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Mrs Albert Grundy—Observations in PhilistiaMrs Albert Grundy—Observations in Philistia I suppose about the name there is no doubt. For sixty years we have followed that gifted gadabout and gossip, Heine, and called it Philistia. And yet, when one thinks of it, there may have been a mistake after...
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The Black Eagle or, TiconderogaThe Black Eagle; or, Ticonderoga"Among the minor trials of faith, few, perhaps, are more difficult to contend against than that growing conviction, which, commencing very soon after the holiday happiness of youth has been first tasted, becomes stronger every year, as experience unfolds to...
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Bohemian Paris of To-dayBohemian Paris of To-day - Second Edition THIS volume is written to show the life of the students in the Paris of to-day. It has an additional interest in opening to inspection certain phases of Bohemian life in Paris that are shared both by...
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Darnley or, The Field of the Cloth of GoldDarnley; or, The Field of the Cloth of GoldGeorge Payne Rainsford James, Historiographer Royal to King William IV., was born in London in the first year of the nineteenth century, and died at Venice in 1860. His comparatively short life was exceptionally full and...
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Petit histoire des grandes rois de AngleterrePetit histoire des grandes rois de AngleterreNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. IL y a quelques annes,...
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Reminiscences of a Soldier of the Orphan BrigadeReminiscences of a Soldier of the Orphan BrigadeIt is for the amusement and entertainment of the thousands of young Kentuckians now enlisted beneath the Stars and Stripes in the world cataclysm of war for the cause of humanity and righteousness that these recollections and...
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Mitä meidän siis on tekeminen?Mitä meidän siis on tekeminen? Ja kansa kysyi hnelt: Mit meidn siis on tekeminen? Hn vastasi ja sanoi heille: Jolla on kaksi pukua, antakoon sille, joka on ilman; ja jolla on ruokaa, hn tehkn, samoin. (Luuk. 3:10, 11). Mutta jos silmsi on turmeltunut, niin...
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Koditon: RomaaniKoditon: RomaaniOlin lytlapsi. Mutta olin jo kahdeksanvuotias, kun viel olin siin luulossa, ett minulla oli iti niinkuin muillakin lapsilla, ja itinni pidin Barberinin emnt. Sill aina kun itkin, hn sulki minut syliins ja hyvitellen keinutteli minua, kunnes kyyneleeni kuivuivat. Ja kun joulukuun lumiset tuulet...
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History of the Scottish expedition to Norway in 1612History of the Scottish expedition to Norway in 1612The idea of investigating the story of the Scottish Expedition to Norway in 1612 occurred to the author on a trip through the beautiful valleys of Romsdal and Gudbrandsdal in the autumn of 1884many of the...
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The Three Miss Kings: An Australian StoryThe Three Miss Kings: An Australian StoryOn the second of January, in the year 1880, three newly-orphaned sisters, finding themselves left to their own devices, with an income of exactly one hundred pounds a year a-piece, sat down to consult together as to the...
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The Lone Star Defenders: A Chronicle of the Third Texas Cavalry, Ross' BrigadeThe Lone Star Defenders: A Chronicle of the Third Texas Cavalry, Ross' BrigadeAs my recollections of the war between the States, or the Confederate War, in which four of the best years of my life (May, 1861, to May, 1865) were given to the...
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The China of Chiang K'ai-Shek: A Political StudyThe China of Chiang K'ai-Shek: A Political StudyThe National Government of the Republic of China, located at the auxiliary capital of Chungking, is one of the most important governments in contemporary world affairs. It has provided fairly effective unification for the largest nation on...
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Englands Wirtschaftskrieg gegen DeutschlandEnglands Wirtschaftskrieg gegen DeutschlandSeit den Zeiten, in denen franzsische Eroberungslust unter LudwigXIV. die deutsche Pfalz verwstete, den Zeiten, von denen die Ruinen des Heidelberger Schlosses zeugen, gilt ber Napoleon I. und seinen kleinen Namenstrger NapoleonIII. hinweg bis in die Zeiten der franzsischen Revanchepolitiker, der...
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Viestini menneiltä sukupolviltaViestini menneiltä sukupolvilta1. Sokea mummo. 2. Kirkkoherra Gabriel Bergelinin elmst: 1. Koti ja koulu. Ruovedelt Merikarvialle. 2. Vuosi 1808. Rajevski. 3. Uskollisuusvalan ottaminen, von Vegesack. 4. Kildejev. Halvaus. 5. Neiti Bergenkrantz. Wie. Bjrnram. Kirkkoherran kuolema. 3. Livnin perhe. 4. Joulu autiolla karilla. 5. Kuun...
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Rand and the MicmacsRand and the MicmacsBy Rev. Robert Murray, D.D. (Editor of Presbyterian Witness.) Dr. Rand was a man of rare genius and high attainments. It would be a wrong to him, to the country, and to the Church of Christ to allow his name to...
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The Coronado Expedition, 1540-1542The Coronado Expedition, 1540-1542. - Excerpted from the Fourteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1892-1893, Part 1.The American Indians are always on the move. Tribes shift the location of their homes from season to season...
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Un tel de l'armée françaiseUn tel de l'armée françaiseTel ces mdailles qui, sous la patine des sicles, accusent un profil jamais orgueilleux et viril, Un Tel, malgr les puisements et les fivres, garde le visage de ses vingt ans. Il est la parfaite image d'une poque inquite, le...
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English Eccentrics and EccentricitiesEnglish Eccentrics and EccentricitiesGENTLE READER, a few words before we introduce you to our Eccentrics. They may be odd company: yet how often do we find eccentricity in the minds of persons of good understanding. Their sayings and doings, it is true, may not...
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The Story of WellingtonThe Story of WellingtonI work as hard as I can in every way in order to succeed. Wellington. I march to-morrow to follow Marshal Soult, and to prevent his army from becoming the noyau of a civil war in France. Thus writes Wellington to...
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