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All Around the MoonAll Around the MoonA few years ago the world was suddenly astounded by hearing of an experiment of a most novel and daring nature, altogether unprecedented in the annals of science. The BALTIMORE GUN CLUB, a society of artillerymen started in America during the...
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The Measure of a ManThe Measure of a ManMy Friends: I had a purpose in writing this novel. It was to honor and magnify the sweetness and dignity of the condition of Motherhood, and of those womanly virtues and graces, which make the Home the cornerstone of the...
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The ClarionThe Clarion Between two flames the man stood, overlooking the crowd. A soft breeze, playing about the torches, sent shadows billowing across the massed folk on the ground. Shrewdly set with an eye to theatrical effect, these phares of a night threw out from...
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Uma família ingleza: Scenas da vida do PortoUma família ingleza: Scenas da vida do PortoEntre os subditos da rainha Victoria, residentes no Porto, ao principiar a segunda metade do seculo dezenove, nenhum havia mais bemquisto e mais obsequiado, e poucos se apontavam como mais fleugmaticos e genuinamente inglezes, do que Mr....
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Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B. A. of Trinity College, CambridgeMemoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge - Extracted from His Letters and Diaries, with Reminiscences of His Conversation by His Friend Christopher Carr of the Same CollegeWhen you were kind enough to allow me to dedicate this book to youyou,...
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Os fidalgos da Casa MouriscaOs fidalgos da Casa Mourisca - Chronica da aldeiaPouco ou nada sabe o povo de celtiberos, de romanos e de wisigodos. , porm, entre elle noo corrente que, em outros tempos, fra este paiz habitado por mouros, e que s fora de cutiladas e...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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The Splendid FollyThe Splendid FollyThe March wind swirled boisterously down Grellingham Place, catching up particles of grit and scraps of paper on his way and making them a torment to the passers-by, just as though the latter were not already amply occupied in trying to keep...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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The Home in the ValleyThe Home in the ValleyA few years ago, Mrs. Carln was comparatively unknown to readers in this country; but the marked success which followed the publication of "One Year of Wedlock" encouraged the translator in the endeavor to present that lady's works to the...
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Tales from Many Sources, Vol. VTales from Many Sources, Vol. VLob Lie-By-The-Firethe Lubber-fiend, as Milton calls himis a rough kind of Brownie or House Elf, supposed to haunt some north-country homesteads, where he does the work of the farm labourers, for no grander wages than It was said that...
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Kahleeton vanki: Elämäkerrallinen kuvausKahleeton vanki: Elämäkerrallinen kuvausI. Hanna nurpealla mielell II. Jukke mynyt rukiita Purolan Eljakselle III. Jukke lukee Antin kirjett IV. Jukkea ei nukuta V. Jukkea nukuttaa VI. Hanna saa Antilta kirjeen VII. Antti tulee kotiin VIII. Antin tulijaiset IX. Antti miettii Vaaralaan yhdeksi taloksi rupeamista...
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Quincy Adams Sawyer and Mason's Corner FolksQuincy Adams Sawyer and Mason's Corner Folks - A Picture of New England Home Lifeonly title was plain "Mr." His ancestors were tradesmen, merchants, lawyers, politicians, and Presidents. He, too, was proud of his honored ancestry, and I have endeavored in this book to...
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The Grey Wig: Stories and NovelettesThe Grey Wig: Stories and NovelettesThey both styled themselves "Madame," but only the younger of the old ladies had been married. Madame Valire was still a demoiselle, but as she drew towards sixty it had seemed more convenable to possess a mature label. Certainly...
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Led Astray and The SphinxLed Astray and The Sphinx - Two Novellas In One Volume"Madam:She is here, dying. In the name of the God of mercy, I beseech you, I implore youcome to console, come to bless her who can no longer expect words of kindness and forgiveness...
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What Necessity KnowsWhat Necessity KnowsOne episode of this story may need a word of explanation. It is reported that while the "Millerite" or Adventist excitement of 1843 was agitating certain parts of North America, in one place at least a little band of white-robed people ascended...
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A Conspiracy of the CarbonariA Conspiracy of the CarbonariIt was the evening of the 22d of May, 1809, the fatal day inscribed in blood-stained letters upon the pages of history, the day which brought to Napoleon the first dimming of his star of good fortune, to Germany, and...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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Setä Tuomon tupaSetä Tuomon tupaHerra Shelby oli lempe, hyv ajatteleva mies; ainoastaan harvoin kyttytyi hn kskijn tavalla alammaisiansa kohtaan. Yksi suuri vika hnell kuitenkin oli. Vaikka hn oli suuren talouden isnt, osasi hn hyvin huonosti pit sit jrjestyksess; sitenp hn olikin joutunut hyvin ahtaalle. Mit enemmn...
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Tuomo sedän tupaTuomo sedän tupaNuori lukijani! Varmaankin olet kuullut puhuttavan neekereist Pohjois-Amerikan Yhdysvalloissa. Neekerit ovat, kuten tiedt, kotoisin Afrikasta, mutta kun Amerikassa tarvittiin tyvoimia, tuotiin heit sinne joukottain suurilla laivoilla. Mutta, sanonet, miksi eivt amerikalaiset itse tehneet tytn? He eivt kestneet kuumaa ilmanalaa, eik heit muutenkaan...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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The Enchanted AprilThe Enchanted April It began in a Womans Club in London on a February afternoonan uncomfortable club, and a miserable afternoonwhen Mrs. Wilkins, who had come down from Hampstead to shop and had lunched at her club, took up The Times from the table...
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The OddsThe Odds - And Other Stories"Don't you be a donkey, Jack!" said his young sister, with an impudent snap of the fingers under his nose. "Being ten years older than I am doesn't qualify you for that superior pose. You're only a man, you...
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In Clive's Command: A Story of the Fight for IndiaIn Clive's Command: A Story of the Fight for IndiaI have not attempted in this story to give a full account of the career of Lord Clive. That has been done by my old friend, Mr. Henty, in "With Clive in India." It has...
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