une des petites salles chaudes et moelleuses dont les portes ouvrent sur la place de l'Opra, la pendule marquait onze heures, lorsque Jean de Fayolle posa le d de la victoire, en disant: Domino!...
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The Title MarketThe Title MarketHer excellency the Princess Sansevero sat up in bed. Reaching quickly across the great width of mattress, she pulled the bell-rope twice, then, shivering, slid back under the warmth of the covers. She drew them close up over her shoulders, so far...
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LippaLippaIt is four o'clock, and Street is wearing a very deserted appearance although it is July. The cab-drivers are more or less fast asleep in attitudes far from suggesting comfort, the sentries on guard at Palace look almost suffocated in their bearskins, and a...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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Le magasin d'antiquités, Tome IILe magasin d'antiquités, Tome IIAu moment o nous sommes arrivs, non-seulement nous pouvons prendre le temps de respirer pour suivre les aventures de Kit, mais encore les dtails qu'elles prsentent s'accordent si bien avec notre propre got, que c'est pour nous un dsir comme...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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Le magasin d'antiquités, Tome ILe magasin d'antiquités, Tome IL'auteur anglais au public Franais. Address of the english author to the french public. CHAPITRE PREMIER. CHAPITRE II. CHAPITRE III. CHAPITRE IV. CHAPITRE V. CHAPITRE VI. CHAPITRE VII. CHAPITRE VIII. CHAPITRE IX. CHAPITRE X. CHAPITRE XI. CHAPITRE XII. CHAPITRE XIII....
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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Mia KontrabanduloMia Kontrabandulo D-ro Franko eniris dum mi flikis la iraojn de malnova emizo por ke Tojo dece pasu en sian tombon. Novajn emizojn ni konservis por la vivantoj kaj li ne havis edzinon nek patrinon por "belvesti lin kiam li foriras renkonti la Sinjoron,"...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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The Harbor MasterThe Harbor MasterThe English edition of this book is entitled "The Toll of the Tides," but the American publishers have preferred to retain the author's original title, "The Harbor Master." At the back of a deep cleft in the formidable cliffs, somewhere between Cape...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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L'archipel en feuL'archipel en feuI Navire au large II En face l'un de l'autre III Grecs contre Turcs IV Triste maison d'un riche V La cte messnienne VI Sus aux pirates de l'archipel! VII L'inattendu VIII Vingt millions en jeu IX L'archipel en feu X Campagne...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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NoodlotNoodlotDe handen in de zakken, den kraag van zijn pels op, ging Frank door het stuiven der sneeuw voort, langs den eenzamen Adelade-Road, in den avond. Toen hij het villa-tje naderde, waar hij woonde,White-Rose, geheel gedoken, gedompeld, verzonken in de blankheid der sneeuw, als...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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The Strange Case of CavendishThe Strange Case of CavendishA. L. Burt Company Publishers New York Published by arrangement with George H. Doran Company Copyright, 1918, by Randall Parrish Printed in the United States of America For the second time that night Frederick Cavendish, sitting at a small table...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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Les Voyages de GulliverLes Voyages de GulliverL'auteur rend un compte succinct des premiers motifs qui le portrent voyager. Il fait naufrage et se sauve la nage dans le pays de Lilliput. On l'enchane et on le conduit en cet tat plus avant dans les terres. Mon pre,...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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RomanceRomance To yesterday and to to-day I say my polite vaya usted con Dios. What are these days to me? But that far-off day of my romance, when from between the blue and white bales in Don Ramon's darkened storeroom, at Kingston, I saw...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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Genoveeva Brabantin kreivitärGenoveeva Brabantin kreivitär - Hurskas kertomus suurista kärsimyksistä ja viattomuuden lopullisesta voitostaNhdessn nimen Genoveeva vilahtaa varmaankin monen mieless hymynsekainen kummastus siit, mit varten on uudelleen suomennettu ja painettu tm ikivanha kertomus, joka on sisllykseltn ja kertomatavaltaan niin kaukana kaikesta nykyaikaisesta kirjallisuudesta. Siihen on kuitenkin...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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Knulp: Drei Geschichten aus dem Leben KnulpsKnulp: Drei Geschichten aus dem Leben KnulpsAnfang der neunziger Jahre mute unser Freund Knulp einmal mehrere Wochen im Spital liegen, und als er entlassen wurde, war es Mitte Februar und scheuliches Wetter, so da er schon nach wenigen Wandertagen wieder Fieber sprte und auf...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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David HarumDavid Harum - A Story of American LifeOne of the most conspicuous characteristics of our contemporary native fiction is an increasing tendency to subordinate plot or story to the bold and realistic portrayal of some of the types of American life and manners. And...
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HK$449.48- HK$50.01
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