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The Peak in Darien, With Some Other Inquiries Touching Concerns of the Soul and the BodyThe Peak in Darien, With Some Other Inquiries Touching Concerns of the Soul and the Body - An Octave of EssaysMy last little book, Lectures on the Duties of Women, was addressed principally to the young of my own sex. The present volume is...
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Az emberiség jövőjeAz emberiség jövőjePrftai kisrletet, remlem, nem vr tlem a nyjas olvas. Hiszen sok prftja van korunknak, legalbb sokan olyanok, kik gy tntetik fel magukat, mintha prftk volnnak. Trgyam mint idszer elmlkeds tltt fel bennem, mely abbl az rdekldsbl sarjad ki, mely az emberre, mint...
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The life and times of the Rev. Samuel WesleyThe life and times of the Rev. Samuel Wesley - Rector of Epworth and father of the Revs. John and Charles Wesley, the founders of the MethodistsI have the conviction that due honour has never yet been paid to Samuel Wesley. The praises of...
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Phallic WorshipPhallic Worship - A description of the mysteries of the sex worship of the ancients, with the history of the masculine cross. An account of primitive symbolism, Hebrew phallicism, bacchic festivals, sexual rites, and the mysteries of the ancient faiths.The present somewhat slight sketch...
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Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Tweede deelGereformeerde dogmatiek. Tweede deel.1. Het mysterie is het levenselement der dogmatiek. Wel verstaat de Schrift onder geen abstract-bovennatuurlke waarheid in Roomschen zin; maar z is even ver verwderd van de gedachte, dat de geloovige de geopenbaarde mysterin in wetenschappelken zin verstaan en begrpen zou,...
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HK$99.88- HK$49.91
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Kant-breviarium: Kant világnézete és életfelfogásaKant-breviarium: Kant világnézete és életfelfogásaAzon szerencse jutott osztlyrszeml, hogy megismertem egy filozofust, aki a tantm volt. Legvirgzbb veiben vidm s lnk volt, mint egy ifj, s e vidm lnksg, azt hiszem, legelaggottabb korig is ksrte. Nylt, gondolkodsra termett homloka elpusztthatatlan derltsg s rm szkhelye...
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Frammenti letterari e filosoficiFrammenti letterari e filosofici La biografia di Leonardo, nelle sue linee essenziali, la storia del nascere, dellaccrescere, dellingigantirsi e dellespandersi di un amore intellettuale verso la natura, intento a riprodurne le forme e a conoscerne le leggi. Questo amore, nato in unumile casa di...
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Le grand secretLe grand secretQuon ne sattende pas trouver ici une histoire ou une monographie mthodique de loccultisme. Il y faudrait consacrer des volumes que remplirait forcment une grande partie du fatras que je veux avant tout pargner au lecteur. Je nai dautre dessein que de...
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HK$159.79- HK$49.91
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Life of Emanuel SwedenborgLife of Emanuel Swedenborg - Together with a brief synopsis of his writings, both philosophical and theologicalDuring the few past years many biographies of Swedenborg have been offered to the public. Dr. Tafel, of Tbingen, in 1839, collected into one volume the testimonies of...
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The Book of the CourtierThe Book of the CourtierThe popularity long enjoyed by this old book, the place that it holds in Italian literature, and the fact that it is almost inaccessible to English readers, seem to furnish sufficient reason for a new translation. The art of the...
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The Mirror of the GracesThe Mirror of the Graces - Containing General Instructions for Combining Elegance, Simplicity, and Economy with Fashion in Dress; Hints on Female Accomplishments and Manners; and Directions for the Preservation of Health and BeautyIn discoursing on the degree of consequence, in the scale of...
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Ecclesiastical History of England, Volume 5—The Church of the RevolutionEcclesiastical History of England, Volume 5—The Church of the RevolutionIt will be found that in this Volume I have assigned a large space to the attempt at Comprehension in the year 1689as it is a subject of present interest, and because the proceedings connected...
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Unfinished Rainbows, and Other EssaysUnfinished Rainbows, and Other EssaysThe rainbow was only a fragment of an arch because the needed sunshine was withheld. Had the sunlight been permitted to permeate all the atmosphere with its golden glow, the arch would have spanned the entire heavens. This is the...
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The Contemporary science seriesThe Psychology of the EmotionsIn all affective manifestations there are two elements: the motor states or impulses, which are primary; the agreeable or painful states, which are secondaryUnconscious organic protoplasmic sensibility; microorganismsChemical interpretation; psychological interpretationAre there pure states of feeling?Affirmative factsThe period of needs,...
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Che cosa è l'arte?Che cosa è l'arte? un libro che meriterebbe di essere confutato da Ernesto Rnan. Quanto a idee generali, esso non ci apporta grandi novit circa la mente dellautore sullarte e il suo ufficio nel mondo. Leggendolo si pensa alla Sonata a Kreuzer e si...
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Susie Sunbeam's SeriesEtiquette for Little FolksOn giving introductions, always present a gentleman to a lady, save when a lady enters a room where several persons are assembled, when the lady is presented. Very young persons should be presented to older ones; and we should always present...
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Kennisleer contra Materie-Realisme: Bijdrage tot „Kritiek” en KantbegripKennisleer contra Materie-Realisme: Bijdrage tot „Kritiek” en KantbegripSoviel ist gewiss: wer einmal Kritik gekostet hat, den ekelt auf immer alles dogmatische Gewsche, womit er vorher aus Not vorlieb nahm, weil seine Vernunft etwas bedurfte und nichts besseres zu ihrer Unterhaltung finden konnte. Die Kritik...
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Life of ChristLife of ChristFor five hundred years those who call themselves free spirits because they prefer prison life to army service have been trying desperately to kill Jesus a second timeto kill Him in the hearts of men. The army of His enemies assembled to...
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The Life and Work of William TindaleThe Life and Work of William Tindale"THE first scholar and the first divine of his epoch"the words stand true of William Tindale; but his personality is even more arresting, for only a man richly endowed with courage, sincerity, uprightness, the sense of duty and...
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HK$99.88- HK$49.91
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A Vision of the Future, Based on the Application of Ethical PrinciplesA Vision of the Future, Based on the Application of Ethical PrinciplesThe world of thought has acquired new knowledge since then; and many social changes have occurred. The present volume is not a replica of that work, although, as before, my aim has been...
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