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Le Côté de Guermantes - Deuxième partieLe Côté de Guermantes - Deuxième partie Comme je l'avais suppos avant de faire la connaissance de Mme de Villeparisis Balbec, il y avait une grande diffrence entre le milieu o elle vivait et celui de Mme de Guermantes. Mme de Villeparisis tait une...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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Four Months Among the Gold-Finders in Alta CaliforniaFour Months Among the Gold-Finders in Alta California - Being the Diary of an Expedition From San Francisco to the Gold Districts The accompanying diarysome interesting circumstances connected with which will be found in a letter given at the end of the present volumewas...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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The Matador of the Five Towns and Other StoriesThe Matador of the Five Towns and Other StoriesI gathered that grandmamma's birthday had been forgotten and that it was not a festival that could be neglected with impunity. Both Mr and Mrs Brindley had evidently a humorous appreciation of crises, contretemps, and those...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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The Uncrowned KingThe Uncrowned KingFor many, many, weary months the Pilgrim journeyed in the wide and pathless Desert of Facts. So many indeed were the months that the wayworn Pilgrim, himself, came at last to forget their number. And always, for the Pilgrim, the sky by...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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Det graa HusDet graa HusHans Excellence rejste sig i den Fyrretrs Seng og tndte sit Lys. Saa stod han op. Han overgd sig med Vand, mens han betragtede sig i sit Spejl: Legemet var knudret og strkt som et gammelt Tmmer. Ved den sidste Dr stansede...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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The Lady of Big ShantyThe Lady of Big ShantyOnce abandoned in the wilderness, wholly dependent upon what can be wrested from its clutch to prolong existence, all the ordinary standards and ambitions of life become as naught: for neither love, hatred, revenge, honour, money, jewels, or social success...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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The Card, a Story of Adventure in the Five TownsThe Card, a Story of Adventure in the Five TownsEdward Henry Machin first saw the smoke on the 27th May 1867, in Brougham Street, Bursley, the most ancient of the Five Towns. Brougham Street runs down from St Luke's Square straight into the Shropshire...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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Rescuing the Czar: Two authentic diaries arranged and translatedRescuing the Czar: Two authentic diaries arranged and translatedEuropean governments have considered the question of sufficient interest to justify the investigation by official bodies of the alleged extinction of this ancient Royal Line. Millions have been expended for that purpose. Commissions have pretended to...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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The Thirsty Sword: A Story of the Norse Invasion of Scotland (1262-1263)The Thirsty Sword: A Story of the Norse Invasion of Scotland (1262-1263)It was on the evening of a bright day in June, in the year 1262, and a girl, clasping her hands in distress, walked restlessly to and fro on the bank of a...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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The Man in Lonely LandThe Man in Lonely Land"Soaking wet," he said, as if to them. "I swear this weather would ruin a Tapley temper! For two weeks rain and sleet and snow and steam heat to come home to. Hello, General! How are the legs tonight, old...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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People Like That: A NovelPeople Like That: A NovelPEOPLE LIKE THAT. Illustrated. Post 8vo HOW IT HAPPENED. Frontispiece. Post 8vo THE HOUSE OF HAPPINESS. Frontispiece. Post 8vo MARY CARY. Frontispiece. Post 8vo MISS GIBBIE GAULT. Frontispiece. Post 8vo THE MAN IN LONELY LAND. Frontispiece. Post 8vo One of...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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L'auberge de l'ange gardienL'auberge de l'ange gardienChers enfants, vous tes de bons petits frres, et je suis bien sre que, si vous vous trouviez dans la triste position de Jacques et de Paul, toi, mon bon petit Louis, tu ferais comme l'excellent petit Jacques; et toi, mon...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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Newton ForsterNewton ForsterNewton Forster, or the Merchant Service, first appeared in the Metropolitan Magazine, 1832. It is one of the novels which specially suggests a comparison between Marryat and Smollett, both authors having described acts of impressment with vigour and indignation. "That I have read...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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Pamela, Volume IIPamela, Volume IIThe First part of PAMELA met with a success greatly exceeding the most sanguine expectations: and the Editor hopes, that the Letters which compose this Part will be found equally written to NATURE, avoiding all romantic nights, improbable surprises, and irrational machinery;...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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The Phantom ShipThe Phantom ShipTHE PHANTOM SHIP is the most notable of the three novels constructed by Marryat on an historic basis, and like its predecessor in the same category, Snarleyyow, depends largely for its interest on the element of diablerie, which is very skilfully manipulated....
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HK$157.37- HK$49.16
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L'ImmortelL'Immortel - Moeurs parisiennesAstier, dit Astier-Rhu (Pierre-Alexandre-Lonard), de l'Acadmie franaise, n en 1816, Sauvagnat (Puy-de-Dme) chez d'humbles cultivateurs, montra ds son plus jeune ge de rares aptitudes pour l'histoire. De solides tudes, comme on n'en fait plus maintenant, commences au collge de Riom, termines...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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The Song of the Blood-Red FlowerThe Song of the Blood-Red FlowerThe setting sun shone on the wooded slopes of the hill. He clasped the nearest trees in a burning embrace, offered his hand to those farther off, and gave to them all a sparkling smile. The summer wind told...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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Four Max Carrados Detective StoriesFour Max Carrados Detective StoriesIt was eight o'clock at night and raining, scarcely a time when a business so limited in its clientele as that of a coin dealer could hope to attract any customer, but a light was still showing in the small...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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The DaredevilThe DaredevilWas there ever a woman who did not very greatly desire for herself, at long moments, the doublet and hose of a man, perhaps also his sword, as well as his attitude in the viewing of life? I think not. To a very...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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Charaktere und SchicksaleCharaktere und SchicksaleDu darfst nicht bse werden, wenn ich es sage, lieber Friedrich! Aber da du berhaupt auf solche Dinge Wert legst, ist mir bei deinen sonstigen Anschauungen unverstndlich. Du bemhst dich darum, Kommerzienrat zu werden, und jetzt gertst du sogar fr unsere Margarete...
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HK$98.37- HK$49.16
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