Old Is Gold
Pfarre und Schule: Eine Dorfgeschichte. Erster BandPfarre und Schule: Eine Dorfgeschichte. Erster Band.Wenn der Leser auf kurze Zeit Lust hat mir zu folgen, so will ich ihn auf ein ganz nahe liegendes und ihm doch vielleicht vollkommen fremdes Terrain fhren mag er dann aber nicht zrnen, wenn er die Gestalten,...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Essais poétiquesEssais poétiques Jadressai, en lanne 1800, un exemplaire des pomes sur Homre et Alexandre, au premier consul Bonaparte, dans le chteau des Tuileries: je reus une invitation de me rendre Malmaison pour dner le lendemain chez lui. Un grand nombre de personnes distingues par...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Speculum AmantisSpeculum Amantis - Love Poems, from Rare Songbooks and Miscellanies of the Seventeenth CenturyIn sending out this little anthology of seventeenth-century love-verses, I must say a few words by way of explanation or apology. Some eighteen months ago I published a collection of "Lyrics...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Gli ultimi giorni di GoldoniGli ultimi giorni di Goldoni - Le Commedie, vol. 1 Dacch l'autore, in una sua gita a Parigi per indagare qualche cosa sugli ultimi giorni del Goldoni e la sorte della vedova, aveva sentito la contessa D'Agoult ricordare d'avere pi d'una volta nella sua...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Un avvocato dell'avvenireUn avvocato dell'avvenire - Le Commedie, vol. 1 In quest'epoca cos sinceramente democratica, come sa il lettore, nella quale non c' calzolaio che non arrossisca dell'antica insegna ciabattinesca del padre suo, appena Mastro Andrea, a furia di lavoro e di privazioni, riuscito ad avviare...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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The Works of John Marston. Volume 3The Works of John Marston. Volume 3Master Touchstone, an honest goldsmith, has two daughters and two apprentices. The elder daughter, Gertrude, is proud, extravagant, and wanton; the younger, Mildred, is simple, thrifty, and modest. So with the apprentices: Quicksilver is a graceless unthrift, but...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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The Works of John Marston. Volume 2The Works of John Marston. Volume 2The Dutch Courtezan. As it was playd in the Blacke-Friars, by the Children of her Maiesties Reuels. Written By Iohn Marston. At London, Printed by T. P. for Iohn Hodgets, and are to be sould at his shop...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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La quaderna di NanniLa quaderna di Nanni - Le Commedie, vol. 1 L'autore scrisse fin dal 1856 una commedia, la sua prima, e forse, per l'intendimento civile, il primo saggio, cronologicamente, della moderna commedia popolare, sul medesimo argomento della passione per il giuoco del lotto. Il Lotto,...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Dedica - ScarabocchioDedica - Scarabocchio - Le Commedie, vol. 1 In teatro; un teatro quale lo sogna chi abbia studiato la drammatica non meno dal palco scenico che dalla platea: elegante con semplicit, armonico, commodo per ogni verso, bene aerato e sempre in giusta temperatura; col...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Capitale e mano d'operaCapitale e mano d'opera - Le Commedie, vol. 1 Portare sul palco scenico la lotta cos altamente drammatica e moderna fra i capitali dell'ingegno e del danaro e la mano d'opera, e trarne per conseguenza, senza danno dell'arte, non il troppo facile eccitamento all'odio...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Selina: Her Hopeful Efforts and Her Livelier FailuresSelina: Her Hopeful Efforts and Her Livelier FailuresYou have long urged me to an attempted portrayal of the American girl of the '80's. I take it that you from your viewpoint coming from long absence from your own country, look upon her and her...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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The Journal of Leo Tolstoi (First Volume—1895-1899)The Journal of Leo Tolstoi (First Volume—1895-1899)The ultimate meaning of the Russian Revolution which took place in March, 1917, can be best understood through the pages of the Journal of Leo Tolstoi which is here printed. The spiritual qualities which make up the mind...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Gnadenreiche, unsere KöniginGnadenreiche, unsere Königin Sie spielten den ganzen Tag Karten, er gab sich Mhe, geschickt zu verlieren. Von Zeit zu Zeit sagte sie: Ich will nicht mehr und warf die Karten hinter sich auf das Fensterbrett. Sie sprach nur, was auf das Spiel Bezug hatte....
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Yvonne MüllerYvonne Müller Yvonne Mller hat einen halb franzsischen, halb deutschen Namen, und da sie nur in einem Buche Annette Kolbs[1] existiert, ist diese Mischung kein Zufall, sondern ein Symbol. Man wird sich daher auch nicht wundern, zu erfahren, da Yvonne Mller, natrlich von Ganghofer...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Mariages d'aventureMariages d'aventureIl ne prit pas la peine de lexpliquer, et ne donna aucune raison, peut-tre parce quil nen avait pas de bonnes donner. Jentends de ces raisons admirables, bases sur un intrt certain et un gosme prudent, seules admissibles et concluantes pour des juges...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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The Book of MasksThe Book of MasksTo take critical questions seriously, even passionately, is one of the marks of a genuinely civilized society. It points to both personal disinterestedness and to an imaginative absorption in fundamentals. The American who watches eagerly some tilt in that great critical...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Chains: A Play, in Four ActsChains: A Play, in Four ActsSCENE: Sitting-room at 55 Acacia Avenue. The principal articles of furniture are the centre table, set for dinner for three, and a sideboard on the right. There are folding doors at the back, leading to the front room, partly...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Niobe, All Smiles: A Farcical Comedy in Three ActsNiobe, All Smiles: A Farcical Comedy in Three ActsNOTICE.The attention of those who take part in or organise dramatic representations should be called to the law on copyright. All representations of copyright dramatic works are liable to fees, if either money or consideration be...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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Tour in England, Ireland, and France, in the years 1826, 1827, 1828 and 1829Tour in England, Ireland, and France, in the years 1826, 1827, 1828 and 1829. - with remarks on the manners and customs of the inhabitants, and anecdotes of distiguished public characters. In a series of letters by a German Prince.THE Letters which we now...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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A Vision of Venus Or, A Midsummer-Night's NightmareA Vision of Venus; Or, A Midsummer-Night's NightmareEXITS AND ENTRANCES.R. means Right; L. Left; D.F. Door in Flat; R.D. Right Door; L.D. Left Door; S.E. Second Entrance; U.E. Upper Entrance; M.D. Middle Door; L.U.E. Left Upper Entrance; R.U.E. Right Upper Entrance; L.S.E. Left Second...
- HK$49.68
HK$446.57- HK$49.68
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