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Helianth. Band 2Helianth. Band 2 - Bilder aus dem Leben zweier Menschen von heute und aus der norddeutschen Tiefebene Georg ging eine schrge, braungoldene Flche hinunter. In der Tiefe war ein lichter, weier Wald; die Bume standen weit voneinander und sahen wie groe, schneeweie Tten aus,...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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Wie wir einst so glücklich waren!Wie wir einst so glücklich waren! Auf meinem Lande ist es Herbst geworden. Ungefhr um drei Uhr morgens beginnt ein kalter Regen nieder zu gehen, der erst um fnf Uhr nachmittags aufhrt. Zur Vesperzeit kommt pltzlich und kampflos die Sonne hervor; ein leichtes Blau...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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PoemsPoems The Passionate Elopement, 7s. 6d. Carnival, 7s. 6d. Sinister Street, Vol. I, 7s. 6d. Sinister Street, Vol. II, 7s. 6d. Guy and Pauline, 7s. 6d. Sylvia Scarlett, 8s. Sylvia and Michael, 8s. Poor Relations, 7s. 6d. Rich Relatives, 9s. The Seven Ages of...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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Josiah's Secret: A PlayJosiah's Secret: A PlaySamantha. Ive been churnin on this cream for two full hours, ever since I finished white-washin the back kitchen, and ironin and moppin and bakin; Im all beat out and I wish youd help me a little. Josiah. (Not lookin up...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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El Niño de la Bola: NovelaEl Niño de la Bola: NovelaEsta obra es propiedad del autor, quien se reserva todos sus derechos, incluso el de publicarla traducida otro idioma en los Estados que tienen tratados literarios con Espaa. Entre la vetusta Ciudad, cabeza de Obispado, en que ocurrieron los...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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The Original Poems of Edward Edwin Foot, of Her Majesty's Customs, LondonThe Original Poems of Edward Edwin Foot, of Her Majesty's Customs, LondonThe author[1] of the present Volume, in tendering his sincere thanks to the gentlemen of Her Majestys Customs,[2] and to his other numerous and kind patrons, who so liberally subscribed towards the publication...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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GerfautGerfautDANS les premiers jours du mois de septembre 1832, un jeune homme, g denviron trente ans, remontait, dun pas rapide et dun air pensif, un des vallons qui souvrent dans la Lorraine depuis la chane des Vosges. Une petite rivire qui, aprs un cours...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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The Master of Greylands: A NovelThe Master of Greylands: A NovelStilborough. An old-fashioned market-town of some importance in its district, but not the chief town of the county. It was market-day: Thursday: and the streets wore an air of bustle, farmers and other country people passing and repassing from...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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Irvin Cobb, His Book:Irvin Cobb, His Book: - Friendly Tributes upon the Occasion of a Dinner Tendered to Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, April Twenty-Fifth, MCMXVIt is not for me to indicate when the big events in his life will occur or to...
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HK$1,237.49- HK$50.57
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Siitä nousi hirmuinen prosessi: KertomusSiitä nousi hirmuinen prosessi: KertomusKullakin talolla on oma pihansa, jossa on vesitynnyri rattaineen ja koirankoppi pihan perll. Kopissa ei tosin ole koiraa eik tynnyriss vett, mutta se ei tee mitn, sill molempia voi hankkia silloin kun niit tarvitaan, ja sit ennen on niit turha...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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"Tee työ ja opi pelaamaan!""Tee työ ja opi pelaamaan!" "Rakkaus puhaltaa mist hn tahtoo, sin kuulet hnen humunsa, mutta etp tied, kusta hn tulee ja kuhunka hn menee". Oletko sin Jehkonen siell sisll vai et? Varmaankaan ei punapartainen, rokonarpinen ajuri Jehkonen kuulunut maan suurimpaan puolueeseen, tai luotti hn...
- HK$50.57
HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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The Printer in Eighteenth-Century WilliamsburgThe Printer in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg - An Account of His Life & Times, & of His CraftThe paragraphs on this Page and the next have been et in an eighteenth-century Manner. The Type ued is Calon, developed in the early Part of the eighteenth...
- HK$50.57
HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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Josiah's Alarm, and Abel Perry's FuneralJosiah's Alarm, and Abel Perry's FuneralBe calm, Josiah Allen. Dont lets be too hasty in our movements. I dare persume to say we may suffer from the heat ofttimes. But you know it is three or four sizes smaller than the one we laid...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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Half BrothersHalf Brothers I. In a Strange Land II. At Innsbruck III. A Forsaken Child IV. A Reprieve V. Winning the World VI. Colonel Cleveland VII. Margaret VIII. Friends Not Lovers IX. Is Sophy Alive? X. Chiara XI. At Cortina XII. A Half Confession XIII....
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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KunnanmiehiäKunnanmiehiäOllaan keskell kes, juhannuksen jlkeisell viikolla. On ollut pitklt poutast ja eteltuulta, ja sen vuoksi on piv heti aamusta helteinen, ilma kirkas ja kuiva, sellainen kuin se useimmin keskikesst on meidn korkeilla kangasmailla, joissa kivensekainen hiekka viel aamulla henkii edellisen pivn lmp ilmaan, eik...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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Uuteen elämään: Idylli erämaastaUuteen elämään: Idylli erämaastaKaksi miest kvelee kapeaa, mutkittelevaa polkua pitkin asutuilta mailta kivelin pin. Edell astuvalla on kannannainen taakka selssn, mutta jlkimisell vain pieni kainalolaukku, joka riippuu olan yli nahkakantimessa. Polku on kapea, paikoitellen kivikkorovaa ja pounikkoa. Vliin se nousee silelle vaaran kyljelle ja...
- HK$50.57
HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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Sermons Preached at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, New York, During the Year 1861Sermons Preached at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle, New York, During the Year 1861. Some of those friends who listened to the sermons contained in this volume have expressed a desire to see them in print, and thought they would do good....
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HK$2,041.84- HK$50.57
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Journal 02, 1850-September 15, 1851Journal 02, 1850-September 15, 1851 - The Writings of Henry David Thoreau, Volume 08 (of 20) The Hindoos are more serenely and thoughtfully religious than the Hebrews. They have perhaps a purer, more independent and impersonal knowledge of God. Their religious books describe the...
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HK$1,237.49- HK$50.57
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Hüben und Drüben; Dritter Band (3/3)Hüben und Drüben; Dritter Band (3/3) - Neue gesammelte ErzählungenPassagen in Antiquaschrift werden im vorliegenden Text kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber sowohl serifenlos als auch gesperrt...
- HK$50.57
HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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Hüben und Drüben; Zweiter Band (2/3)Hüben und Drüben; Zweiter Band (2/3) - Neue gesammelte ErzählungenPassagen in Antiquaschrift werden im vorliegenden Text kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber sowohl serifenlos als auch gesperrt...
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HK$749.99- HK$50.57
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