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Le invasioni barbariche in ItaliaLe invasioni barbariche in Italia Il fine che mi sono proposto nello scrivere questo libro assai modesto, ma anche assai difficile a raggiungere. Il lettore giudicher se sono riuscito. Io dir solo in che modo sorse in me l'idea di accingermi all'opera. Non si...
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Fifty Years of FreedomFifty Years of Freedom - with matters of vital importance to both the white and colored people of the United StatesOn the twenty-second of September, 1862, President Lincoln issued his Preliminary Proclamation, which was in the nature of a notice to the states in...
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Korean TalesKorean Tales - Being a collection of stories translated from the Korean folk lore, together with introductory chapters descriptive of KoreaRepeatedly, since returning to the United States, people have asked me, Why dont you write a book on Korea? I have invariably replied that...
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The Story of ViteauThe Story of ViteauBY the side of a small stream, which ran through one of the most picturesque portions of the province of Burgundy, in France, there sat, on a beautiful day in early summer, two boys, who were brothers. Raymond, the elder, was...
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Bothwell or, The Days of Mary Queen of Scots, Volume 3 (of 3)Bothwell; or, The Days of Mary Queen of Scots, Volume 3 (of 3)There was not a sound heard in the mansion, which, at that moment, had no other occupants than the doomed prince, his two pages, (or chamber-cheilds as the Scots name them,) and...
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Bothwell or, The Days of Mary Queen of Scots, Volume 2 (of 3)Bothwell; or, The Days of Mary Queen of Scots, Volume 2 (of 3)He wore a coat-of-mail, the links of which were so flexible that they incommoded him less than the velvet doublet below it. His trunks were of black velvet, slashed with red, and...
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Bothwell or, The Days of Mary Queen of Scots, Volume 1 (of 3)Bothwell; or, The Days of Mary Queen of Scots, Volume 1 (of 3)The leading event upon which the following story hinges, will be found in the illustrative notes at the end of the third volume, which will show that the Magister Absalom (so frequently...
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The Afghan War of 1879-80The Afghan War of 1879-80 - Being a Complete Narrative of the Capture of Cabul, the Siege of Sherpur, the Battle of Ahmed Khel, the Brilliant March to Candahar, and the Defeat of Ayub Khan, with the Operations on the Helmund, and the Settlement...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 50, June 12, 1841The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 50, June 12, 1841The individual to whom the heading of this article is uniformly applied, stands, among the lower classes of his countrymen in a different light and position from any of those previous characters that we...
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Oxford Water-ColoursOxford Water-Colours Published October, 1916 LIST OF VOLUMES IN BLACKS WATER-COLOUR SERIES BERKSHIRE. By Sutton Palmer BIRKET FOSTER BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. By Sutton Palmer BURNS COUNTRY. By George Houston, A.R.S.A., R.S.W. CAMBRIDGE. By William Matthison CHANNEL ISLANDS. By H. B. Wimbush CHESTER. By E. Harrison Compton...
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The Tower of LondonThe Tower of LondonThe Tower as palace and prison has been singularly neglected in literature. When we consider the part it has played in our history, how closely it is knit up in the woof and web of our national life, from far-off days...
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Horrors and Atrocities of the Great WarHorrors and Atrocities of the Great War - Including the Tragic Destruction of the LusitaniaInasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.Jesus of Nazareth The sight of all Europe engaged in...
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The Historians' History of the World in Twenty-Five Volumes, Volume 04The Historians' History of the World in Twenty-Five Volumes, Volume 04 - Greece to the Roman ConquestA comprehensive narrative of the rise and development of nations as recorded by over two thousand of the great writers of all ages: edited, with the assistance of...
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Zijn Excellentie Eugène RougonZijn Excellentie Eugène RougonEn hij rangschikte de wetsontwerpen, die op de schrijftafel voor hem lagen. Links van hem las een bijziende secretaris, met den neus op het papier, de notulen van de laatste vergadering, met een haastig gebrom waarnaar geen enkele afgevaardigde luisterde. In...
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Granada, Poema Oriental, precedido de la Leyenda de al-Hamar, Tomo 1Granada, Poema Oriental, precedido de la Leyenda de al-Hamar, Tomo 1Nota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y...
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Sir Rowland Hill: The Story of a Great ReformSir Rowland Hill: The Story of a Great ReformIn Gladstone's 'musings for the good of man,' writes John Morley in his Life of the dead statesman (ii. 56, 57), the Liberation of Intercourse, to borrow his own larger name for Free Trade, figured in...
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The Peoples of IndiaThe Peoples of IndiaIt is necessary, once more, to remind the reader that the peninsula of India has an area and population roughly equal to the area and population of Europe without Russia. Everyone who has learnt geography at school is familiar with the...
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Barbara Winslow, RebelBarbara Winslow, RebelWhether James, Duke of Monmouth, would have succeeded in his enterprise had a different fortune attended his army at Sedgemoor, is a favourite subject for speculation among historians and others who interest themselves in the consideration of such strange chances as have...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 49, June 5, 1841The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 49, June 5, 1841Our metropolitan readers, at least, and many others besides, are aware of the magnificent but not easily to be realised project, recently propounded, of erecting a town on the east side of Malpass or...
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