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The Mysteries of Heron Dyke: A Novel of Incident. Volume 2 (of 3)The Mysteries of Heron Dyke: A Novel of Incident. Volume 2 (of 3)The mellow autumn months darkened and died slowly into winter. The wild winds that are born in the bitter north blew in stronger and fiercer gusts, and the majestic monotone of the...
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A tengerszemü hölgyA tengerszemü hölgySoha sem lttam letemben olyan csoda szemeket. Pedig sok szp szemekkel volt tallkozsom. Egsz astronomit irhatnk rluk. De ennek annyifle volt a szeme, a mennyiszer vltozott az indulatja. Azrt neveztem azt el tengerszemnek. Milyen a tengerszem? A hegytetrl nzve lnk zld, az...
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Table d'HôteTable d'HôteMy best plan, he went on, will be to draw it all up in black and white, so that we can have a clear and proper understandin one with the other. We must have a proper system of fines, same as they do...
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Ants Raudjalg: Virolainen kertomusAnts Raudjalg: Virolainen kertomusKerran ne kai ovat kaikki olleet yhteydess keskenn, iloinen, kirkas reitti on vesin it kohti vieritellyt. Mutta aikojen kuluessa ovat yhdistvt joet kuivuneet, jrvet eristyneet toisistaan ja samalla pinta-alaltaan pienenneet. Niitten vlille on muodostunut vesihyllyvi kannaksia, joissa viel kauan eroittaa yhdistvn...
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The Bellman Book of Fiction, 1906-1919The Bellman Book of Fiction, 1906-1919The kindly reception given to The Bellman Book of Verse is mainly responsible for the publication of this collection of short stories, originally printed in The Bellman, and should it find favor equal to that of its predecessor, it...
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The Heart of a MysteryThe Heart of a MysteryOn a certain bitter December evening, when the present century was several years younger than it is now, Miss Pengarvon, of Broome, in the shire of Derby, sat in the Green Parlor at the Hall, working by candle-light at some...
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Spirits Do ReturnSpirits Do ReturnThis book was written through the inspirational spirit of the well-known writer, Samuel L. ClemensMark Twain. As I have never before written a book, the reader will see that I have had help from an unseen forcefrom the Spirit World. I was...
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Under Lock and Key: A Story. Volume 3 (of 3)Under Lock and Key: A Story. Volume 3 (of 3)"Five minutes later, Captain Ducie and your hopeful son slunk out of Bon Repos like the br> we were, and treading the gravelled pathway as carefully as two Indians on the war-trail might have done,...
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Under Lock and Key: A Story. Volume 2 (of 3)Under Lock and Key: A Story. Volume 2 (of 3)On entering Lady Pollexfen's room for the second time, Janet found that the mistress of Dupley Walls had completed her toilette in the interim, and was now sitting robed in stiff rustling silk, with an...
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Under Lock and Key: A Story. Volume 1 (of 3)Under Lock and Key: A Story. Volume 1 (of 3)In justice to himself the author thinks it requisite to state that the entire plan of this story was sketched out, and several of the chapters written, before the first lines of Mr. Wilkie Collins's...
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Se oli sallittuSe oli sallittuMntyvaaran talo sijaitsee korkean vaaran huipulla, josta on laaja ja vaihteleva nkyala. Sinne nkyy vesi joka suunnalta, mist isompia, mist pienempi, jrvi, lampia ja virtoja vuorottain. Ensimmiseksi sattuu katsojan silmiin iso lahtirikas Muikkujrvi, jonka kimaltelevat veet ymprivt Mntyvaaraa usealta taholta, jtten sen...
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Molière - Œuvres complètes, Tome 4Molière - Œuvres complètes, Tome 4La jeunesse volage et passionne de Louis XIV continuait de fournir sa carrire triomphale: Hortense Mancini avaient succd mademoiselle de la Vallire et bientt madame de Montespan. Le marquis de Montespan, noble provincial, saccommodait peu de cet honneur que...
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El Doctor Centeno (Tomo II)El Doctor Centeno (Tomo II)Acurdate, lectorcillo, de cuando t y yo y otras personas de cuenta vivamos en casa de doa Virginia, y considera cmo el rodar de los tiempos, dando la vuelta de veinte aos, ha cambiado cosas y personas. La casa ya...
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El Doctor Centeno (Tomo I)El Doctor Centeno (Tomo I)Con paso decidido acomete el hroe la empinada cuesta del Observatorio. Es, para decirlo pronto, un hroe chiquito, paliducho, mal dotado de carnes y peor de vestido con que cubrirlas; tan insignificante, que ningn transeunte, de stos que llaman personas,...
- HK$50.37
HK$746.99- HK$50.37
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Diane de Lancy Les pretendus de la meunièreDiane de Lancy; Les pretendus de la meunièrePar une soire pluvieuse et froide du mois de novembre 1792, une barque tait amarre dans une petite baie des ctes du Finistre, quarante pas environ dune hutte de pcheur, dont la mer, lorsquelle tait grosse, venait...
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El Doctor Centeno (novela completa)El Doctor Centeno (novela completa)Con paso decidido acomete el hroe la empinada cuesta del Observatorio. Es, para decirlo pronto, un hroe chiquito, paliducho, mal dotado de carnes y peor de vestido con que cubrirlas; tan insignificante, que ningn transeunte, de stos que llaman personas,...
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HK$746.99- HK$50.37
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TargallyakTargallyaklt egyszer a krimiai flszigeten egy jmbor fiatal orosz ppa, a kit Athanznak hvtak, azokban az idkben, a mikor mg a Krimet tatrfejedelmek kormnyoztk. Ezek gyakori hadjrataikban a szomszd kozkokkal hol ellensgek, hol szvetsges trsak voltak. Mikor ellensgek voltak, akkor rabsgra hajtottak a kozk...
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HK$746.99- HK$50.37
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The Book of the NativeThe Book of the NativeMany of the poems in this collection have already appeared in the pages of English, American, or Canadian periodicals. For kind courtesies in regard to the reprinting of such poems my grateful acknowledgments are due to the editors of Harpers...
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Thieves' Wit: An Everyday Detective StoryThieves' Wit: An Everyday Detective Story My first case!with what an agreeable thrill a professional man repeats the words to himself. With most men I believe it is as it was with me, not the case that he intrigues for and expects to get...
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A kis királyok (2. rész)A kis királyok (2. rész) - RegényDehogy vrta be Decebl, a mg Mnthay Mricz nekifekszik a hromlb szerszmaival kikumllni az jra felosztand nagyanyai birtokot: az egyezsg alirsa utn azonnal birtokba vette az erds hegyvidket, a jszgigazgatjra bzva, hogy intzzk el Ponthay grffal az szi...
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