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Viaje a los Estados Unidos, Tomo IIIViaje a los Estados Unidos, Tomo IIINota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico....
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Hastings Road and the "Happy Springs of Tunbridge"The Hastings Road and the "Happy Springs of Tunbridge"The Road to Hastings is hilly. Not, perhaps, altogether so hilly as the Dover Road, and certainly never so dusty, nor so Cockneyfied; but the cyclist who explores it finds, or thinks he finds, an amazing...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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Autographs for FreedomAutographs for FreedomThere is, perhaps, little need of detaining the kind reader, even for one moment, in this the vestibule of our Temple of Liberty, to state the motives and reasons for the publication of this collection of Anti-slavery testimonies. The good cause to...
- HK$49.92
HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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A View of Society and Manners in Italy, Volume 2 (of 2)A View of Society and Manners in Italy, Volume 2 (of 2) - With Anecdotes Relating to some Eminent CharactersI beg you may not suspect me of affectation, or that I wish to assume the character of a connoisseur, when I tell you, that...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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A View of Society and Manners in Italy, Volume 1 (of 2)A View of Society and Manners in Italy, Volume 1 (of 2) - With Anecdotes Relating to some Eminent CharactersThe following observations on Italy, and on Italian manners, occurred in the course of the same Tour in which those contained in a book lately...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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From Paddington to PenzanceFrom Paddington to Penzance - The record of a summer tramp from London to the Land's EndBefore I set about the overhauling of my notes made on this tourafoot, afloat, awheelfrom London to Lands End, I confided to an old friend my intention of...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Kentish CoastThe Kentish CoastThe seaboard of Kent, and indeed the south coast of England in general, is no little-known margin of our shores. It is not in the least unspotted from the world, or solitary. It lies too near London for that, and began to...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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Our Family Affairs, 1867-1896Our Family Affairs, 1867-1896MY father was headmaster of Wellington College, where and when I was born, but of him there, in spite of his extraordinarily forcible personality, I have no clear memory, though the first precise and definite recollection that I retain at all,...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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Cambridge county geographiesHertfordshireThe errata listed on a slip bound into this book have been applied to this text. The errata slip is transcribed at the end of the book. One missing full stop has been added, a duplicate word has been deleted, but otherwise the book...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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East LondonEast LondonIN my previous books on London I have found it necessary to begin with some consideration of the history and antiquities of the district concerned. For instance, my book on Westminster demanded this historical treatment, because Westminster is essentially an old historical city...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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Biology and Its MakersBiology and Its Makers - With Portraits and Other Illustrations To MY GRADUATE STUDENTS Who have worked by my side in the Laboratory Inspired by the belief that those who seek shall find This account of the findings of some of The great men...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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An Englishwoman in the PhilippinesAn Englishwoman in the PhilippinesIn the following letters, written during a stay of nine months in the Philippine Islands, I tried to convey to those at home a faithful impression of the country I was in and the people I met. Since I came...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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Throne-MakersThrone-MakersSince 1789 every European people has been busy making a throne, or seat of government and authority, from which its ruler might preside. These thrones have been of many patterns, to correspond to the diversity in tastes of races, parties, and times. Often, the...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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Deutschlands europäische SendungDeutschlands europäische SendungDieses mchtige Ereignis erleben wir jetzt. Der Krieg ist das europische Reinigungsgewitter. Der stolze seelische Grund Frankreichs: seinen 1870 vernichteten Waffenruhm wieder herzustellen; der weniger stolze Grund Englands: den Handelsnebenbuhler zu Land und See, das rhrige Deutschland, zu ducken; der Versuch Rulands,...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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A History of the Coldstream Guards, from 1815 to 1895A History of the Coldstream Guards, from 1815 to 1895The central figure in Europe, during the first fifteen years of this century, was the Emperor Napoleon, the great military leader, who, having restored order in Franceviolently disturbed by the terror, anarchy, and confusion of...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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A Legacy of FunA Legacy of FunAbe Lincoln, the late President of the United States of America, was born on the 12th of February, 1809, in Hardin County, in the State of Kentucky. His grandfather, who emigrated from Virginia to the above State, was slain by the...
- HK$49.92
HK$740.28- HK$49.92
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Steam Navigation and Its Relation to the Commerce of Canada and the United StatesSteam Navigation and Its Relation to the Commerce of Canada and the United States WHEN the history of the nineteenth century comes to be written, not the least interesting chapter of it will be that which treats of the origin, the development, and the...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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Kate Aylesford: A Story of the RefugeesKate Aylesford: A Story of the RefugeesEntered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1855, by A. H. SIMMONS & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. It was...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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The Holyhead Road: The Mail-coach Road to Dublin. Vol. 2The Holyhead Road: The Mail-coach Road to Dublin. Vol. 2There are said to be no fewer than a hundred and forty different ways of spelling the name of Birmingham, all duly vouched for by old usage; but it is not proposed in these pages...
- HK$49.92
HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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Dagonet AbroadDagonet AbroadIf Dagonet Abroad is found to be mainly a record of personal adventure, my excuse must be that I have always endeavoured to attend to my own business and leave other peoples alone. I have described the cities and peoples of Europe entirely...
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HK$448.66- HK$49.92
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