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The Old Helmet, Volume IIThe Old Helmet, Volume IIEleanor could not stay away from the Wednesday meetings at Mrs. Powlis's house. In vain she had thought she would; she determined she would; when the day came round she found herself drawn with a kind of fascination towards the...
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A Red WallflowerA Red WallflowerThe story following is again in its whole chain of skeleton facts a true story. I beg to observe, in particular, that the denominational feeling described in both families, with the ways it showed itself, is part of the truth of the...
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The Old Helmet, Volume IThe Old Helmet, Volume IThe incidents and testimonies given in this work as matters of fact, are not drawn from imagination, but reported from excellent authoritythough I have used my own words. And in the cases of reported words of third parties, the words...
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La Demoiselle au Bois DormantLa Demoiselle au Bois DormantDe l'herbe, des saules pleureurs, des roses, une verdure intense et libre; et, parmi cette herbe longue, un peu couche, dans l'ombre lgre et tremblante des saules, sous les guirlandes sveltes des rosiers, de grandes dalles en pierre grise du...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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ValérieValérieJe me trouvais, il y a quelques annes, dans une des plus belles provinces du Danemark: la nature, tour tour sauvage et riante, souvent sublime, avait jet dans le magnifique paysage, que j'aimais contempler, l de hautes forts, ici des lacs tranquilles, tandis que...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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Caroline de LichtfieldCaroline de Lichtfield - ou Mémoires extraits des papiers d'une famille prussienneIl y a, ce me semble, beaucoup de prsomption et de tmrit offrir encore au public une nouvelle dition de cette Caroline de Lichtfield, dj si connue, qu'elle ne prsente plus aucun intrt....
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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OurikaOurikaJ'tais arriv depuis peu de mois de Montpellier, et je suivais Paris la profession de la mdecine, lorsque je fus appel un matin au faubourg Saint-Jacques pour voir dans un couvent une jeune religieuse malade. L'empereur Napolon avait permis depuis peu le rtablissement de...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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Lettres écrites de LausanneLettres écrites de Lausanne[Transcriber's note: Madame de Charrire (Isabelle-Agns-Elisabeth Van Tuyll van Serooskerken dite Belle van Zuylen) (1740-1805), Lettres crites de Lausanne (1785) et Caliste ou suite des lettres crites de Lausanne (1787), dition en un volume de 1907. L'orthographe de l'dition suisse de...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre (Novel)Le roman d'un jeune homme pauvre (Novel)Voici la seconde soire que je passe dans cette misrable chambre regarder d'un oeil morne mon foyer vide, coutant stupidement les murmures et les roulements monotones de la rue, et me sentant, au milieu de cette grande ville,...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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Un coeur simpleUn coeur simplePour cent francs par an, elle faisait la cuisine et le mnage, cousait, lavait, repassait, savait brider un cheval, engraisser les volailles, battre le beurre, et resta fidle sa matresse, qui cependant n'tait pas une personne agrable. Elle avait pous un beau...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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Pompeijin viimeiset päivätPompeijin viimeiset päivät1. Kaksi pompeijilaista hienostelijaa 2. Sokea kukkastytt ja muotikaunotar Atenalaisen tunnustus. Puhutaan egyptilisest Arbakeesta 3. Glaukuksen ystvt. Pompeijilainen talo. Antiikkinen juhla 4. Isiksen temppeli. Pappi. Arbakeen luonnetta selitetn 5. Lis kukkastytst. Rakkauden edistysaskeleita 6. Pyydystj saa karanneen lintunsa jlleen kiinni ja heitt...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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Thespis (novelas cortas y cuentos)Thespis (novelas cortas y cuentos)Al volver Baco de las vendimias, seguale brillante squito de faunos y ninfas. Y los corifeos del dios ventrudo y coronado de pmpanos, del dios de los rboles frutales y las vias, cantaban su cancin bquica, narrando hechos y casos......
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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Ringfield: A NovelRingfield: A NovelIn a country of cascades, a land of magnificent waterfalls, that watery hemisphere which holds Niagara and reveals to those who care to travel so far north the unhackneyed splendours of the Labrador, the noble fall of St. Ignace, though only second...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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CerebrumCerebrumThe trouble began in a seemingly trivial way. Connor had wanted to speak to Rhoda, his wife, wished himself onto a trunk line and then waited. "Dallas Shipping here, Mars and points Jupiterward, at your service," said a business-is-business, unwifely voice in his mind....
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Huan Zhong You幻中游 You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of the work. 1.F.3....
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The Putnam TraditionThe Putnam TraditionIt was an old house not far from the coast, and had descended generation by generation to the women of the Putnam family. Progress literally went by it: a new four-lane highway had been built two hundred yards from the ancient lilacs...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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The Chautauqua Girls At HomeThe Chautauqua Girls At HomeHitherto it had been to them simply the First Church; grander, by several degrees, than any other church in the city, having the finest choir, and the finest organ, and the most elegant carpets, and making the grandest floral display...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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The Picture of Dorian GrayThe Picture of Dorian GrayCHAPTER: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX, The artist is the creator of beautiful things. To reveal art and conceal the artist is art's aim. The...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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Free AirFree AirWhen the windshield was closed it became so filmed with rain that Claire fancied she was piloting a drowned car in dim spaces under the sea. When it was open, drops jabbed into her eyes and chilled her cheeks. She was excited and...
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HK$105.11- HK$52.53
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Aunt Jane of KentuckyAunt Jane of Kentucky"There is not an existence about us but at first seems colorless, dreary, lethargic: what can our soul have in common with that of an elderly spinster, a slow-witted plowman, a miser who worships his gold?... But ... the emotion that...
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