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Rupert of Hentzau: From The Memoirs of Fritz Von TarlenheimRupert of Hentzau: From The Memoirs of Fritz Von Tarlenheim - Sequel to The Prisoner of Zenda CHAPTER I. THE QUEENS GOOD-BY CHAPTER II. A STATION WITHOUT A CAB CHAPTER III. AGAIN TO ZENDA CHAPTER IV. AN EDDY ON THE MOAT CHAPTER V. AN...
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HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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TyphoonTyphoon [PG NOTE: The other stories usually included in this volume (Amy Foster, Falk: A Reminiscence, and To-morrow) being already available in the PG catalog, are not entered them here.] The main characteristic of this volume consists in this, that all the stories composing...
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HK$738.79- HK$49.82
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The Research MagnificentThe Research Magnificent 1 The story of William Porphyry Benham is the story of a man who was led into adventure by an idea. It was an idea that took possession of his imagination quite early in life, it grew with him and changed...
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HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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The RivermanThe Riverman The time was the year 1872, and the place a bend in the river above a long pond terminating in a dam. Beyond this dam, and on a flat lower than it, stood a two-story mill structure. Save for a small, stump-dotted...
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HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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The Turmoil: A NovelThe Turmoil: A Novel There is a midland city in the heart of fair, open country, a dirty and wonderful city nesting dingily in the fog of its own smoke. The stranger must feel the dirt before he feels the wonder, for the dirt...
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HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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The Faith of MenThe Faith of MenI wash my hands of him at the start. I cannot father his tales, nor will I be responsible for them. I make these preliminary reservations, observe, as a guard upon my own integrity. I possess a certain definite position in...
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HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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The Beast in the JungleThe Beast in the JungleWhat determined the speech that startled him in the course of their encounter scarcely matters, being probably but some words spoken by himself quite without intentionspoken as they lingered and slowly moved together after their renewal of acquaintance. He had...
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HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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The Light of the Western StarsThe Light of the Western Stars When Madeline Hammond stepped from the train at El Cajon, New Mexico, it was nearly midnight, and her first impression was of a huge dark space of cool, windy emptiness, strange and silent, stretching away under great blinking...
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HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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Moon-Face, and Other StoriesMoon-Face, and Other Stories John Claverhouse was a moon-faced man. You know the kind, cheek-bones wide apart, chin and forehead melting into the cheeks to complete the perfect round, and the nose, broad and pudgy, equidistant from the circumference, flattened against the very centre...
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HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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Rolf in the WoodsRolf in the Woods In this story I have endeavoured to realize some of the influences that surrounded the youth of America a hundred years ago, and made of them, first, good citizens, and, later, in the day of peril, heroes that won the...
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HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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A Horse's TaleA Horse's TaleAlthough I have had several opportunities to see a bull-fight, I have never seen one; but I needed a bull-fight in this book, and a trustworthy one will be found in it. I got it out of John Hays Castilian Days, reducing...
- HK$49.82
HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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Dead SoulsDead Souls From the Author to the Reader Reader, whosoever or wheresoever you be, and whatsoever be your stationwhether that of a member of the higher ranks of society or that of a member of the plainer walks of lifeI beg of you, if...
- HK$49.82
HK$738.79- HK$49.82
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The Arrow of Gold: A Story Between Two NotesThe Arrow of Gold: A Story Between Two NotesThe pages which follow have been extracted from a pile of manuscript which was apparently meant for the eye of one woman only. She seems to have been the writers childhoods friend. They had parted as...
- HK$49.82
HK$738.79- HK$49.82
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The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, GentlemanThe Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman NEVER poor Wight of a Dedicator had less hopes from his Dedication, than I have from this of mine; for it is written in a bye corner of the kingdom, and in a retird thatchd house,...
- HK$49.82
HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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- HK$49.82
HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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The Strength of the StrongThe Strength of the StrongOld Long-Beard paused in his narrative, licked his greasy fingers, and wiped them on his naked sides where his one piece of ragged bearskin failed to cover him. Crouched around him, on their hams, were three young men, his grandsons,...
- HK$49.82
HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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The Mirror of Kong HoThe Mirror of Kong Ho Estimable barbarian,Your opportune suggestion that I should permit the letters, wherein I have described with undeviating fidelity the customs and manner of behaving of your accomplished race, to be set forth in the form of printed leaves for all...
- HK$49.82
HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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The Wallet of Kai LungThe Wallet of Kai Lung Ho, illustrious passers-by! says Kai Lung as he spreads out his embroidered mat under the mulberry-tree. It is indeed unlikely that you could condescend to stop and listen to the foolish words of such an insignificant and altogether deformed...
- HK$49.82
HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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The Sea-WolfThe Sea-Wolf I scarcely know where to begin, though I sometimes facetiously place the cause of it all to Charley Furuseths credit. He kept a summer cottage in Mill Valley, under the shadow of Mount Tamalpais, and never occupied it except when he loafed...
- HK$49.82
HK$738.79- HK$49.82
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Four Short Stories By Emile ZolaFour Short Stories By Emile Zola At nine oclock in the evening the body of the house at the Theatres des Varits was still all but empty. A few individuals, it is true, were sitting quietly waiting in the balcony and stalls, but these...
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HK$447.76- HK$49.82
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