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La Comédie humaine - Volume 07. Scènes de la vie de Province - Tome 03La Comédie humaine - Volume 07. Scènes de la vie de Province - Tome 03Beaucoup de personnes ont d rencontrer dans certaines provinces de France plus ou moins de chevaliers de Valois: il en existait un en Normandie, il s'en trouvait un autre Bourges,...
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HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Tartuffe: Viisinäytöksinen huvinäytelmäTartuffe: Viisinäytöksinen huvinäytelmäROUVA PERNELLE. Siks, etten voi tt menoa nhd en. Ei mulle mieliksi tll' ole koskaan kukaan. Niin, mustan mielen te mulle annatte mukaan, min teit neuvon, ja kaikessa tehdn ten, kaikk' intt ja ivaa, suurena suu kuin ovi; tm totisesti on oikea...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Canadian Melodies and PoemsCanadian Melodies and PoemsNO apology is made for bringing this volume before the public. Several of the poems it contains were mere attempts to relieve the monotonous routine of college life; many of them were written under foreign skies, and this will account for...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Oppineita naisia: Viisinäytöksinen huvinäytelmäOppineita naisia: Viisinäytöksinen huvinäytelmäARMANDE. Hyi, sanon kerran toisen. Sa etk ksit ees, miten iljett tuo sanakin jo sielua sive, sun eik silms n sit lokaa ja saastaa, jonk' alhoon ajatuksen se alas raastaa? Sua eik peloita? Tohditko tosiaan sen seuraukset pllesi vet vaan? ARMANDE....
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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History of a Six Weeks' Tour Through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland:History of a Six Weeks' Tour Through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland: - With Letters Descriptive of a Sail Round the Lake of Geneva, and of the Glaciers of Chamouni.Nothing can be more unpresuming than this little volume. It contains the...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Fortune's My Foe: A RomanceFortune's My Foe: A RomanceMr. Bloundelle-Burton has proved his ability to interest readers so thoroughly that it is sufficient merely to announce this new and entertaining romance. His story moves briskly as usual, and there is a constantly sustained interest and plenty of dramatic...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Memorials of Francis Storr: SermonsMemorials of Francis Storr: SermonsOn Saturday, February 25th, the mortal remains of the Rev. Francis Storr, for thirty-four years Vicar of the parish, were buried in the beautiful churchyard of Brenchley. The snow lay thick upon the ground, but the sun shone bright in...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Wanderings in SpainWanderings in SpainA few weeks ago (April, 1840), I happened, in an off-hand manner, to give utterance to the following phrase:"I should like to go to Spain." Five or six days afterwards, my friends had suppressed the prudent "I should like," with which I...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 08Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 08Le texte de ce volume est conforme celui de ldition originale: Au Soleil. Paris, Victor Havard, 1884, avec addition de: La Patrie de Colomba. Le Monastre de Corbara.Les Bandits corses. Une Page dhistoire indite (indits). La...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Believer Not Ashamed of the GospelThe Believer Not Ashamed of the GospelThere is nothing more strange than human nature. It is afraid where no fear is: yet bold in the midst of danger. It is ashamed where there is no disgrace; and yet shameless, when it ought to be...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Round the CornerRound the Corner - Being the Life and Death of Francis Christopher Folyat, Bachelor of Divinity, and Father of a Large FamilyBeing of such a strange temper and vision that when I aim my pen at a man I am as likely as not...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Scape-Goat: A Farce in One ActThe Scape-Goat: A Farce in One ActScenePolyglots study. A door on each side, conducting to other apartments. An opening to the garden, at the back of the stage. Another door leading to the interior of the house. Globes, books, maps, &c. are scattered about....
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Sermons on the Scriptural Principles of our Protestant ChurchSermons on the Scriptural Principles of our Protestant ChurchThe following Sermons are committed to the press at the request of many beloved parishioners. They were originally preached, as they are now published, under a deep sense of their imperfection, only equalled by the perfect...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Ireland under the Tudors, with a Succinct Account of the Earlier History. Vol. 3 (of 3)Ireland under the Tudors, with a Succinct Account of the Earlier History. Vol. 3 (of 3)By a mistake which was not the authors, the title-pages of its first instalment described this book as being in two volumes. A third had, nevertheless, been previously announced,...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Mademoiselle Miss, and Other StoriesMademoiselle Miss, and Other Stories Paris is the gloomiest town in Christendom to-day,though it is a lovely day in April, and the breeze is full of softness, and the streets are gay with people,and the Latin Quarter is quite the dullest bit of Paris:...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Comedies & ErrorsComedies and Errors Every one who knew Rome fifteen or twenty years ago must remember Miss Belmont. She lived in the Palazzo Sebastiani, a merry little old Englishwoman, the business, the passion, of whose existence it was to receive. All the rooms of her...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Blessed DamozelThe Blessed DamozelIt is sought to include in a group of compact little volumes the best Love Poems of the great British poets; and from time to time a volume of prose, or a volume of modern verse which may be considered of sufficient...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Martva IIIMartva IIIVarottavia ni ja uutta epilyn siement. Kun toinen tytt jo lempens kukkia itki. Vaan aina ne tiet vain sotkeutuivat. Vei suutelo hallana lemmenkukan. Jo kangasti taivaalla elmnturhuus. Kun pursi oli jo tuuliajolla. Kun toiveet jo alkoivat kuplina hajota. Kun kulta ja ystvt hylksivt...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Martva IIMartva IIPrevalossa hyvn- ja pahantiedonkirjan ress. 1. Ensiminen ilta. 2. Toinen ilta. Uusia matkalle kutsuja. Jo tuikkivat salaiset elmntulet Ja maailman koski yh kovemmin veti. Kun mies katseli elmnpuuta. Erokyynel kun kostutti neitosen posken. Vaan himme olikin totuudenlhde. Kun epily uskon sijalle tulvi. Lemmenpauloja...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Martva IMartva IKun tytt lupasi Luojassa pysy. Litvan laulu. 1. Maassa. 2. Korkeudessa. Ranniston talo. 1. Maassa. 2. Korkeudessa. Tuukkala. 1. Maassa. 2. Korkeudessa. Kun tytt tuli kiikulta kotiin. Kun enkeli tuli tytn turvaksi. Kun kaksi runoa alkoi solua rinnatusten. Kun lempi jo kukalle psi....
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HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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