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Aus dem Reiche des Buddha: Sieben ErzählungenAus dem Reiche des Buddha: Sieben ErzählungenDas Original wurde in Frakturschrift gedruckt; Passagen in Antiquaschrift werden im vorliegenden Text kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber sowohl serifenlos...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Plague of the HeartThe Plague of the Heart "Have you heard, Captain Terrington?" cried the girl gaily. "There's to be a Durbar after all! So you were wrong. It's to be in the Palace too, that you were so set against, and Lewis and Mr. Langford are...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Sandelsin urhea joukko: Kertomus Suomen sodasta vv. 1808-1809Sandelsin urhea joukko: Kertomus Suomen sodasta vv. 1808-1809Ern pivn maaliskuun alkupuolella v. 1808 nhtiin yksininen hiihtj lipuvan aukean lumitasangon poikki, joka erotti Jynkn kyln alastomasta ja kallioisesta Lehtoniemen krest, joka on noin neljnneksen ruotsinpeninkulman pss Kuopion kaupungista eteln. Tlt niemekkeelt mainittuun kyln tulee suoriimmiten...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Alf's ButtonAlf's ButtonIt is a curious fact that since the death of the late lamented Aladdin, nothing seems to have been heard of his wonderful Lamp. Mr. Arthur Collins and other students of ancient lore have been able, after patient research, to reconstruct for us...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Convict B14: A NovelConvict B 14: A NovelAt the entrance of a green valley, where the Easedale beck came down from Easedale Tarn, scattering its silver tresses loose over the rocks at Sour Milk Gill, and hurrying to join the Rotha at Goody Bridge, stood a wayside...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Black Police: A Story of Modern AustraliaThe Black Police: A Story of Modern Australia The scenes and main incidents employed are chiefly the result of my personal observations and experiences; the remainder are from perfectly reliable sources. TAR! Ev-en Star! Full account o the fi-re! echoes shrilly on all sides...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Bealby A HolidayBealby; A HolidaySo their successors have to be sought among the prolific, and particularly among the prolific on great estates. Such are gardeners, but not under-gardeners, gamekeepers, and coachmenbut not lodge people, because their years are too great and their lodges too small. And...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The ExecutorThe Executor - Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine vol. LXXXIXIt was the most extraordinary of speeches, considering the circumstances and place in which it was spoken. A parlour of very grim and homely aspect, furnished with dark mahogany and black haircloth, the blinds of the two...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Troian sota: Muinaiskreikkalaisia jumaluus- ja sankaritarinoitaTroian sota: Muinaiskreikkalaisia jumaluus- ja sankaritarinoita Alkulause. 1. Troia ja Priamos. 2. Eriksen omena. 3. Helenan ryst. 4. Sotavarustuksia. 5. Ensimminen retki Troiaan. 6. Toinen retki Troiaan. 7. Sota puhkeaa. 8. Ensimmiset sotavuodet. 9. Akhilleus ja Agamemnon. 10. Odysseus ja Tersites. 11. Menelaos ja...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Väter und SöhneVäter und SöhneNun, Peter, siehst du noch nichts? So fragte es war am 20. Mai 1859 auf der Landstrae nach X in Ruland ein Mann von 45 Jahren, der in einem Paletot und karierten Beinkleidern, barhuptig und staubbedeckt vor der Tr einer Schenke stand....
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Detective's Clew: Or, The Tragedy of Elm GroveThe Detective's Clew: Or, The Tragedy of Elm Grove This book was written in a period when many words had not become standardized in their spelling. Words may have multiple spelling variations or inconsistent hyphenation in the text. These have been left unchanged unless...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Moon MaidThe Moon Maid I met him in the Blue Room of the Transoceanic Liner Harding the night of Mars DayJune 10, 1967. I had been wandering about the city for several hours prior to the sailing of the flier watching the celebration, dropping in...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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AbbrAbbr.Walther Von Koenigsburg woke up a few moments after the earth shuttle had passed Venus. As he gazed back at the lonely, shrouded planet, abandoned long ago when Man won freedom to colonize more habitable worlds in deep space, Walther realized that in just...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Son of His Father vol. 2/3The Son of His Father; vol. 2/3It was not so long a journey as that he had taken to Liverpool with the curate, but how different it was! Then he had his home to return to; he had set forth curious indeed and interested,...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Baritone's Parish or, "All Things to All Men"The Baritone's Parish; or, "All Things to All Men" The pulpit and the choir gallery are closely related in our city churches. It is, however, a sad fact that the "sons of the prophets" and the "sons of Korah" usually know but little of...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Son of His Father vol. 1/3The Son of His Father; vol. 1/3This was one of the first things he remembered. In the confused recollections of that early age, he seemed to have been always hearing it: said between his mother and his sister, afterwards between his grandparents, even by...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Udo in England: Eine ReiseerzählungUdo in England: Eine ReiseerzählungDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1899 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und altertmliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche Zitate und Ausdrcke wurden ohne Korrektur bernommen. Das Original wurde...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Night of TemptationThe Night of TemptationShe lay in a quiet corner of the Rectory Garden, looking up at the majestic white clouds, that sailed across the blue of the summer sky, like Viking ships under full sail, speeding along over the deep blue of a limitless...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The FloaterThe FloaterAs a Watchman in a man-made kind of observational meteor floating millions of miles from nowhere out among the planets, Barton had two main duties. To keep his sanity and to keep the watch. The second was simple. The gadgets all took care...
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Seikkailujen saariSeikkailujen saariKapteeni hymyili. "Tll kertaa osasitte lhemmksi totuutta kuin ehk luulettekaan, miss Deane", sanoi hn. "Eilen huomioita tehdessmme oli auringon ymprill harvinainen keh. Tn aamuna huomasitte kenties meren olevan peilityynen, ainoastaan joku maininki silloin tllin sit liikautti. Ilmapuntari putoaa nopeasti ja arvelen ennen pivn...
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