Language Arts & Disciplines
Musiqa Al-Kalimat: Modern Standard Arabic Through Popular Songs: Intermediate to AdvancedOne of the best ways to learn a language is by studying the media that native speakers themselves listen to and read, and popular songs can also reveal much about the culture and traditions of an area where the language is spoken. Following on...
- HK$440.21
- HK$440.21
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Travels of Ibn Battuta: A Guided Arabic ReaderThe Travels of Ibn Battuta: A Guided Reader is a unique Arabic literature and history textbook for students at the High Intermediate to Advanced level. Ibn Battuta was the greatest traveler of the medieval period, and his narrative provides an unmatched view of medieval...
- HK$704.75
- HK$704.75
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Lughatuna Al-Fusha: A New Course in Modern Standard Arabic: Book SixModern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the literary language of today's books, media, and formal communication throughout the Arab world, the region's principal shared language of written and official discourse. The sixth book in this new series for the classroom is designed for the Advanced...
- HK$704.75
- HK$704.75
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The Knots in English: A Manual for Caribbean Users"We all write: emails, letters, articles, proposals, reports, press releases, essays and examinations. But for Caribbean English-speakers, writing 'proper' English is often a challenge since we are in fact Creole-speakers. In The Knots in English, Merle Hodge capitalises on her 25 years of teaching...
- HK$529.36
- HK$529.36
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Arabic Calligraphy Made Easy for the Madinah [Medinah] Arabic Course for ChildrenARABIC CALLIGRAPHY MADE EASY 'Arabic Calligraphy Made Easy' is the first of the 7-book children's series 'Medinah Arabic Course for Children'. The others being three textbooks, and three workbooks. It has been developed, modified, improved and tested over a period of several years to...
- HK$229.16
- HK$229.16
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The National Hebrew Script Up to the Babylonian ExileThe National Hebrew Script up to the Babylonian Exile is Ada Yardeni's last contribution to the field of Hebrew and West-Semitic palaeography. This new and stimulating study by the "Grand Dame of Palaeography" covers sixty-eight inscriptions and fragments from various ancient artifacts. Incredibly well-respected...
- HK$1,299.29
- HK$1,299.29
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If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and SpiritIn If You Want to Write, Brenda Ueland sets forth not just a philosophy about how to write or how to create, but also about how to live. Beginning writers will certainly be encouraged by Ueland's words, but even the most experienced have much...
- HK$144.79
- HK$144.79
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Business Chinese: An Advanced ReaderThis textbook is designed for students of Chinese as a second/foreign language who have had three years of study at college. Focus on topics of international business and foreign trade, the book offers advanced training in vocabulary, grammar, and rhetoric. With an emphasis on...
- HK$612.90
- HK$612.90
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The Chicago Manual of Style by UniversityThe Chicago Manual of Style by University of Chicago Press Staff (Editor) - 9th Edition Countless publishing professionals have learned the details of their business from this classic guide for publishers, editors and writers. In the 1890s, a proofreader at the University of Chicago...
- HK$445.63
- HK$445.63
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Mobile Gaming in Asia: Politics, Culture and Emerging TechnologiesThis book analyzes mobile gaming in the Asian context and looks into a hitherto neglected focus of inquiry - a localized mobile landscape, with particular reference to young Asians' engagement with mobile gaming. This edition focuses not only on the remarkable success of local...
- HK$919.15
- HK$919.15
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A Study of Glossematics: Critical Survey of Its Fundamental ConceptsAuthor: Bertha SiertsemaPublisher: SpringerPublished: 01/01/1955Pages: 240Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.80lbsSize: 9.21h x 6.14w x 0.54dISBN: 9789401765046
- HK$919.15
- HK$919.15
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The Elements of StyleThe Elements of Style' is widely considered America's most beloved grammar book. This is the most trusted writer's guide to English-this is the book that generations of writers have relied upon for timeless advice on grammar, diction, syntax, sentence construction, and other writing essentials....
- HK$317.32
- HK$317.32
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A Lot Like LoveMost of us are lucky enough to fall in love and have our love returned. But some of us, spend our time on something that is a lot like love, but not love. It is toxicity in disguise. And this book, is for all...
- HK$237.62
- HK$237.62
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Elementaria Van Romeins PrivaatrechtHet Romeinse recht is een van de belangrijkste rechtstreekse voorouders van het huidig Westeuropese recht, waar ook het Belgische recht deel van uitmaakt. Daarom is de studie van het Romeinse recht niet alleen belangrijk vanuit rechtshistorisch oogpunt, maar is het evenzeer buitengewoon nuttig en...
- HK$317.57
- HK$317.57
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Dictionnaire de Logopedie. Le Developpement Normal Du Langage Et Sa PathologieCe troisieme volet du "dictionnaire de logopedie" s'inscrit comme une suite logique des deux ouvrages qui l'ont precede. Apres avoir envisage le langage oral, son evolution normale et les troubles qui peuvent entraver son developpement, les auteurs se devaient de prolonger leur reflexion en...
- HK$297.15
- HK$297.15
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L'Enseignement de Vimalakirti (Vimalakirtinirdesa) Traduit Et AnnoteAuthor: E. LamottePublisher: PeetersPublished: 01/01/1987Pages: 504Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 2.60lbsSize: 10.40h x 6.80w x 1.00dISBN: 9789042928282Language: FrenchThis title is not returnableThis title is only available via back order
- HK$910.05
- HK$910.05
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Un Livre de Feu Dans Un Siecle de Fer: Les Lectures de l'Apocalypse Dans La Litterature Francaise de la RenaissanceEn un siecle de fer , de signes et de prodiges, qui interroge les cieux et scrute les Ecritures, quelles interpretations recoit l'Apocalypse, avec ses descriptions de fleaux et de cataclysmes, mais aussi ses recits de visions de signes grandioses et de noces eternelles...
- HK$1,887.83
- HK$1,887.83
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Introduction Aux Dialectes Grecs Anciens. Problemes Et Methodes. Recueil de Textes Traduits: Problemes Et Methodes. Recueil de Textes TraduitsAuthor: Y. DuhouxPublisher: PeetersPublished: 01/01/1983Pages: 111Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.50lbsSize: 9.40h x 6.30w x 0.30dISBN: 9789042920668Language: FrenchThis title is not returnableThis title is only available via back order
- HK$185.72
- HK$185.72
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Le Papyrus Dramatique Du Ramesseum: Etude Des Structures de la CompositionDecouvert dans une tombe du Moyen Empire sous le temple funeraire de Ramses II, le Papyrus dramatique du Ramesseum a ete diversement etudie et interprete. En etudiant les structures du document et en confrontant les hypotheses, une nouvelle interpretation se fait jour, rendant mieux...
- HK$935.14
- HK$935.14
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Une Societe Hors de Soi: Identites Et Relations Sociales A Smyrne Aux XVIII Et XIX SieclessL'Empire ottoman rassemblait des populations tres diverses par la confession, par l'ethnie, par la nationalite. Comment les habitants, par-dela ces appartenances distinctes, vivaient-ils et percevaient-ils la coexistence dans leur vie concrete? Que retiraient-ils de cette experience quotidienne de la difference? Quels moyens utilisaient-ils pour...
- HK$1,323.30
- HK$1,323.30
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