Old Is Gold
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The Old Church ClockThe Old Church ClockA BRIEF history of the following homely little tale may perhaps be not less interesting, and more edifying, than the tale itself. It was written originally for the pages of The Christian Magazine, (a cheap monthly publication, intended for circulation especially...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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Gli Uomini Rossi: RomanzoGli Uomini Rossi: Romanzo Disse un ispirato, una volta, che Adamo, in siriaco, significava rosso e volle da ci dedurre la remotissima origine del partito repubblicano. La deduzione dest fra gli scienziati tedeschi interminabili dispute; si form a mano a mano una biblioteca su...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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Politikai divatok: RegényPolitikai divatok: RegényHiba mondjk neknk, vlaszsztok kln a magnletet a kzlettl; tudjatok rzelmesek lenni, mint a nmet, praktikusok, mint az angol, elmsek mint a franczia; kltk azok, a nlkl, hogy politizlnnak. Irjatok gy, hogy az elmondott mese ne legyen feltnen magyar trtnet, tele a...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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Der Sohn: Ein Drama in fünf AktenDer Sohn: Ein Drama in fünf AktenIch bin zwanzig Jahre alt und knnte am Theater sein oder in Johannisburg Viadukte bauen. Weshalb mu es an der Formel fr den abgestumpften Kegel scheitern! Alle Professoren waren mir gewogen, sogar der Direktor sagte mir vor. Ich...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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L'Oeuvre Poètique de Charles Baudelaire: Les Fleurs du MalL'Oeuvre Poètique de Charles Baudelaire: Les Fleurs du MalExprimer avec libert ce qui est du domaine des murs, on ne connat pas de courage plus grand chez un crivain. Choderlos de Laclos s'y appliqua avec une prcision pour la premire fois vraiment mathmatique. 1782,...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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Vita mondanaVita mondana Nella elegante portineria olandese, nicchiata nel verde, di fianco al cancello del giardino, il sopraggiungere di Alberto Mentena non cagion meraviglia alcuna. La linda portinaja si alz premurosamente per aprir l'uscio che metteva sul viale e accompagn il giovane, sinch pot vederlo,...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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Ollin oppivuodetOllin oppivuodetI. Olli karkaa kotoa. II. Suutarimestari Simolin. III. Hyljtty ja yksininen. IV. Ystvykset. V. Merille! VI. Uusi oppipoika. VII. Hillevi. VIII. Olli saa uusia harrastuksia. IX. Olli kertoo Rauhalasta. X. Teatterinytntj ja sairautta. XI. Simolin viritt uusia juonia. XII. Kolme vihellyst ja pako....
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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Knock at a VentureKnock at a VentureWhere the sylvan character of the scene changes; where fields give place to hanging woods and they in their turn thin to poverty and obliquity under eternal stress of western winds, a gate, resting by its own weight against a granite...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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Le seduzioni - Le vergini folliLe seduzioni - Le vergini folli Saffo dalle chiome di viola. Chi se l'immagina rediviva? I secoli l'hanno circonfusa in una nebbia leggendaria di ardente impurit. Immaginate dunque il suo spirito riemerso dall'onda Egea, trasmigrato verso un'ansimante metropoli moderna, vestito un'altra volta di membra...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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On AnythingOn AnythingOne day in the town of Perpignan I was poking about to see where I could best get something to eat, when I saw a door open into a charming garden; and in the hope of finding it to be the garden of...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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The Undying Fire: A contemporary novelThe Undying Fire: A contemporary novelTwo eternal beings, magnificently enhaloed, the one in a blinding excess of white radiance and the other in a bewildering extravagance of colours, converse amidst stupendous surroundings. These surroundings are by tradition palatial, but there is now also a...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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SuuteitaSuuteitaVienon suruisella ja pelonalaisella lapsen nell laulettuina tunkeutuivat nuo sanat jostakin kaukaa Iisakin korviin. Hn loikoi silloin viel vuoteellansa kaupungin parhaan ravintolan viidenness numerossa ja aukasi silmns. Iisakki ei oikein tiennyt, oliko hn jo ollut hereill ennen laulua, vai siihenk hn vasta hersi. Kaiketikin...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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Wilhelm Hauffs sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden. Bd. 5Wilhelm Hauffs sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden. Bd. 5Ueber Freilingen lag eine kalte, strmische Novembernacht; der Wind rumorte durch die Straen, als sei er allein hier Herr und Meister, und eine lbliche Polizeiinspektion habe nichts ber den Straenlrm zu sagen. Dicke Tropfen schlugen an...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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La colline inspiréeLa colline inspirée[1] Plusieurs des personnes qui furent mles aux vnements que nous allons raconter existent encore; d'autres ont disparu depuis trop peu de temps pour qu'il soit sans inconvnient de les mettre en scne. Aussi l'auteur prendra la libert de substituer certains noms...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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The Moth Decides: A NovelThe Moth Decides: A NovelA tale of Paris and an American boy who found on every hand romance hidden away. "As sunny as 'Seventeen' and as subtle as 'The Age of Innocence.' There will be thousands to delight in it with tears and chuckles."Wilson...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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Dieudonat: RomanDieudonat: RomanL'histoire du prince Dieudonat est une bien belle histoire. Par malheur, elle n'est probablement qu'un tissu de mensonges: maintes considrations, en effet, portent croire que ce gentilhomme n'a jamais exist, et cette raison suffirait expliquer pourquoi nul ne peut dire en quel pays...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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The million pound bank-note, and other storiesThe £1,000,000 bank-note, and other new storiesWhen I was twenty-seven years old, I was a mining-brokers clerk in San Francisco, and an expert in all the details of stock traffic. I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend upon but my...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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The Modern TravellerThe Modern TravellerAs the transcriber, I feel moved to comment that I was somewhat offended by the implicit bigotry of the author towards Africans, however I took it as a sign of the times (when the poem was written) rather than intentional racial slurs....
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825, Vol. 1 (of 2)Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825, Vol. 1 (of 2) - Or, Journal of a Voyage to the United StatesIn publishing at this late period the journal of my voyage to the United States, along with General Lafayette, in 1824 and 1825, I...
- HK$50.12
HK$2,023.63- HK$50.12
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Bread and CircusesBread and CircusesOf the verses contained in this book, the greater part have already appeared, notably in the Westminster Gazette, The Englishwoman, The Daily Chronicle, The Catholic Messenger, The Pall Mall Magazine, T.P.s Magazine, and Punch. To the proprietors of Punch I am especially...
- HK$50.12
HK$1,226.45- HK$50.12
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