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La Vie de Madame Élisabeth, soeur de Louis XVI, Volume 1La Vie de Madame Élisabeth, soeur de Louis XVI, Volume 1DERNIRES ANNES DU RGNE DE LOUIS XV. 23 MAI 176410 MAI 1774. Le Dauphin et la Dauphine, pre et mre de Madame lisabeth. Leurs nombreux enfants. Maladie du Dauphin, soins que lui prodigue la...
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Histoire de la Monarchie de Juillet (Volume 1 / 7)Histoire de la Monarchie de Juillet (Volume 1 / 7)La seconde dition aujourd'hui offerte au public n'est pas une simple rimpression. Lors de ses premires recherches, l'auteur avait dj eu communication d'importants documents, entre autres des papiers du feu duc de Broglie et du...
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A Student's History of England, v. 2: 1509-1689A Student's History of England, v. 2: 1509-1689 - From the Earliest Times to the Death of King Edward VII1. The New King. 1509.Henry VIII. inherited the handsome face, the winning presence, and the love of pleasure which distinguished his mother's father, Edward IV.,...
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Histoire de France 1689-1715 (Volume 16/19)Histoire de France 1689-1715 (Volume 16/19)Au moment o Jacques II arrive Saint-Germain, la question est celle-ci: le ministre imprvoyant qui ce grand dsastre est imput, Louvois, sera-t-il encore roi de France? Le vrai roi, qui rgne par lui-mme, dit-on, depuis 1661, ne peut-il se...
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OrienteOrienteRecuerdo que en cierta ocasin tuve en mis manos un ejemplar de la Gaceta Imperial de Pekn, y al revolver sus finas hojas de papel de arroz, entre las apretadas columnas de misteriosos caracteres, slo encontr dos anuncios comprensibles por sus grabados: el que...
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Kuningas Henrik Kuudes IIIKuningas Henrik Kuudes IIIKuningas HENRIK KUUDES. EDWARD, Walesin prinssi, hnen poikansa. LUDVIG yhdestoista Ranskan kuningas. SOMERSETin herttua, | EXETERin herttua, | OXFORDin kreivi, | kuninkaan puoluetta. NORTHUMBELANDin kreivi, | WESTMORELANDin kreivi, | Lord CLIFFORD, | RICHARD PLANTAGENET, Yorkin herttua. EDWARD, MARCHin kreivi, sittemmin |...
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Le Rhin, Tome IIILe Rhin, Tome IIINote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. L'auteur dfinit le chemin de fer.Particularits du chemin...
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De Drie Musketiers dl. I en IIDe Drie Musketiers dl. I en IIOngeveer een jaar geleden, in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek eenige nazoekingen doende voor mijn geschiedenis van Lodewijk XIV, kwamen mij toevallig de Gedenkschriften van den Heer dArtagnan in handen, welk werkzooals de meeste van dien tijd, toen de schrijvers,...
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The Archaeology of the Yakima ValleyThe Archaeology of the Yakima ValleyThe following pages contain the results of archaeological investigations carried on by the writer for the American Museum of Natural History from May to August, 1903,[1] in the Yakima Valley between Clealum of the forested eastern slope of the...
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Árminius Vambéry, his life and adventuresÁrminius Vambéry, his life and adventures"It is partly an autobiographic sketch of character, partly an account of a singularly daring and successful adventure in the exploration of a practically unknown country. In both aspects it deserves to be spoken of as a work of...
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The Humour and Pathos of Anglo-Indian LifeThe Humour and Pathos of Anglo-Indian Life - Extracts from his brother's note-book, made by Dr. TicklemoreIf the reader could call back the flight of time some twenty years, and with an Ariel's wing transport him or her self on board the homeward-bound P....
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Constance Sherwood: An Autobiography of the 16th CenturyConstance Sherwood: An Autobiography of the Sixteenth Century I had not thought to write the story of my life; but the wishes of those who have at all times more right to command than occasion to entreat aught at my hands, have in a...
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A History of Art in Ancient Egypt, Vol. 2 (of 2)A History of Art in Ancient Egypt, Vol. 2 (of 2)We have seen that sepulchral and religious architecture are represented in Egypt by numerous and well preserved monuments. It is not so in the case of civil and military architecture. Of these, time has...
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Η Ευρώπη κατά τον 19ον αιώναΗ Ευρώπη κατά τον 19ον αιώναNote: The tonic system has been changed from polytonic to monotonic, the spelling of the book has not been changed otherwise. A correction at the end of the book has been taken into account.// : . . . ,...
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A History of Art in Ancient Egypt, Vol. 1 (of 2)A History of Art in Ancient Egypt, Vol. 1 (of 2)The successful interpretation of the ancient writings of Egypt, Chalda, and Persia, which has distinguished our times, makes it necessary that the history of antiquity should be rewritten. Documents that for thousands of years...
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On the Face of the Waters: A Tale of the MutinyOn the Face of the Waters: A Tale of the MutinyA word of explanation is needed for this book, which, in attempting to be at once a story and a history, probably fails in either aim. That, however, is for the reader to say....
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Σύντομος αφήγησις του βίου του Ιωάννου ΚαποδιστρίουΣύντομος αφήγησις του βίου του Ιωάννου ΚαποδιστρίουNote: The tonic system has been changed from polytonic to monotonic, otherwise the spelling of the book has not been changed. Footnotes have been converted to endnotes.//: . . , . ' , , , . , ,...
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Der Hirtenknabe Nikolas oder, Der deutsche Kinderkreuzzug im Jahre 1212Der Hirtenknabe Nikolas; oder, Der deutsche Kinderkreuzzug im Jahre 1212Es ritten drei Reiter nach Kln, am linken Ufer des Rheins zu Thal. Das waren keine gemeinen Leute. Schon ihre Pferde waren nobel, schne dauerhafte Limousins, und wenn auch deutlich angegriffen von einer langen Reise,...
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The Red, White, and GreenThe Red, White, and GreenTHE BATTLE AND THE BREEZE. Price 5s. A VANISHED NATION. Price 5s. A CAPTAIN OF IRREGULARS. Price 5s. A FIGHTER IN GREEN. Price 5s. IN THE GRIP OF THE SPANIARD. Price 5s. AN EMPEROR'S DOOM. Price 5s. CLEVELY SAHIB. Price...
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