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Bohemia, from the earliest times to the fall of national independence in 1620Bohemia, from the earliest times to the fall of national independence in 1620 - With a short summary of later eventsFew countries have been more strangely misunderstood by the average Englishman than Bohemia has been. The mischievous blunder of some fifteenth century Frenchman, who...
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Wawenock Myth Texts from MaineWawenock Myth Texts from Maine - Forty-third Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1925-26, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1928, pages 165-198It is one of the laments of ethnology that the smaller tribes of the northern...
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The AlhambraThe AlhambraROUGH draughts of some of the following tales and essays were actually written during a residence in the Alhambra; others were subsequently added, founded on notes and observations made there. Care was taken to maintain local coloring and verisimilitude; so that the whole...
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Old Court Life in Spain, vol. 2/2Old Court Life in Spain, vol. 2/2HE time is early summer; the sky an unbroken sphere of blue, as deep and smooth as a turquoise, canopying the blanched domes and pinnacles of the cathedral and illuminating with ineffable splendour the elegant galleries of the...
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Der kleine Ritter (Herr Wolodyjowski): Historischer RomanDer kleine Ritter (Herr Wolodyjowski): Historischer RomanNach dem ungarischen Kriege, nach welchem die Trauung des Herrn Andreas Kmiziz mit Frulein Alexandra Billewitsch stattgefunden hatte, sollte auch der nicht minder berhmte und um die Republik ebenso verdiente Ritter Herr Georg Michael Wolodyjowski mit Frulein Anna...
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In Defense of the Flag: A true war storyIn Defense of the Flag: A true war story - A pen picture of scenes and incidents during the great rebellion.--Thrilling experiences during escape from southern prisons, etc.Now in the commencement of this narrative and tale of my early life, I must say that...
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The Mentor: Among the Ruins of Rome, Vol. 1, Num. 46, Serial No. 46The Mentor: Among the Ruins of Rome, Vol. 1, Num. 46, Serial No. 46Shortly after sunset the express train, speeding north from Naples, emerges from the mountains and begins winding its way down grade. The expectant visitor to the Eternal City sees below him...
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The Mentor: The Contest for North America, Vol. 1, No. 35, Serial No. 35The Mentor: The Contest for North America, Vol. 1, No. 35, Serial No. 35 - The Story of America in PicturesThe whole round world is now open. Gone is the pleasure of finding new lands, sighting strange mountains, floating down mysterious rivers, and meeting...
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My Adventures During the Late WarMy Adventures During the Late War - A narrative of shipwreck, captivity, escapes from French prisons, and sea service in 1804-14While engaged during the last ten years in the task of mastering the original authorities for the history of the Napoleonic wars, I have...
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The Mentor: Historic Spots of America, Vol. 1, Num. 32, Serial No. 32The Mentor: Historic Spots of America, Vol. 1, Num. 32, Serial No. 32A few years before the settlement of the territory now known as the United States the people of Europe had witnessed a great naval battle in which two kinds of civilizations contended...
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ParisParis - Grant Allen's Historical GuidesTHE object and plan of these Historical Handbooks is somewhat different from that of any other guides at present before the public. They do not compete or clash with such existing works; they are rather intended to supplement than...
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Personal record of the 13th Regiment, Tennessee InfantryPersonal record of the Thirteenth Regiment, Tennessee InfantryMY OLD COMRADES: In writing out this record I have gone back to the morning time of my own life, and lived once more in that other day that not only tried, but proved men's souls. Insignificant...
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Die Sandwich-Inseln, oder das Inselreich von HawaiiDie Sandwich-Inseln, oder das Inselreich von Hawaii.Als ich zur Erfllung meines Versprechens schritt, ja da erschien abgesehen von den vielen Schwierigkeiten, denen der Schriftsteller gewhnlich begegnet sofort die der Wahl des Objektes zum Beginnen. Womit beginnen? das war die Frage. Soll es Amerika, soll...
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The Mentor: Venice, the Island City, Vol. 1, Num. 27, Serial No. 27The Mentor: Venice, the Island City, Vol. 1, Num. 27, Serial No. 27The Pearl of the Adriatic, she has been called. Queen of the Sea is another of the poetic terms applied to her. If all the expressions that have been used by admirers...
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Reminiscences of a Confederate soldier of Co. C, 2nd Va. CavalryReminiscencies of a Confederate soldier of Co. C, 2nd Va. CavalryAfter a lapse of half a century, I will try to relate in a commonplace way, the circumstances which came under my observation during the dark days of 1860-1865. Having engaged in 54 battles,...
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Uit den Indischen ArchipelUit den Indischen Archipel - De Aarde en haar volken, Jaargang 1875Nog eenmaal bieden wij onzen lezers enkele schetsen aan, ten deele ontleend aan het reeds meermalen genoemde werk van Russell Wallace over den Indischen Archipel. Wij vertrouwen, dat de herinnering aan hetgeen wij...
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The Mentor: The Revolution, Vol. 1, Num. 43, Serial No. 43The Mentor: The Revolution, Vol. 1, Num. 43, Serial No. 43 - The Story of America in PicturesBATTLE OF LEXINGTON BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL WASHINGTON CROSSING THE DELAWARE SIGNING OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHTJOHN PAUL JONES THE...
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The History of the 2/6th (Rifle) Battalion, "the King's" (Liverpool Regiment) 1914-1919The History of the 2/6th (Rifle) Battalion, "the King's" (Liverpool Regiment) 1914-1919Shortly after the Armistice Colonel Fletcher wrote to me asking if I would undertake to write a history of the battalion. All through the war I had cherished a vague idea of doing...
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The AlhambraThe Alhambra It is not possible to forget Washington Irving in the Alhambra. With a single volume, the simple, gentle, kindly American man of letters became no less a figure in the Moor's Red Palace than Boabdil and Lindaraxa of whom he wrote. And...
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The Learned Lady in England, 1650-1760The Learned Lady in England, 1650-1760The theme to which this volume is specifically limited is the position and achievements of learned women in England in the period between 1650 and 1760. But before entering upon this detailed study it seems desirable to give a...
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