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Chronicles of CarlingfordSalem Chapel, v. 1/2TOWARDS the west end of Grove Street, in Carlingford, on the shabby side of the street, stood a red brick building, presenting a pinched gable terminated by a curious little belfry, not intended for any bell, and looking not unlike a...
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Paths of JudgementPaths of JudgementPART I CHAPTER: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII. PART II CHAPTER: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV Far below, the ascent began...
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Pabo, the Priest: A NovelPabo, the Priest: A NovelBy his hand, on the table, stood a ewer and a basin, and ever and anon Henry poured water out of the ewer into the basin, and then with a huge wooden spoon ladled the liquid back into the receiver....
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The Barrel MysteryThe Barrel MysteryWhere the East River swims around the foot of Eleventh Street is an old abandoned wooden dock that looks more like the broken skeleton of a buried wreck than the thing it used to be. A covey of barges are huddled against...
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Let us follow HimLet us follow HimAlthough the story "Let Us Follow Him" is included in the new volume by Sienkiewicz entitled "Hania," just issued in uniform style with Mr. Curtin's translations of the author's other works, its publication in a separate volume has been deemed advisable...
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The Starling: A Scottish StoryThe Starling: A Scottish StoryNorman Macleod was born, in 1812, at Campbeltown, in Argyllshire, where his father was parish minister. Educated in Campbeltown and Campsie for a time, he entered the University of Glasgow in 1827, and in 1837 became a licensed minister of...
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The Cid Campeador: A Historical RomanceThe Cid Campeador: A Historical RomanceThe "Cid Campeador" has been for centuries the great popular hero of Spain. He takes the same place in that country as King Arthur does in England, Roland, or Rolando, in France, and William Tell in Switzerland; and, like...
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Les ImmémoriauxLes ImmémoriauxL'orthographe originale a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise, mais quelques erreurs typographiques videntes ont t corriges. Pour voir les corrections, faites glisser votre souris, sans cliquer, sur un mot soulign en pointills gris et le texte d'origine apparatra. La liste de...
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HK$97.58- HK$48.77
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"The Debatable Land": A Novel"The Debatable Land": A Novel "For the Debatable Land, being that portion of ground which, lying between two countries, belongeth to neither, does of all regions abound most in disturbance, adventures, even legends, and, as men say, in warlocks and witches. Thus the astute...
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Law of the North (Originally published as Empery)Law of the North (Originally published as Empery) - A Story of Love and Battle in Rupert's LandBefore Basil Dreaulond, the Hudson's Bay Company's courier, had won half the mile-long Nisgowan portage, the familiar noise of men toiling in pack-harness reached his ears. He...
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Hihhuleita: Kuvauksia Itä-SuomestaHihhuleita: Kuvauksia Itä-SuomestaValtion rakennuksien johtajana It-Suomessa joutui allekirjoittanut usein ja eri seuduissa sill maan kulmalla yhteyteen lahkolaisten kanssa, joita Hihhulien nimell on levinnyt yli koko maamme ja jonka lahkon oppia tlt lhetetyt lahkon jsenet ovat saarnanneet omille maanmiehille Venjll, Amerikassa ja Norjassa. Hihhulien raittius...
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HK$97.58- HK$48.77
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A Fair Mystery: The Story of a CoquetteA Fair Mystery: The Story of a Coquette"But how long will we have a home, Patty? Think of to-morrow! oh, Heaven help me to-morrow! Ruined, disgraced, going out from the home where I was born, and forced into exile. I cannot bear it. We...
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HK$97.58- HK$48.77
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Sklaven der Liebe, und andere NovellenSklaven der Liebe, und andere NovellenSchreibweise und Interpunktion des Originaltextes wurden bernommen; lediglich offensichtliche Druckfehler wurden korrigiert. nderungen sind im Text so gekennzeichnet. Der Originaltext erscheint beim berfahren mit der Maus. Eine Liste der vorgenommenen nderungen findet sich am Ende des Textes. Ein junger...
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ArethusaArethusaCarlo Zeno, gentleman of Venice, ex-clerk, ex-gambler, ex-soldier of fortune, ex-lay prebendary of Patras, ex-duellist, and ex-Greek general, being about twenty-nine years of age, and having in his tough body the scars of half-a-dozen wounds that would have killed an ordinary man, had resolved...
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Friar TuckFriar Tuck - Being the Chronicles of the Reverend John Carmichael, of Wyoming, U. S. A.He shot his hand across an pulled his gun quick as a flash; but Horace didnt move, he just sat still, with a friendly smile on his face Many...
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The Confounding of CameliaThe Confounding of CameliaWHEN Camelia came down into the country after her second London season, descended lightly upon the home of her forefathers, her coming unannounced, and as much a matter of caprice as had been her long absence, a slowly growing opinion, an...
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Nestleton Magna: A Story of Yorkshire MethodismNestleton Magna: A Story of Yorkshire MethodismIn this book I have sought to present a faithful picture of village Methodisma picture which I do not hesitate to say is being reproduced to-day, as far as Church work and beneficent piety is concerned, in many...
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Demian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs JugendDemian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend Um meine Geschichte zu erzhlen, mu ich weit vorn anfangen. Ich mte, wre es mir mglich, noch viel weiter zurck gehen, bis in die allerersten Jahre meiner Kindheit und noch ber sie hinaus in die Ferne meiner...
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Busekow: Eine NovelleBusekow: Eine Novelle Bei Anbruch des Tags Epiphanias hielt der Schutzmann im sechsten Revier, Christof Busekow, Posten am Schnittpunkt der Hauptstraen seit vier Stunden. Anfangs hatte wie sonst das Bewutsein, Ordnung und Sicherheit hingen von seiner einzigen Person ab, ihn zu hchster Dienstbereitwilligkeit aufgesthlt;...
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HK$97.58- HK$48.77
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The Green BoughThe Green BoughThe life of Mary Throgmorton, viewed as one would scan the chronicles of history, impersonally, without regard to the conventions, is the life of a woman no more than fulfilled in the elements of her being. All women would be as Mary...
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