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Pittsburgh in 1816Pittsburgh in 1816 - Compiled by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Granting of the City Charter This little book will interest the Pittsburgher of 1916 chiefly because the parts and pieces of which it is made were...
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HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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Domesday Book and Beyond: Three Essays in the Early History of EnglandDomesday Book and Beyond: Three Essays in the Early History of EnglandThe greater part of what is in this book was written in order that it might be included in the History of English Law before the Time of Edward I. which was published...
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HK$160.36- HK$50.09
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Tessa, Our Little Italian CousinTessa, Our Little Italian CousinMany people from other lands have crossed the ocean to make a new home for themselves in America. They love its freedom. They are happy here under its kindly rule. They suffer less from want and hunger than in the...
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HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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The Motor Routes of England: Western SectionThe Motor Routes of England: Western SectionThere have been many inquiries for this new volume of the 'Motor Routes of England,' which I should have been glad to publish a year ago had the necessary time been at my disposal. Finding that there was...
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HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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Our Little English CousinOur Little English CousinThe lives of Our Little English Cousins are not so widely different from our own in America. It is only the more ancient associations with which they are surrounded that changes their manners and customs. Their speech is the same and...
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HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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A Madeira PartyA Madeira PartySometime early in the second quarter of the century, in the City of Penn, and in what was then known as Delaware-Fourth street, soon after dusk in the evening, occurred the unimportant events of which I shall speak. The room was paneled...
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HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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Princes and Poisoners: Studies of the Court of Louis XIVPrinces and Poisoners: Studies of the Court of Louis XIVContents.I. The Archives; II. History of the Bastille; III. Life in the Bastille; IV. The Man in the Iron Mask; V. Men of Letters in the Bastille; VI. Latude; VII. The Fourteenth of July. TWELVE...
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HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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The Adventures of FrançoisThe Adventures of François - Foundling, Thief, Juggler, and Fencing-Master during the French RevolutionTitle: The Adventures of Franois Foundling, Thief, Juggler, and Fencing-Master during the French Revolution Author: S. Weir Mitchell Release Date: July 17, 2013 [EBook #43241] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8...
- HK$50.09
HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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Alchemy: Ancient and ModernAlchemy: Ancient and Modern - Being a Brief Account of the Alchemistic Doctrines, and Their Relations, to Mysticism on the One Hand, and to Recent Discoveries in Physical Science on the Other Hand; Together with Some Particulars Regarding the Lives and Teachings of the...
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HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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Legends of the BastilleLegends of the BastilleAT the great Exhibition of 1889 I visited, in company with some friends, the reproduction of the Bastille, calculated to give all who saw itand the whole world must have seen itan entirely false impression. You had barely cleared the doorway...
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HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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The Ceramic ArtThe Ceramic Art - A Compendium of The History and Manufacture of Pottery and Porcelain Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1878, by H a r p e r & B r o t h e r s, In the Office...
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HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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The Lyon in Mourning, Vol. 1The Lyon in Mourning, Vol. 1 - or a collection of speeches, letters, journals, etc. relative to the affairs of Prince Charles Edward StuartThe Lyon in Mourning is a collection of Journals, Narratives, and Memoranda relating to the life of Prince Charles Edward Stuart...
- HK$50.09
HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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Raemaekers' Cartoon History of the War, Volume 3Raemaekers' Cartoon History of the War, Volume 3 - The Third Twelve Months of WarI draw the sword that with God's help I have kept all these years in the scabbard. I have drawn the sword which without victory and without honor I cannot...
- HK$50.09
HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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In the Track of R. L. Stevenson and Elsewhere in Old FranceIn the Track of R. L. Stevenson and Elsewhere in Old FranceThe travel-sketches that go to the making of this little book have appeared, in part only, in certain literary magazines, here and in America; but the greater part of the work is now...
- HK$50.09
HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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Kensington, Notting Hill, and PaddingtonKensington, Notting Hill, and Paddington - With Remembrances of the Locality 38 Years AgoTranscribed from the 1882(?) Griffiths & Co. edition by David Price, email ccx074@pglaf.org. Many thanks to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Libraries for allowing their copy to be used...
- HK$50.09
HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel 1896Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel 1896 - La vita italiana durante la Rivoluzione francese e l'Impero Quella che si suole chiamare Rivoluzione dell'89, non fu che una grande rivolta e un grande delitto politico che serv ad aumentare una triste serie di comuni delitti;...
- HK$50.09
HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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La Renaissance Italienne et la Philosophie de l'HistoireLa Renaissance Italienne et la Philosophie de l'HistoireNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Les lecteurs qui voudront...
- HK$50.09
HK$160.36- HK$50.09
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La Repubblica partenopeaLa Repubblica partenopea - La vita italiana durante la Rivoluzione francese e l'Impero La rivoluzione francese, attraverso dieci anni di ruinose vicende, alternanti tra efferata anarchia e gloriosi eroismi, and a finire, come tutte le rivoluzioni, che mai potranno essere istituzioni permanenti, in balia...
- HK$50.09
HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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La trasformazione socialeLa trasformazione sociale - La vita italiana durante la Rivoluzione francese e l'Impero Dal 1789, quando scoppi la rivoluzione francese, al 1814, quando, nel giorno d'ognissanti, si riun a Vienna il congresso che credette di aver restaurato il diritto divino dei re, non scorsero...
- HK$50.09
HK$100.23- HK$50.09
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