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A Journey in Other Worlds: A Romance of the FutureA Journey in Other Worlds: A Romance of the FutureThe protracted struggle between science and the classics appears to be drawing to a close, with victory about to perch on the banner of science, as a perusal of almost any university or college catalogue...
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KenilworthKenilworth A certain degree of success, real or supposed, in the delineation of Queen Mary, naturally induced the author to attempt something similar respecting her sister and her foe, the celebrated Elizabeth. He will not, however, pretend to have approached the task with the...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Crock of GoldThe Crock of Gold IN the centre of the pine wood called Coilla Doraca there lived not long ago two Philosophers. They were wiser than anything else in the world except the Salmon who lies in the pool of Glyn Cagny into which the...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Ebb-Tide: A Trio And QuartetteThe Ebb-Tide: A Trio And Quartette Throughout the island world of the Pacific, scattered men of many European races and from almost every grade of society carry activity and disseminate disease. Some prosper, some vegetate. Some have mounted the steps of thrones and owned...
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HK$740.28- HK$49.92
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The Blue FlowerThe Blue Flower Sometimes short stories are brought together like parcels in a basket. Sometimes they grow together like blossoms on a bush. Then, of course, they really belong to one another, because they have the same life in them. The stories in this...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Breaking PointThe Breaking Point Heaven and earth, sang the tenor, Mr. Henry Wallace, owner of the Wallace garage. His larynx, which gave him somewhat the effect of having swallowed a crab-apple and got it only part way down, protruded above his low collar. Heaven and...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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Smoke BellewSmoke BellewIn the beginning he was Christopher Bellew. By the time he was at college he had become Chris Bellew. Later, in the Bohemian crowd of San Francisco, he was called Kit Bellew. And in the end he was known by no other name...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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WhirligigsWhirligigs A favourite dodge to get your story read by the public is to assert that it is true, and then add that Truth is stranger than Fiction. I do not know if the yarn I am anxious for you to read is true;...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Amazing InterludeThe Amazing Interlude The stage on which we play our little dramas of life and love has for most of us but one setting. It is furnished out with approximately the same things. Characters come, move about and make their final exits through long-familiar...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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A Rogue's LifeA Rogue's Life In the original form of publication the Rogue was very favorably received. Year after year, I delayed the republication, proposing, at the suggestion of my old friend, Mr. Charles Reade, to enlarge the present sketch of the heros adventures in Australia....
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The Black RobeThe Black Robe When the medical advisers of a lady who has reached seventy years of age recommend the mild climate of the South of France, they mean in plain language that they have arrived at the end of their resources. Her ladyship gave...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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Man and WifeMan and Wife ON a summers morning, between thirty and forty years ago, two girls were crying bitterly in the cabin of an East Indian passenger ship, bound outward, from Gravesend to Bombay. They were both of the same ageeighteen. They had both, from...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Wrong BoxThe Wrong Box Nothing like a little judicious levity, says Michael Finsbury in the text: nor can any better excuse be found for the volume in the readers hand. The authors can but add that one of them is old enough to be ashamed...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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OptionsOptions "The Rose of Dixie"; The Third Ingredient; The Hiding of Black Bill; Schools and Schools; Thimble, Thimble; Supply and Demand; Buried Treasure; To Him Who Waits; He Also Serves; The Moment of Victory; The Head-Hunter; No Story; The Higher Pragmatism; Best-Seller; Rus in...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Lily of the ValleyThe Lily of the Valley To what genius fed on tears shall we some day owe that most touching of all elegies,the tale of tortures borne silently by souls whose tender roots find stony ground in the domestic soil, whose earliest buds are torn...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Last Days of PompeiiThe Last Days of Pompeii 'HO, Diomed, well met! Do you sup with Glaucus to-night?' said a young man of small stature, who wore his tunic in those loose and effeminate folds which proved him to be a gentleman and a coxcomb. 'Alas, no!...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Crystal StopperThe Crystal StopperThe two boats fastened to the little pier that jutted out from the garden lay rocking in its shadow. Here and there lighted windows showed through the thick mist on the margins of the lake. The Enghien Casino opposite blazed with light,...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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A Distinguished Provincial at ParisA Distinguished Provincial at Paris A Distinguished Provincial at Paris is part two of a trilogy. Part one, Two Poets, begins the story of Lucien, his sister Eve, and his friend David in the provincial town of Angouleme. Part two is centered on Luciens...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Marriage ContractThe Marriage Contract Monsieur de Manerville, the father, was a worthy Norman gentleman, well known to the Marechael de Richelieu, who married him to one of the richest heiresses of Bordeaux in the days when the old duke reigned in Guienne as governor. The...
- HK$49.92
HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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