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The mate of the VancouverThe mate of the Vancouver I am going to write, not the history of my life, which, on the whole, has been as quiet as most men's, but simply the story of about a year of it, which, I think, will be almost as...
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Insula thesaurariaInsula thesaurariaDisciplin lingu Latin, litterarumque Romanarum ac Latinarum studiosi et cultores vi nostri universim in duo castra abeunt. Una eorum sunt, qui Latina lingua in rebus scholasticis veluti sermone vivo ac prsenti tamquam adminiculo utuntur, quos ideo Scholasticos appellamus. Hi fere sunt Magistri ac...
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Beyond the wallBeyond the wall The first of a remarkable series of underworld stories by the author of Thirst and The Harvest of the Deep. Few other writers have Mr. Leverages keen sense of drama and ability to describe swift action clearly. Chester Fay, a slender,...
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Beadle's pocket novels No. 99Colonel Crockett, the Texan trailerThe question was uttered by Davy Crockett, the renowned bear-killer of Tennessee, as, dashing at full speed through the dense forest, he suddenly emerged into a small clearing, where a big Dutchman sat on a log eating his dinner. The...
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Eagle library no. 8Beautiful but poorThe books in this line comprise an unrivaled collection of copyrighted novels by authors who have won fame wherever the English language is spoken. Foremost among these is Mrs. Georgie Sheldon, whose works are contained in this line exclusively. Every book in...
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Besztercze ostromaBesztercze ostromaEsztendk sora ta egytt szoktam vacsorlni az Istvn fherczeg vendglben az n igen t. bartommal, grf Pongrcz Kroly kpviselvel s tbornokkal. A hossz tli estken sokszor csak ketten lnk a szokott asztalnl, lenge ftyol alatt, mely szivarjaink fstjbl szvdik s ha mr kifogyott...
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The adventure of the broad arrow: An Australian romanceThe adventure of the broad arrow: An Australian romance I. NEW FIND II. A SPECULATION III. GOING IT BLIND IV. TWO IN A DESERT V. LOOKING FOR WATER VI. THE BILLABONG VII. RUNNING UP THE BILLABONG VIII. THE ASHES OF A FIRE IX. THE...
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Modern literature: a novel, Volume 3 (of 3)Modern literature: a novel, Volume 3 (of 3)Hamilton, possessed of his lovely and beloved Maria, was stimulated to more constant and vigorous intellectual exertions than at any former period of his life. He consulted with his friends, and balanced with himself, whether he should...
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AssignatsAssignatsWhen Ivan with the long surname walked down the beach at Novgorod he found three men. These men were sitting on their haunches staring out over the Japan Sea. Ivan spoke to them in English. The three men grew sad. They had been broken...
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Modern literature: a novel, Volume 1 (of 3)Modern literature: a novel, Volume 1 (of 3)COURTEOUS READER, The production that I now submit to you, proposes to represent the manners of the times, in various situations, but especially in literary departments. These are subjects with which I have been, and am, peculiarly...
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Modern literature: a novel, Volume 2 (of 3)Modern literature: a novel, Volume 2 (of 3)Brighton is situated on a declivity descending from the South Downs, a ridge of hills, which rising near the east coast of Kent, runs along the Channel to Hampshire, where gradually declining into woodlands, it at last...
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The traitor's wayThe traitor's wayI suppose there is no man who would care to have sunlight in all his life; but I hardly think there is one who could have sunk to the deep as I did, and yet have been coward enough to live, as...
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Szent Péter esernyőjeSzent Péter esernyőjeMikor tant hal is meg, szomjasan maradnak a srsk. Ht mg mikor az zvegy megy utna? Nem maradt annak a vilgon semmije, csak egy kecskje, egy hizlals alatt lev libja s egy kt ves lenygyereke. A libnak mg legfeljebb egy htig kellett...
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The land of mistThe land of mistTHE great Professor Challenger has beenvery improperly and imperfectlyused in fiction. A daring author placed him in impossible and romantic situations in order to see how he would react to them. He reacted to the extent of a libel action, an...
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HK$99.43- HK$49.69
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Cat o' mountainCat o' mountainInto his new-laid rock the giant crashed his huge hammer, smashing asunder his handiwork, gouging out chasms, splitting it into fissure and cavern and abyss, slashing its eastern edge into a frowning precipice. When he had gone, up into some of his...
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The gnome's gneissThe gnome's gneissA mood was upon Kevan MacGreene. As of the moment, he did not consider this the best of all possible worlds. In fact, many arguments to the contrary were running through his headon shoes of iron, it seemed. Only twenty-five years of...
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How Jack Mackenzie won his epaulettesHow Jack Mackenzie won his epaulettes There is a glamour and romance about war that appeals to the heart of every young man worthy of the name in these islands. This is as it should be. We are a nation of sailors, it is...
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La firmao de la kato kiu pilkludasLa firmao de la kato kiu pilkludasHonor de Balzac naskiis en Tours 1799 kaj mortis en Parizo 1850. Li estis filo de ekssekretario de la rea konsilantaro. Li studis en Vendma kolegio, liveris psedonime tre juna mezbonajn romanojn; li estis presisto en Parizo (1826-1829),...
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The lion's shareThe lion's shareThe first time that Colonel Rupert Winter saw Cary Mercer was under circumstances calculated to fix the incident firmly in his memory. In the year 1903, home from the Philippines on furlough, and preparing to return to a task big enough to...
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BulldogBulldogWhen Zinn came home from prison, no one was at the station to meet him except the constable, Tom Frejus, who laid a hand on his shoulder and said: Now, Zinn, let this here be a lesson to you. Give me a chance to...
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