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Croquis d'Extrême-Orient, 1898Croquis d'Extrême-Orient, 1898L'anne 1898 ne fut pas pour nous de celles dont on garde un bon souvenir. L'affaire Dreyfus avait divis la France. L'arme en restait douloureuse, et notre prestige au dehors amoindri. Nos rivaux profitaient de ce dsarroi. L'Angleterre et l'Allemagne se disputaient...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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Bell's English History Source BooksCommercial Politics (1837-1856)This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two main uses: either...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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Concerning GenealogiesConcerning Genealogies - Being Suggestions of Value for All Interested in Family HistoryThis little book puts the pleasure of tracing one's ancestry within reach of those who have had no previous practice. It covers every phase of the subjectthe sources of information, the methods...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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Dirty Dustbins and Sloppy StreetsDirty Dustbins and Sloppy Streets - A Practical Treatise on the Scavenging and Cleansing of Cities and TownsSome portions of the following pages have already appeared in the monthly numbers of the Sanitary Engineer, and the complete work is now published with a view...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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Hastings and Environs: A Sketch-BookHastings & Environs: A Sketch-Book You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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Vankilasta ja SiperiastaVankilasta ja SiperiastaTeokseni ei yritkn antaa mitn objektiivisia tietoja, se on vain subjektiivinen esitys siit mit olen kokenut ja nhnyt ja ensi kdess muilta kuullut. Kaksi ensimist lukua on kirjoitettu Irkutskissa, seuraavat kaksi Tchitassa, muut Suomessa matkalla tekemieni pivkirjamuistiinpanojen mukaan. Yll marraskuun 26 piv...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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The British Navy in BattleThe British Navy in BattleWe do not wish you a Merry Christmas, for to none of us, neither to you at sea nor to us on land, can Christmas be a merry season now. Nor, amid so much misery and sorrow, does it seem,...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 23, December 5, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 23, December 5, 1840We have chosen the prefixed view of the Castle of Tully as a subject for illustration, less from any remarkable picturesqueness of character or historical interest connected with the castle itself, than for the...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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SamoafahrtenSamoafahrtenNur wenige Jahre sind es her, da die frher vereinzelten Bestrebungen fr Deutschlands Kolonialbesitz immer mehr Anhnger fanden und sich, in den verschiedensten Kreisen der Nation, wie in allen Teilen des Reichs, eine lebhafte und ernstgemeinte Bewegung dafr organisierte. Noch war es nicht ganz...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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Interessante Wanderungen durch das Sächsische Ober-ErzgebirgeInteressante Wanderungen durch das Sächsische Ober-ErzgebirgeEs waren die schnsten, die glcklichsten Tage meines Lebens, wo ich mit einem Herzen voll Unschuld und Frohsinn, wo ich noch voll seliger Ruhe die Berge der theuern Heimath erstieg, auf ihren Hhen weilte, durch jene traulich stillen Thler...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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Military History: Lectures Delivered at Trinity College, CambridgeMilitary History: Lectures Delivered at Trinity College, CambridgeMarch 1914. [vi] [Pg 1] When in the spring of the year 1913 my old College did me the honour to appoint me its first lecturer in Military History, I was obliged for the first time to...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 22, November 28, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 22, November 28, 1840English and other visitors to our metropolis who dare the perils of the deep, and various other perils now equally imaginary, to see something of our Emerald Isle, are generally directed as a matter...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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Courtship of Miles StandishCourtship of Miles Standish - Minnehaha Edition Prometheus. The Ladder of St. Augustine. The Phantom Ship. The Warden of the Cinque Ports. Haunted Houses. In the Churchyard at Cambridge. The Emperors Birds-nest. The Two Angels. Daylight and Moonlight. The Jewish Cemetery at Newport. Oliver...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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Maerten Harpertsz. Tromp: Een zeemanszoon uit de 17de eeuwMaerten Harpertsz. Tromp: Een zeemanszoon uit de 17de eeuwDit is eigenlijk een geheel nieuw boek. De oorspronkelijke uitgave verscheen in t jaar 1895 eerst in Elsev. Gell. Maandschrift, daarna, in t laatst van 1896, als zelfstandige uitgave bij de Uitgevers-Maatschappij Elsevier, werd eenige jaren...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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Motor Tours in the West CountryMotor Tours in the West CountryMax Pemberton in the Sphere: Will be read and reread by all who have toured Wales a-wheel. Mrs. Stawell is a charming writer; she has a fine sense of the road, and she adds to it a literary insight...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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A Broken JourneyA Broken Journey - Wanderings from the Hoang-Ho to the Island of Saghalien and the Upper Reaches of the Amur River I have to thank my friend Mrs Lang for the drastic criticism which once more has materially helped me to write this book....
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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A Woman In ChinaA Woman In China My grandmother's curiosCamels and elephantsDr MorrisonChinese in AustraliaFeared for his virtuesRacial animosityGreat Northern PlainA city of silenceA land of exileThe Holy SeaFrost flowers on a birch forestChaos at Manchuria and KharbinJapanese efficiencyA Peking dust storm. When I was a little...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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Alone in West AfricaAlone in West Africa To those who have helped me I dedicate this record of my travels in West Africa. Without their help I could have done nothing; it was always most graciously and kindly given and I know not how to show my...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 21, November 21, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 21, November 21, 1840The little rocky island of Dalkey forms the south-eastern extremity of the Bay of Dublin, as the bold and nearly insulated promontory of Howth forms its north-eastern termination. It is separated from the mainland...
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HK$448.50- HK$49.90
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