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Nagy magyarok élete (2. kötet)Nagy magyarok élete (2. kötet)Az 1301-ik esztend janur 14-n halt meg III. Endre, a honszerz rpd nemzetsgnek utols frfitagja. Letrt a Szent Istvn els magyar kirly nemzetsgbl s vrbl ntt fnak utols arany ga! zokog a krniks. Nagy volt az orszgban a bnat, a...
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In the Days of Queen ElizabethIn the Days of Queen ElizabethOf all the sovereigns that have worn the crown of England, Queen Elizabeth is the most puzzling, the most fascinating, the most blindly praised, and the most unjustly blamed. To make lists of her faults and virtues is easy....
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The Usurper: An Episode in Japanese HistoryThe Usurper: An Episode in Japanese HistoryNight was nearly gone. All slept in the beautiful bright city of Osaka. The harsh cry of the sentinels, calling one to another on the ramparts, broke the silence, unruffled otherwise save for the distant murmur of the...
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The Mystery and Romance of Alchemy and PharmacyThe Mystery and Romance of Alchemy and PharmacyIt has been my endeavour in the following pages to sketch, however imperfectly, some phases of the romance and mystery that have surrounded the arts of medicine, alchemy, and pharmacy from the earliest period of which we...
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Storia d'Inghilterra, vol 2Storia d'Inghilterra, vol 2I. La potenza di Giacomo giunge alla sua maggiore altezza nellautunno del 1685.II. Sua politica estera.III. Suoi disegni di politica interna; lAtto dellHabeas Corpus.IV. Lesercito stanziale.V. Disegni in favore della Religione Cattolica Romana.VI. Violazione dellAtto di Prova; disgrazia di HalifaxVII. Malcontento...
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Storia d'Inghilterra, vol 1Storia d'Inghilterra, vol 1La universale accoglienza che stata fatta in Italia a questopera ha mosso il traduttore a ristamparla. Egli ha raffrontata diligentemente la versione col testo, ne ha corretti gli errori corsi nella prima edizione, si studiato di migliorare lo stile in guisa...
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A Soldier's Experience; or, A Voice from the RanksA Soldier's Experience; or, A Voice from the Ranks - Showing the Cost of War in Blood and Treasure. A Personal Narrative of the Crimean Campaign, from the Standpoint of the Ranks; the Indian Mutiny, and Some of its Atrocities; the Afghan Campaigns of...
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The Anabasis of AlexanderThe Anabasis of Alexander - or, The History of the Wars and Conquests of Alexander the GreatI have admitted into my narrative as strictly authentic all the statements relating to Alexander and Philip which Ptolemy, son of Lagus,11 and Aristobulus, son of Aristobulus,12 agree...
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The Maya Indians of Southern Yucatan and Northern British HondurasThe Maya Indians of Southern Yucatan and Northern British HondurasIn the following pages is a description of the mounds opened during the last few years in that part of the Maya area now constituting British Honduras, the southern part of Yucatan, and the eastern...
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Eskimo LifeEskimo LifeFor one whole winter we were cut off from the world and immured among the Greenlanders. I dwelt in their huts, took part in their hunting, and tried, as well as I could, to live their life and learn their language. But one...
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SurreySurrey - Painted by Sutton Palmer; Described by A.R. Hope MoncrieffTHE illustrations in this book speak for themselves. The writer feels it no easy undertaking to strike bass chords in prose that may worthily accompany these high notes of Surreys fame; but he has...
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Adam Hepburn's Vow: A Tale of Kirk and CovenantAdam Hepburn's Vow: A Tale of Kirk and CovenantTowards the close of a bleak grey February afternoon, in the year 1638, a small party of travellers might have been seen approaching Edinburgh by the high road from Glasgow. It consisted of a sturdy brown...
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Niccolò de' Lapi ovvero, i Palleschi e i PiagnoniNiccolò de' Lapi; ovvero, i Palleschi e i PiagnoniLa presente edizione Originale, posta sotto la tutela delle veglianti leggi e convenzioni dei Governi dItalia che concorsero a garantire le propriet letterarie, e si agir rigorosamente contro quelli che ardissero eseguirne ristampe o introdurne edizioni...
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Mediæval town seriesThe Story of Siena and San GimignanoTHIS present volume is intended to provide a popular history of the great Republic of Siena, in such a form that it can also serve as a guide-book to that most fascinating of Tuscan cities and its neighbourhood....
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How Paris Amuses ItselfHow Paris Amuses ItselfIt is the small boy who crawls under the circus tent who most keenly enjoys the show. He has watched while the big double-top canvas was being raised and staked taut, transforming the familiar pasture-lot into a magic realm, more alluring...
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HK$102.71- HK$51.33
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Herbals, Their Origin and Evolution: A Chapter in the History of Botany 1470-1670Herbals, Their Origin and Evolution: A Chapter in the History of Botany 1470-1670To add a volume such as the present to the existing multitude of books about books calls for some apology. My excuse must be that many of the best herbals, especially the...
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HK$102.71- HK$51.33
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Storia dei musulmani di Sicilia, vol. IIStoria dei musulmani di Sicilia, vol. II Al contrario della stanca societ bizantina che sgombrava di Sicilia, la musulmana che le sottentr, portava in seno elementi di attivit, progresso e discordia. Nel primo Libro, toccammo gli ordini generali dei Musulmani, e come si assettarono...
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HK$102.71- HK$51.33
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Storia dei musulmani di Sicilia, vol. IStoria dei musulmani di Sicilia, vol. I Non ostante la cultura delle colonie musulmane che tennero la Spagna e la Sicilia e dettero tante parti di civilt all'Europa, egli avvenuto che la storia loro rimanesse per molti secoli oscura e trasandata, quasi di popoli...
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HK$102.71- HK$51.33
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Reise nach dem skandinavischen Norden und der Insel Island im Jahre 1845. Erster BandReise nach dem skandinavischen Norden und der Insel Island im Jahre 1845. Erster Band.Die erste Reise, fr eine Frau allein, zwar auch schon ein ziemliches Wagestck, die knnte man ihr in Gottesnamen noch hingehen lassen; da mgen religise Ansichten zum Grunde gelegen haben, und...
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HK$102.71- HK$51.33
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Tableau du climat et du sol des États-Unis d'AmériqueTableau du climat et du sol des États-Unis d'Amérique - Suivi d'éclaircissemens sur la Floride, sur la colonie française au Scioto, sur quelques colonies canadiennes, et sur les sauvagesSUIVI DCLAIRCISSEMENTS SUR LA FLORIDE, SUR LA COLONIE FRANAISE A SCIOTO, SUR QUELQUES COLONIES CANADIENNES ET...
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