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„Ups” en „downs” in het Indische leven„Ups” en „downs” in het Indische levenZe waren het uitgaan en het ontvangen van menschen zoo gewoon in den laatsten tijd, dat het haar toescheen alsof er een ziek was van de familie, wanneer ze rustig bij elkaar bleven zitten zoon heelen avond. De...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Essays on the Latin OrientEssays on the Latin OrientThis volume consists of articles and monographs upon the Latin Orient and Balkan history, published between 1897 and the present year. For kind permission to reprint them in collected form I am indebted to the editors and proprietors of The...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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The passing of a great queen: A tribute to the noble life of Victoria ReginaThe passing of the great Queen: A tribute to the noble life of Victoria ReginaWAR and rumours of war,nation rising against nation,these fulfilled and yet threatening disasters have culminated in the worst disaster of all, the passing of the greatest, purest, best, and most...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Memorials of the counties of EnglandMemorials of old DerbyshireIt has been a great pleasure to accept the request of the General Editor of this Memorial Series to edit a volume on my native county of Derby. In proportion to its size and population, more has been written and printed...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Közép-ázsiai utazásKözép-ázsiai utazásHogy mi lehetett azon vgy, mely a Bosporus bjos partjairl Kzp-zsia rmsges pusztira vezetett: VIII. honfitrsaim tlem bizonyosan nem fogjk krdezni. Lehetnek olyanok, kik megfelejtkezve ezen utamra szksgelt 10 vi elkszletrl, szmba sem vve a killott veszlyeket s nlklzseket, melyeket elre ismertem, mindent...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Petsamhon valaskaloja onkimhan: MatkakuvausPetsamhon valaskaloja onkimhan: MatkakuvausPetsamhon valaskaloja onkimhan. Ei siin kauan noukka tuhissu ku Jaakkoo lhti. Tuttuja mihi. Joukkue jrjestyy ja matka alkaa. Kemijrvelt Pelkosennimelle. Tukkikmpll. Vesikevarista seljllns Askahan. Lapin kuningas ja Saukosken keisari. Vil vh Kaalepista ja sitte autolla Sorankylhn. Retkue saapuu Sorankylhn. Karhuntappajia ja...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 4-6: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeLandesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 4-6: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeInhalt: Die kurschsischen Postmeilensulen beim 200jhrigen Bestehen Heimatschutzgedanken in Gottfried Kellers Dichtungen Die Kirche zu den Vierzehn Nothelfern auf der Kahlenhhe bei Reichstdt Um Juchhh und Windberg Wanderbilder aus den Grenzgebieten...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Angel: A sketch in Indian inkAngel: A sketch in Indian inkIt was the middle of March in the North-West Provinces, and the hot weather had despatched several heralds to Ramghur, announcing its imminent approach. Punkahs were swinging lazily in barrack rooms, the annual ice notice had made a round...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolución de España (1 de 5)Historia del levantamiento, guerra y revolución de España (1 de 5)Turbacin de los tiempos. Flaqueza de Espaa. Poltica de Francia. Paz de Presburgo. Destronamiento de la casa de Npoles. Tratos de paz con Inglaterra. Rmpense estas negociaciones. Tambin otras con Rusia. Preparativos de guerra....
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Passed by the censor: The Experience of an American Newspaper Man in FrancePassed by the censor: The Experience of an American Newspaper Man in FranceSpecial correspondents in great numbers have come from America into the European "zone of military activity," and in almost equal numbers have they gone out, to write their impressions, their descriptions, their...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Y ddwy chwaer: Ffeithiau hanesyddolY ddwy chwaer: Ffeithiau hanesyddol Yn y flwyddyn 1536, yn ystod teyrnasiad yr anwadal a'r nwydlawn frenin, Harri yr Wythfed, pan nad oedd dyogelwch dynion, a meddianau ond drychfeddyliau gogoneddus yn ymddangos yn unig ar glogwyni breuddwydion y nos, neu yn hofran yn ngwaelodion...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Portraits of placesPortraits of places The following papers originally appeared in the Century, the Atlantic Monthly, the Galaxy Magazine, in that of Lippincott, and in the New York Tribune and The Nation. The four last chapters in the book, which were the earliest published, can now...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Sniping in France: With notes on the scientific training of scouts, observers, and snipersSniping in France: With notes on the scientific training of scouts, observers, and snipersPerhaps as a nation we failed in imagination. Possibly Germany was more quick to initiate new methods of warfare or to adapt her existing methods to meet prevailing conditions. Certainly we...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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A short history of the Norman Conquest of EnglandA short history of the Norman Conquest of England1. Meaning of the Norman Conquest.By the Norman Conquest of England we understand that series of events during the latter part of the eleventh century by which a Norman Duke was set on the throne of...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Best o' luck: How a fighting Kentuckian won the thanks of Britain's KingBest o' luck: How a fighting Kentuckian won the thanks of Britain's KingThe Distinguished Conduct Medal has been awarded to Sergeant Alexander McClintock of the Canadian Overseas Forces for conspicuous gallantry in action. He displayed great courage and determination during a raid against the...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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The companions of PickleThe companions of Pickle - Being a sequel to 'Pickle the spy'The appearance of Pickle the Spy was welcomed by a good deal of clamour on the part of some Highland critics. It was said that I had brought a disgraceful charge, without proof,...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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Pausanias' description of Greece, Volume IPausanias' description of Greece, Volume I.Of Pausanias personally we know very little, but that he lived during the Reign of the Antonines, and travelled all round Greece, and wrote his famous Tour round Greece, or Description of Greece, in 10 Books, describing what he...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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A campaign in MexicoA campaign in MexicoIn thus bringing myself before the public as an author, I offer no apology. I make no pretensions to literary merit. The following pages were written in the confusion and inconvenience of camp, with limited sources of information, and without any...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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The Commune of London, and other studiesThe Commune of London, and other studiesThe paper which gives its title to this volume of unpublished studies deals with a subject of great interest, the origin of the City Corporation. In my previous work, Geoffrey de Mandeville (1892), and especially in the Appendix...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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An island hell: A Soviet prison in the far northAn island hell: A Soviet prison in the far north I and my four companions left the Solovetsky Islands (called in this narrative the "Solovky," the name by which they are commonly known) on May 18th, 1925, and crossed the frontier between Russia and...
- HK$49.69
HK$99.42- HK$49.69
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