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Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band X, Heft 7-9Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band X, Heft 7-9 - Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeInhalt: Das alte Land im jungen Lenz Wehrkirchen im Leipziger Land Es braucht nicht Stein zu sein Der Steinerne Frosch bei Miltitz In eigener Sache ein letztes Wort Der betende...
- HK$50.09
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Youth, Vol. I, No. 7, September 1902: An Illustrated Monthly Journal for Boys & GirlsYouth, Vol. I, No. 7, September 1902: An Illustrated Monthly Journal for Boys & GirlsAn Illustrated Monthly Journal for Boys and Girls SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTSANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 Sent postpaid to any addressSubscriptions can begin at any time and must be paid in advance...
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HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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Nick Carter Stories No. 11, November 23, 1912: Nick Carter Strikes Oil or, Uncovering More Than a MurderNick Carter Stories No. 11, November 23, 1912: Nick Carter Strikes Oil; or, Uncovering More Than a MurderIssued Weekly. Entered as Second-class Matter at the New York Post Office, by Street & Smith, 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York. Copyright, 1915, by Street & Smith....
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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The Little Review, December 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 9)The Little Review, December 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 9) The young artist is a woman, and at evening she comes to talk to me in my room. She is my sister, but long ago she has forgotten that and I have forgotten. Neither my...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 112, Vol. III, February 20, 1886Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 112, Vol. III, February 20, 1886The old maxim regarding the power of habit is usually and rightly regarded as exhibiting a thorough application to the regulation of animal life. Not merely in human...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 111, Vol. III, February 13, 1886Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 111, Vol. III, February 13, 1886All the world has shrunk since the Golden Age of our childhood. Time was longer, and people were taller then. A wet day was the depth of despair...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 110, Vol. III, February 6, 1886Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 110, Vol. III, February 6, 1886The cry is everywhere the samethe badness of our modern servants. But who is really to blamethe mistresses or the maids? the masters or the employed? The one...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 108, Vol. III, January 23, 1886Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 108, Vol. III, January 23, 1886I am once more at the waters edge. It is the Tweed, silver-voiced, musical, its ripples breaking into liquid crystals as the rushing stream leaps into the breast...
- HK$50.09
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 109, Vol. III, January 30, 1886Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 109, Vol. III, January 30, 1886A recent writer remarks that the practice of letters is miserably harassing to the mind. To find the right word is so doubtful a success, and lies so...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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An Index to the First Thirty-Three Volumes of the Yale Literary MagazineAn Index to the First Thirty-Three Volumes of the Yale Literary Magazine - February, 1836-July 1868Roman and Arabic numerals in succession refer respectively to volume and page. Brackets indicate the second issue of 1864. The numerals after each Editors name respectively, signify the year...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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Nick Carter Stories No. 137, April 24, 1915: The Seal of Gijon Or, Nick Carter's Ice-House FightNick Carter Stories No. 137, April 24, 1915: The Seal of Gijon; Or, Nick Carter's Ice-House Fight Issued Weekly. Entered as Second-class Matter at the New York Post Office, by Street & Smith, 79-89 Seventh Ave., New York. Copyright, 1915, by Street & Smith....
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 106, Vol. III, January 9, 1886Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 106, Vol. III, January 9, 1886The surprises that await the deputies and representatives of the North German League, when, after a hard days work and a late supper, they return, wearied in body...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 107, Vol. III, January 16, 1886Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 107, Vol. III, January 16, 1886The wonderful improvements which have been effected in modes of communication during the latter part of the present century have resulted in bridging over space, and bringing the...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 105, Vol. III, January 2, 1886Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 105, Vol. III, January 2, 1886About one oclock in the morning, by a flickering fire of half-dead embers, young men of twenty-five are very apt to grow confidential. Now, it was one oclock...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 3, April 1836)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 3, April 1836)This hackneyed distich is most frequently used to convey an idea of that arrogant confidence which attends the first superficial acquisitions in knowledge, and the characteristic diffidence of the profound mind. Whether this is the...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 5, July 1836)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 5, July 1836)Great men are always simplestrikingly so; simple in their thoughts and feelings, and in the expression of them. Nor is this an unimportant characteristic. For to one who reflects how few artless men there arehow...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 6, August 1836)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 6, August 1836)There is a tendency to regard the commotions of society, which have taken place of late years, as the results of modern diplomacy, or of notions concerning human rights, which have received birth and risen...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 4, June 1836)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 4, June 1836)What is truth? Truth, says a standard logician, signifies nothing but the joining or separating of signs, as the things signified by them do agree or disagree with one another; that is, in making propositions....
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 375, March 5, 1887The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 375, March 5, 1887lsewhere in the pages of The Girls Own Paper a writer has explained the laws of form governing and underlying what we call classical music. To those who love art, in whatever guise it...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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Lord Lister No. 0398: Duister New-YorkLord Lister No. 0398: Duister New-YorkSedert eenige dagen hielden de Amerikaansche, naar vooral de New-Yorksche bladen zich bijna uitsluitend bezig met het zonderlinge geval van den heer Albert Clapham, den rijken, eenigszins excentrieken effectenhandelaar, die in een der deftigste wijken van de wereldstad een...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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