Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
The Science of CharacterLong out of print and impossible to find, The Science of Character was for many years Ludwig Klages' only book translated into English. A tour de force of Nietzschean and vitalist psychology, Klages goes beyond Nietzsche's scattershot aphorisms and attempts to create a system...
- HK$238.31
- HK$238.31
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A Question Mark: An Investigation into the Mysterious Death of Elliott SmithIn the early 2000s, Elliott Smith was a rising Indie music star, a multi-instrumentalist with a drug habit and a dark outlook on life. His music conveyed the depths of his pain and the heights of his hope. When he died in 2003 of...
- HK$200.65
- HK$200.65
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Fear Traps: Escape the Triggers That Keep You StuckAre you afraid of loneliness or failure, confrontation or facing the unknown? Fear Traps equips readers to heal trauma and take on new challenges with confidence and resilience. Dr. Stella shows us that fear is normal, but fear does not need to control you....
- HK$238.31
- HK$238.31
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When He Came Home: The Impact of War on Partners and Children of VeteransWhen the Vietnam War veterans returned home to Australia, neither the veterans nor their partners were aware of the psychological harm with which many had been afflicted. Post-traumatic stress disorder had not yet been recognized and as the men fell victim to terrible moods...
- HK$335.40
- HK$335.40
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Dealing with Difficult People: Fast, Effective Strategies for Handling Problem PeopleLearn how to navigate the bullies, manipulators and complainers who drive you mad. With example dialogue and techniques, it will help you navigate tricky situations and keep your cool. By understanding the motives and individual behaviours of difficult people, you can learn to manage...
- HK$626.12
- HK$626.12
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Shame, Pride, and Relational Trauma: Concepts and PsychotherapyShame, Pride, and Relational Trauma is a guide to recognizing the many ways shame and pride lie at the heart of psychotherapy with survivors of relational trauma. In these pages, readers learn how to differentiate shame and pride as emotional processes and traumatic mind/body...
- HK$800.26
- HK$800.26
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Pandemics, Wars, Traumas and Literature: Echoes from the Front LinesThis book presents unique insights into the experiences of frontline medical workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, psychoanalytic work with trauma and perspectives from literature. Part One presents a set of six 'testimonies', transcribed from video interviews conducted by Françoise Davoine with nurses, doctors and...
- HK$539.40
- HK$539.40
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Ethics for Behavior AnalystsThis fully updated fourth edition of Jon S. Bailey and Mary R. Burch's bestselling Ethics for Behavior Analysts is an invaluable guide to understanding and implementing the newly revised Behavior Analyst Certification Board(R) (BACB) Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts. Featured in this new edition...
- HK$2,981.31
- HK$2,981.31
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How to Solve a Crime: Stories from the Cutting Edge of Forensics'Endlessly fascinating...meticulously written and thoroughly absorbing book' Financial Times 'Eye-opening' Daily MailOut now: The gripping new book by the UK's most eminent forensic scientists, Angela Gallop__________ CRIME [Noun]: An action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law Forensic science is...
- HK$324.04
- HK$324.04
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Situational Analysis in Practice: Mapping Relationalities Across DisciplinesSituational Analysis (SA) uses analytic maps of the situation, processes and relations identified using approaches pioneered in Grounded Theory. Creator of the method, award-winning sociologist Adele E. Clarke, with Rachel Washburn and Carrie Friese, show how the method can be, and has been, used...
- HK$1,061.13
- HK$1,061.13
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Recovery from Complex PTSD From Trauma to Regaining Self Through Mindfulness & Emotional Regulation ExercisesHow you can heal from trauma and own who you are, even if things feel completely hopeless Are you suffering from chronic anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, or uncontrollable emotions? Although PTSD affects 7-8% of people in the world, it remains a relatively taboo subject....
- HK$279.37
- HK$279.37
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Feeling Fate: A Memoir of Love, Intuition, and SpiritAs her sweetheart's body lies cooling on the living room floor, Joni Sensel--shattered but not surprised--revisits her premonition about this moment. From nearly the start of their fairy tale romance less than four years ago, she knew she would lose Tony, the man she...
- HK$189.44
- HK$189.44
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Intimate Relationships: Skills and Strategies that Lead to SuccessIn Intimate Relationships: Skills and Strategies that Lead to Success, editors Veronica Johnson, Kimberly Parrow, and Sara Polanchek bring together a collective of voices from different fields and perspectives to offer readers a comprehensive and practical guide to intimate relationships.The text considers all varieties...
- HK$1,819.54
- HK$1,819.54
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The Power of A Single ThoughtThis work brings to life a treasure of life-changing wisdom that has inspired generations of transformational leaders. The essence of the book is that major, positive shifts in the quality of your life can be initiated by changing a single thought. The present volume...
- HK$142.90
- HK$142.90
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Living the Life I Truly Desire: An Anorexia Recovery WorkbookThis is an artistic clinical workbook for those who are struggling with Anorexia, for parents with children that are struggling with an Eating Disorder or clinicians that work with Eating Disorders. The book is divided by 43 unique and inspiring images, which were created...
- HK$933.63
- HK$933.63
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Career Advice for Young Scientists in Biomedical Research: How to Think Like a Principal InvestigatorPursuing a career in biomedical research can be daunting, considering the stiffer competition and uncertain career prospects in academia. This book summarizes career advice gathered during in-depth interviews with 106 biomedical scientists who lead their own laboratories. The participating principal investigators are from 44...
- HK$424.74
- HK$424.74
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The Trust Solution: A couple's guide to healing intimate betrayalWho do you turn to when you've been betrayed by the person you trusted most in the world? How do you recover from the trauma of intimate betrayal-or the guilt, anger, and shame that come from being the partner who has betrayed someone they...
- HK$167.08
- HK$167.08
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The Cambridge Handbook of Political PsychologyThe Cambridge Handbook of Political Psychology provides a comprehensive review of the psychology of political behaviour from an international perspective. Its coverage spans from foundational approaches to political psychology, including the evolutionary, personality and developmental roots of political attitudes, to contemporary challenges to governance,...
- HK$950.07
- HK$950.07
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How To Get Rid Of Social Media Addiction: The Symptoms And Way Forward In 30 Proven Steps: Detox From Social Network Platforms, Internet Community, AnHow To Get Rid Of Social Media Addiction: The Symptoms And Way Forward In 30 Proven StepsDetox From Social Network Platforms, Internet Community, And Take Your Life Back.You know how you cannot stay away from that social media buzz for too long, right?Checking your...
- HK$223.35
- HK$223.35
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Mindset der Gewinner - Das große 4 in 1 Buch für grenzenlosen Erfolg im Leben: Gewohnheiten ändern Ziele setzen Mentale Stärke aufbauen Aufschieben st40 Stunden in der Woche in der Tretmühle am Arbeitsplatz gefangen und ein Ausweg ist nicht in Sicht?Viele Menschen nehmen die Dinge einfach hin und denken, ohnehin keine Möglichkeiten zur Entfaltung zu haben.Ein Irrtum, denn der Erfolg stellt sich automatisch ein, wenn an der...
- HK$1,006.09
- HK$1,006.09
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