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Wyandotté Or, The Hutted Knoll: A TaleWyandotté; Or, The Hutted Knoll: A TaleThe history of the borders is filled with legends of the sufferings of isolated families, during the troubled scenes of colonial warfare. Those which we now offer to the reader, are distinctive in many of their leading facts,...
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Miss Lulu BettMiss Lulu BettThe Deacons were at supper. In the middle of the table was a small, appealing tulip plant, looking as anything would look whose sun was a gas jet. This gas jet was high above the table and flared, with a sound. "Better...
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Caesar DiesCaesar DiesGolden Antioch lay like a jewel at a mountain's throat. Wide, intersecting streets, each nearly four miles long, granite-paved, and marble-colonnaded, swarmed with fashionable loiterers. The gay Antiochenes, whom nothing except frequent earthquakes interrupted from pursuit of pleasure, were taking the air in...
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The Powers and MaxineThe Powers and MaxineHe had asked me to sit out two dances, and that made me think he really must want to be with me, not just because I'm the "pretty girl's sister," but because I'm myself, Lisa Drummond. I don't know if Ivor...
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A Man and His MoneyA Man and His MoneyThe speakera scrubby little manwheeled in the rickety office chair to regard some one hesitating on his threshold. The tones were not agreeable; the proprietor of the diminutive, run-down establishment, "The St. Cecilia Music Emporium," was not, for certain well...
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Stolen TreasureStolen Treasure Although this narration has more particularly to do with the taking of the Spanish Vice-Admiral in the harbor of Puerto Bello, and of the rescue therefrom of Le Sieur Simon, his wife and daughter (the adventure of which was successfully achieved by...
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Affairs of StateAffairs of State - Being an Account of Certain Surprising Adventures Which Befell an American Family in the Land of Windmills Title: Affairs of State Subtitle: Being an Account of Certain Surprising Adventures Which Befell an American Family in the Land of Windmills Author:...
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The Real America in Romance, Volume 6A Century Too Soon: The Age of TyrannyHistorians have bestowed little attention to that important period in our great commonwealth, just after the restoration in England. Though one hundred years before liberty was actually obtained, the sleeping goddess seemed to have opened her eyes...
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Le Pays de l'orLe Pays de l'orIl tait haut de taille et blond de cheveux; sa figure frache et fine, avec quelque chose de rveur dans l'expression, paraissait indiquer un caractre trs-doux, quoique l'clat de ses yeux bleus accust une certaine force d'me ou du moins une...
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At Love's CostAt Love's Cost"Until this moment I have never fully realised how great an ass a man can be. When I think that this morning I scurried through what might have been a decent breakfast, left my comfortable diggings, and was cooped up in a...
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The Ramblin' KidThe Ramblin' KidSand and gravel slithered and slid under the heels of Old Pie Face as Skinny Rawlins whirled the broncho into the open space in front of the low-built, sprawling, adobe ranch house of the Quarter Circle KT and reined the pinto to...
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Bunch Grass: A Chronicle of Life on a Cattle RanchBunch Grass: A Chronicle of Life on a Cattle RanchAt the foot of the stairs was another passage, darker and filthier than the one above; the walls were streaming with moisture, and the atmosphere almost unendurable. At that time the traffic in opium was...
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The Real America in Romance, Volume XSustained honor: The Age of Liberty EstablishedWritten history is generally too scholastic to interest the great mass of readers. Dignified and formal, it deals mainly with great events, and often imperfectly with these, because, not pausing to present clear impression by the associations of...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The Vizier of the Two-Horned AlexanderThe Vizier of the Two-Horned Alexander The story told in this book is based upon legendary history, and the statements on which it is founded appear in the chronicles of Abou-djafar Mohammed Tabari. This historian was the first Mussulman to write a general history...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Precaution: A NovelPrecaution: A Novel This book originally owed its existence to an accident, and it was printed under circumstances that prevented the usual supervision of the press by the author. The consequences were many defects in plot, style, and arrangement, that were entirely owing to...
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Yeast: a ProblemYeast: a ProblemThis little tale was written between two and three years ago, in the hope that it might help to call the attention of wiser and better men than I am, to the questions which are now agitating the minds of the rising...
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The Bravo: A TaleThe Bravo: A TaleIt is to be regretted the world does not discriminate more justly in its use of political terms. Governments are usually called either monarchies or republics. The former class embraces equally those institutions in which the sovereign is worshipped as a...
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The Boss of Little ArcadyThe Boss of Little ArcadyLate last Thursday evening one Jonas Rodney Potts, better known to this community as "Upright" Potts, stumbled into the mill-race, where it had providentially been left open just north of Cady's mill. Everything was going along finely until two hopeless...
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Naar het middelpunt der AardeNaar het middelpunt der AardeOp Zondag, den 25sten Mei 1863, keerde mijn oom, professor Lidenbrock, haastig terug naar zijn huisje No 19 van de Koningstraat, eene der oudste straten van de oude wijk te Hamburg. Ik bleef alleen. Maar mijn min of meer besluiteloos...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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C'Était ainsi..C'Était ainsi... * * * * * Un rentier du village y demeurait jadis. La maison d'habitation tait en bordure de la rue; et les btisses, qui plus tard allaient devenir une fabrique, taient alors une sorte d'asile abritant des vieillards et ncessiteux. Le...
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