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Il dolce far niente: Scene della vita veneziana del secolo passatoIl dolce far niente: Scene della vita veneziana del secolo passato Nel secolo passato, al tempo che i nostri nonni in parrucca colla coda, facevano una corte spietata alle nostre nonne in topp, la citt di Treviso non era cos linda come al giorno...
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Invaders of the Forbidden MoonInvaders of the Forbidden Moon"Calling the pilot of space ship X911!" Evan Harwich shouted into the radio transmitter of his little Interplanetary Patrol Boat. "Good God! Turn your crate back, you crazy fool! Don't you know you're headed right into the danger zone of...
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ChallengeChallengeA man and a woman leaned idly over the balustrade watching the steady stream of guests that mounted the magnificent staircase. The marble of the balustrade was cool beneath the woman's bare arms, for it was summer, and the man, without interrupting his murmur...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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Viaggj del Capitano Lemuel Gulliver in Diversi Paesi LontaniViaggj del Capitano Lemuel Gulliver in Diversi Paesi LontaniSE mai con vostro gradimento vi ho servito colle mie Stampe; diservirvi con vostro piacere pel mezzo delle presenti non poco presumo.LInglese Aurore di questimmaginarjViaggj, comech sotto il finto nomedi Capitan LEMUEL GULLIVER,scontento (al suo dire,)...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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Dead Man's PlanetDead Man's PlanetOf course this was a surprise to Alf, who had never made a landing on the asteroids before. Science had rather neglected the asteroids during the rapid development of interplanetary flight, yet there were many interesting sights to be seen on the...
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Effie Ogilvie: the story of a young life (Complete)Effie Ogilvie: the story of a young life (Complete)The family consisted of Effies father, her stepmother, her brother Eric who was in the army, and a little personage, the most important of all, the only child of the second Mrs. Ogilvie, the pet and...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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Effie Ogilvie: the story of a young life vol. 1Effie Ogilvie: the story of a young life; vol. 1The family consisted of Effies father, her stepmother, her brother Eric who was in the army, and a little personage, the most important of all, the only child of the second Mrs. Ogilvie, the pet...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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Effie Ogilvie: the story of a young life vol. 2Effie Ogilvie: the story of a young life; vol. 2Effie came towards him smiling, without apprehension. The atmosphere out of doors had not the same consciousness, the same suggestion in it which was inside. A young mans looks, which may be alarming within the...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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Genesis!Genesis!The unreal silence of outer space closed in about The Traveler. In front of the huge atom-powered space rocket hung the sun's dazzling disc and behind the pale, silver face of the earth echoed the light. Captain Vic Arlen was a god in the...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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World of MockeryWorld of MockeryJohn Hall wiped away blood that trickled from his mouth. Painstakingly he disengaged himself from the hopeless wreckage of the control room. He staggered free, his lungs pumping with terrific effort to draw enough oxygen from the thin, bitterly cold air of...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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Sämtliche Werke 5-6: Die DämonenSämtliche Werke 5-6: Die Dämonen Da aber die Hirten sahen, was da geschah, flohen sie, und verkndigtens in der Stadt und in den Drfern. Da gingen sie hinaus, zu sehen, was da geschehen war, und kamen zu Jesu, und fanden den Menschen, von welchem...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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Paholaisen silmäPaholaisen silmäTapahtuipa kerran ja samoin on tapahtunut usein ett kolme pohjoismaista taiteilijaa li tuumansa tukkoon Parisissa ja elosteli kolme piv yhteen menoon. Raudanlujalla johdonmukaisuudella he kaatoivat sisns suuret mrt hyv ja huonoa vkiviinaa. He hiritsivt aamukahviloita, tappelivat pika-ajurien kanssa ja tuottivat vaivaa poliisikonstaapeleille Sacr-Coeurista...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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Space-WolfSpace-WolfSolo Morgan laid his small portable spectroscope on the rock and sat down beside it to rest. He was panting, breathless from the climb up to these precipitous heights, even though the gravity here on Titan was less than that of Earth. It was...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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A kőszivű ember fiai (2. rész): RegényA kőszivű ember fiai (2. rész): RegényHogy egy kicsiny, elszigetelt orszgnak rokontalan nemzete valaha sajt haderejvel, kilencz oldalrl rrohan tmads ellen vdelmezte volna magt, diadallal, dicssggel! Hogy ne birt volna vele egy ris! hogy r kellett volna ereszteni Eurpa msik koloszszt is, s mg...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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A kőszivű ember fiai (1. rész): RegényA kőszivű ember fiai (1. rész): RegényA nagytisztelet r pen kzepn volt a toasztnak A pezsgs pohr nektrhabja vgig csurgott kvr ujjain A megkezdett phrsis kifogott a td hatskpessgn s a nyakizmok minden tehetsgt megprblta A nemes buzgalom egszen arczba kergette a vrt A...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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The Dragon-Queen of JupiterThe Dragon-Queen of JupiterTex stirred uneasily where he lay on the parapet, staring into the heavy, Jupiterian fog. The greasy moisture ran down the fort wall, lay rank on his lips. With a sigh for the hot, dry air of Texas, and a curse...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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Una historia de dos ciudadesUna historia de dos ciudadesNota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico. Conceb las...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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The War-Nymphs of VenusThe War-Nymphs of VenusThe voluptuous golden civilization of Arron was doomed. Licentious laughter echoed through the water-kingdom, unmindful of the relentless, clanking invasion of the Gorts. What fools, this handful of warrior-maidens led by a puny Earthman, to pit their thin strength against Tollgamo's...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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Jean-Christophe, Volume 2Jean-Christophe, Volume 2 - La Révolte, La Foire sur la PlaceAu seuil d'une priode nouvelle de Jean-Christophe, dont le caractre de critique un peu vive risquera de blesser tour tour les lecteurs de tous les partis, je prie mes amis et ceux de Jean-Christophe...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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Dangerous Dilemmas: Startling but TrueDangerous Dilemmas: Startling but TrueSince that bright autumn day both Germany and Belgium have seen the evil results attending public gambling when practised by weak-minded individuals, and have banished the too fascinating game to Monaco, to the great delight of the prince of the...
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HK$98.44- HK$49.19
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