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The Chaldean MagicianThe Chaldean Magician - An Adventure in Rome in the Reign of the Emperor DiocletianA cloudless October day, A. D. 299, was drawing to a close; the western sky behind the crest of Mt. Janiculum still glowed with crimson light, but the population in...
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Filthy RichFilthy RichJ.L. Spender, Assistant Vice-President of Cotter Pin Production for Plant Five was proud to put in these extra Thursday mornings. Let the common herd work their three day, twenty-one hour week. He was part of the management team, working behind the scenes, constantly...
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KangarooKangarooA bunch of workmen were lying on the grass of the park beside Macquarie Street, in the dinner hour. It was winter, the end of May, but the sun was warm, and they lay there in shirt-sleeves, talking. Some were eating food from paper...
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The Able McLaughlinsThe Able McLaughlinsTHE prairie lay that afternoon as it had lain for centuries of September afternoons, vast as an ocean; motionless as an ocean coaxed into very little ripples by languid breezes; silent as an ocean where only very little waves slip back into...
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Rainbolt, the Ranger or, The Aerial Demon of the MountainRainbolt, the Ranger; or, The Aerial Demon of the Mountain The above books are sold by Newsdealers everywhere, or will be sent, post-paid, to any address, on receipt of price, 10 cents each. BEADLE & ADAMS, Publishers, 98 William Street, New York. The eldest...
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Operation BoomerangOperation BoomerangWade Boeman let his eyes wander up the hull of the huge silver ship. He thought; if only Tomer were here now! He caught himself and quickly erased the thought before he remembered more ... things that were better left alone, hidden behind...
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Sestrina: A romance of the South SeasSestrina: A romance of the South SeasThe speaker, Royal Clensy, was an ardent dreamer, romanticist and mystic. He did not wear a flowing robe or seers beard, he was simply a handsome young Englishman attired in a serge suit, wearing a topee as he...
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My Young Master: A NovelMy Young Master: A NovelAuthor of "The Carpetbagger," "Old Ebenezer," "The Jucklins," "On the Suwanee River," "The Colossus," "A Kentucky Colonel," "A Tennessee Judge," "Len Gansett," "Emmett Bonlore," "The Tear in the Cup and Other Stories," "The Wives of the Prophet." This is the...
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The Queer Folk of Fife: Tales from the KingdomThe Queer Folk of Fife: Tales from the KingdomFifty years ago, the little burgh-town of Sandyriggs was a sleepy place. The inhabitants led, what they themselves called, "an easy-osy life." So little stir was there in the life of the small shopkeeper or tradesman,...
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The String of Pearls Or, The Barber of Fleet Street. A Domestic RomanceThe String of Pearls; Or, The Barber of Fleet Street. A Domestic Romance.The Romance of The String of Pearls having excited in the Literary world an almost unprecedented interest, it behoves the author to say a few words to his readers upon the completion...
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A Case of SunburnA Case of SunburnJonner's hand dropped to his pistol and he edged cautiously behind a big rock as another groundcar appeared among the dunes to the south and approached the little group of men. He was sure Sir Stanrich had told him there were...
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The Markenmore MysteryThe Markenmore MysteryMr. Fletcher is a master of plot, and he never goes beyond the bounds of reason in its procedure and development. He, moreover, can write the English language as a vital means to the end both of narrative and description, and he...
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BrainchildBrainchildFor one thing, the legs he swung off the narrow bed wouldn't touch the floor. And his hands, whose ten strong fingers could manipulate the controls of any ship ever launched into space, were weak and clumsy. He screamed until footsteps were loud in...
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With Carson and FrémontWith Carson and Frémont - Being the Adventures, in the Years 1842-'43-'44, on Trail Over Mountains and Through Deserts From the East of the Rockies to the West of the Sierras, of Scout Christopher Carson and Lieutenant John Charles Frémont, Leading Their Brave Company...
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The Dragon in Shallow WatersThe Dragon in Shallow WatersAn immense gallery, five hundred feet long, occupied the upper floor of the main factory-building. Looking down the gallery, a perspective of iron girders spanned the roof, gaunt skeletons of architecture, uncompromising, inexorably utilitarian, inflexible, remorseless. A drone of machinery...
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Aus dem Reiche des Buddha: Sieben ErzählungenAus dem Reiche des Buddha: Sieben ErzählungenDas Original wurde in Frakturschrift gedruckt; Passagen in Antiquaschrift werden im vorliegenden Text kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber sowohl serifenlos...
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The Plague of the HeartThe Plague of the Heart "Have you heard, Captain Terrington?" cried the girl gaily. "There's to be a Durbar after all! So you were wrong. It's to be in the Palace too, that you were so set against, and Lewis and Mr. Langford are...
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Sandelsin urhea joukko: Kertomus Suomen sodasta vv. 1808-1809Sandelsin urhea joukko: Kertomus Suomen sodasta vv. 1808-1809Ern pivn maaliskuun alkupuolella v. 1808 nhtiin yksininen hiihtj lipuvan aukean lumitasangon poikki, joka erotti Jynkn kyln alastomasta ja kallioisesta Lehtoniemen krest, joka on noin neljnneksen ruotsinpeninkulman pss Kuopion kaupungista eteln. Tlt niemekkeelt mainittuun kyln tulee suoriimmiten...
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Alf's ButtonAlf's ButtonIt is a curious fact that since the death of the late lamented Aladdin, nothing seems to have been heard of his wonderful Lamp. Mr. Arthur Collins and other students of ancient lore have been able, after patient research, to reconstruct for us...
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Convict B14: A NovelConvict B 14: A NovelAt the entrance of a green valley, where the Easedale beck came down from Easedale Tarn, scattering its silver tresses loose over the rocks at Sour Milk Gill, and hurrying to join the Rotha at Goody Bridge, stood a wayside...
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