Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Losing the Atmosphere, A Memoir: A Baffling Disorder, a Search for Help, and the Therapist Who UnderstoodBorn in 1940s Brooklyn to a father prone to rages and an emotionally erratic mother, Vivian Conan grew up in two different worlds: Outside and Inside. Outside, she had friends, excelled in school, and was close to her cousins and brother. Inside, she saw...
- HK$259.43
- HK$259.43
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Essentials of Ideal-Type Analysis: A Qualitative Approach to Constructing TypologiesThe brief, practical texts in the Essentials of Qualitative Methods series introduce social science and psychology researchers to key approaches to capturing phenomena not easily measured quantitatively, offering exciting, nimble opportunities to gather in-depth qualitative data. Essentials of Ideal-Type Analysis is the perfect guide...
- HK$359.21
- HK$359.21
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Notes from an Apocalypse: A Personal Journey to the End of the World and BackONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR NPR - Esquire - The Guardian - Washington Independent Review of Books "Harrowing, tender-hearted, and funny as hell." --Jenny Offill"Smart, funny, irreverent, and philosophically rich." --Wall Street Journal By the author of the award-winning To Be...
- HK$224.41
- HK$224.41
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The Problem with Science: The Reproducibility Crisis and What to Do about ItRecent events have vividly underscored the societal importance of science, yet the majority of the public are unaware that a large proportion of published scientific results are simply wrong. The Problem with Science is an exploration of the manifestations and causes of this scientific...
- HK$789.78
- HK$789.78
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Mending FencesHigh conflict divorce can leave children polarized within the transitioning family system, aligned with one parent and resisting or refusing contact with the other parent. Rather than becoming mired in the bottomless pit of back and forth blame, more and more courts are seeking...
- HK$521.57
- HK$521.57
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NLP and Dark Psychology 2-in-1 Book: Become That Person Who Controls Every Situation. Learn to Read Body Language Like a Pro and Influence People's DeDo you wish to be able to read the human body like an open book? Would you like to become a puppeteer of the minds? Would you like to speak in a persuasive way and become instantly liked by anyone? Then you need to...
- HK$260.99
- HK$260.99
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Being the Person Your Dog Thinks You Are: The Science of a Better YouA crisp and sparkling blend of cognitive science and human behavior that offers meaningful and attainable pathways towards becoming our best selves. Why do we feel like in order to be productive, happy, or good, we must sacrifice everything else? Is it possible to...
- HK$383.36
- HK$383.36
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Parents as Partners in Child Therapy: A Clinician's GuideThis book addresses a key need for child therapists--how to actively involve parents in treatment and give them tools to support their child's healthy development. Known for her innovative, creative therapeutic approach, Paris Goodyear-Brown weaves together knowledge about play therapy, trauma, attachment theory, and...
- HK$698.07
- HK$698.07
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Manipulación: Cuáles son las técnicas de persuasión usadas para influenciar y negociar. ¡Cómo y por qué se termina diciendo que sí!⭐ EDICIÓN REVISADA Y ACTUALIZADA EN NOVIEMBRE 2022 - MÁS DE 20.000 COPIAS VENDIDAS ⭐ - Quieres un sistema comprobado para controlar personas difíciles y ambiguas?- Estás cansado de sentir esa sensación que otras personas parecen poder dirigirte, sabotearte o imponerte algo?- Cómo cambiaría...
- HK$240.44
- HK$240.44
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Living with Ptsd on the Autism Spectrum: Insightful Analysis with Practical ApplicationsThe relationship between autism and PTSD has historically been neglected in research and understanding but impacts the lives of many. Autistic people are intrinsically vulnerable to traumatic social situations and relationships, which can later manifest as PTSD. Navigating situations where one feels entirely at...
- HK$407.67
- HK$407.67
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Adolescents at School, Third Edition: Perspectives on Youth, Identity, and EducationAdolescents at School brings together the perspectives of scholars, educators, and researchers to address the many issues that affect adolescents' emerging identities, especially in relation to students' experience of and engagement with school. The book offers current and preservice teachers a practical understanding of...
- HK$561.91
- HK$561.91
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Modificación de Conducta: Principios y Procedimientos, sexta ediciónEsta sexta edici n en espa ol del manual cl sico de Miltenberger "Modificaci n de conducta: Principios y procedimientos" presenta una amplia y cuidada introducci n al rea del an lisis aplicado de conducta. El libro explora en gran detalle y con gran...
- HK$1,617.54
- HK$1,617.54
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Say This, Not That: How to Master 7 Dreaded Conversations As a Leader in the Modern WorkplaceWhat's the best way to deliver bad news? How do you lead someone if you don't particularly like or get along with them? What do you say to someone who has asked for a raise they haven't earned? How do you motivate someone who...
- HK$194.44
- HK$194.44
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We Are All in Shock: Energy Healing for Traumatic Times"Each person can learn to recognize and resolve their shock experience, sometimes alone, other times with help. Mines' goal is to empower the reader to clear out the conditioning that decreases our freedom to live with buoyancy." --Psychology Today Have you tried to "snap...
- HK$286.80
- HK$286.80
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Beyond Your Number Type 4: an enneagram journal to guide you forward with greater wholenessThe work of enneagram can be daunting. Beyond Your Number Journals are designed to open space for you to see your behaviors, motivations, fears, and hopes with more clarity and compassion. This Beyond Your Number Type 4 journal includes color choices, quotes, space, and...
- HK$209.97
- HK$209.97
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Map of the Soul - 7: Persona, Shadow & Ego in the World of BTSBTS did it again Map of the Soul: 7 is a capstone of a 2-album project intended to reveal the inner landscape of the human soul that is packed with rich symbolism and woven together with BTS's signature sound and moves. Starting with the...
- HK$575.04
- HK$575.04
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The Development of a Therapist: Healing Others - Healing SelfLouis Cozolino, one of our most compelling clinical writers, takes us inside the mind and heart of a seasoned therapist, carrying on the tradition of personal and professional writing begun in The Making of a Therapist. This book discusses some of the more abstract...
- HK$459.68
- HK$459.68
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Jung's Red Book for Our Time: Searching for Soul Under Postmodern Conditions Volume 4The spiritual malaise regnant in today's disenchanted world presents a picture of "a polar night of icy darkness," as Max Weber wrote already a century ago. This collective dark night of the soul is driven by climate change-related disasters, rapid technological innovations, and opaque...
- HK$665.00
- HK$665.00
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Formations of the Unconscious: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book VWhen I decided to explore the question of Witz, or wit, with you this year, I undertook a small enquiry. It will come as no surprise at all that I began by questioning a poet. This is a poet who introduces the dimension of...
- HK$424.71
- HK$424.71
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Maestría en Psicología Oscura: Domina los secretos de la psicología oscura y sus fundamentos como el arte de leer a la gente, las técnicas de manipulSi se siente presionado psicol gicamente para hacer cosas y quiere aprender a dejar de sentirte asustado, obligado o culpable, entonces sigue leyendo... Quiere evitar ser un blanco de la influencia social y la manipulaci n? Se siente culpable por querer decir que no...
- HK$233.43
- HK$233.43
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