Old Is Gold
Our Sailors: Gallant Deeds of the British Navy during Victoria's ReignOur Sailors: Gallant Deeds of the British Navy during Victoria's ReignLet fall the topsails, hoist awayup anchor, round goes the capstansheet homehaul taut the braces! and away we glide, to prove to our countrymen that British sailors have not been sleeping on beds of...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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James Braithwaite, the Supercargo: The Story of his Adventures Ashore and AfloatJames Braithwaite, the Supercargo: The Story of his Adventures Ashore and AfloatThe Barbara, I answered, trying to look more at my ease than I felt; for the old fellow, besides having but one leg, had a black patch over the place where his right...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The Little Gold Miners of the Sierras and Other StoriesThe Little Gold Miners of the Sierras and Other StoriesTheir mother had died crossing the plains, and their father had had a leg broken by a wagon wheel passing over it as they descended the Sierras, and he was for a long time after...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume IThe Works of Aphra Behn, Volume IIt is perhaps not altogether easy to appreciate the multiplicity of difficulties with which the first editor of Mrs. Behn has to cope. Not only is her life strangely mysterious and obscure, but the rubbish of half-a-dozen romancing...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Doom CastleDoom Castle It was an afternoon in autumn, with a sound of wintry breakers on the shore, the tall woods copper-colour, the thickets dishevelled, and the nuts, in the corries of Ardkinglas, the braes of Ardno, dropping upon bracken burned to gold. Until he...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Charles Dickens as a ReaderCharles Dickens as a Reader As the title-page of this volume indicates, no more is here attempted than a memorial of Charles Dickens in association with his Readings. It appeared desirable that something in the shape of an accurate record should be made of...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Robert BurnsRobert BurnsGreat men, great events, great epochs, it has been said, grow as we recede from them; and the rate at which they grow in the estimation of men is in some sort a measure of their greatness. Tried by this standard, Burns must...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Pohjavirtoja: RomaaniPohjavirtoja: RomaaniEero, vanhin kotona olevista lapsista, istui erilln muista huoneen perll, suuressa, vanhanaikuisessa keinutuolissa, kirjat polvellaan. Ikkunan luona, pienen pydn ymprill lukivat kansakoulua kyvt lapset lksyjn. Heit oli kaksi tytt ja kaksi poikaa. Ville, vanhin heist, istui kahdeksanvuotiaan Yrjn vieress ja joka kerralta, kun...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The CarbonelsThe CarbonelsThe time was the summer of 1822. The place was a garden, somewhat gone to waste, with a gravel drive running round a great circle of periwinkles with a spotted aucuba in the middle. There was a low, two-storied house, with green shutters,...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Les Contemporains, 2ème SérieLes Contemporains, 2ème Série - Etudes et Portraits LittérairesDes vers d'une splendeur prcise, une srnit imperturbable, voil ce qui frappe tout d'abord chez M. Leconte de Lisle. Au fond, il y a autre chose que nous verrons; mais cela est cach et ne se...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Tri NovelojTri NovelojLa sekvonta rakonto malkovriis en la dokumentaro de forpasinta Didriko Knikerbokero, maljuna sinjoro de Nov-Jorkio, kiu tre scivolemis pri la Nederlanda historio de la provinco kaj la kutimoj de la posteuloj de ties originaj koloniintoj. Siajn historiajn esplorojn li entreprenis tamen malpli inter...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Tri NovelojTri NovelojFoje tiu ege aparta viro, maljuna D-ro Hejdegero, invitis kvar respektindajn geamikojn kunveni e li en lia studkabineto. Tri el ili estis blankbarbaj entlemanoj: S-ro Medborno, Kolonelo Kiligruo, kaj S-ro Gaskojno. La kvara estis velkinta entlemanino nomianta Vidvino Vajkerlio. iuj estis malgajaj maljunaj...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Songs of Innocence and of ExperienceSongs of Innocence and of ExperienceThe person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the country...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Secret Chambers and Hiding PlacesSecret Chambers and Hiding Places - Historic, Romantic, & Legendary Stories & Traditions About Hiding-Holes, Secret Chambers, Etc.The person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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English Literature and Society in the Eighteenth CenturyEnglish Literature and Society in the Eighteenth CenturyMy Dear Herbert,I had prepared these Lectures for delivery, when a serious breakdown of health made it utterly impossible for me to appear in person. The University was then good enough to allow me to employ a...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Faust: Eine Tragödie [erster Teil]Faust: Eine Tragödie [erster Teil][5]Ihr naht euch wieder, schwankende Gestalten! Die frh sich einst dem trben Blick gezeigt. Versuch ich wohl euch diesmal fest zu halten? Fhl ich mein Herz noch jenem Wahn geneigt? Ihr drngt euch zu! nun gut, so mgt ihr walten,...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Die KugelDie Kugel - Eine Philosophie in Versen p 44: Schwingt der Aquator -> quator p 46: Aber das Jpsesegment zehrt -> Ipsesegment p 49: Aber mein Frennd -> Freund p 49: da sind wir wieder beim Ispe -> Ipse p 53: umschliesend -> umschliessend...
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HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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Pauvre petite!Pauvre petite!Ceci n'est point une actualit, quoi qu'on en puisse croire, mais un rcit puis dans un vieux manuscrit enseveli sous la poussire et oubli dans un coin de la bibliothque du chteau de X... Inutile de dire que je ne nommerai jamais ce...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852The April number of the International Monthly Magazine completes the fifth volume, and the series. The Publishers respectfully announce to its readers and the public, that from the issue of the present Volume, the Magazine...
- HK$49.20
HK$98.45- HK$49.20
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La Grande MarnièreLa Grande MarnièreDans un de ces charmants chemins creux de Normandie, serpentant entre les leves, plantes de grands arbres, qui entourent les fermes d'un rempart de verdure impntrable au vent et au soleil, par une belle matine d't, une amazone, monte sur une jument...
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