Explore top psychology books, from social psychology and sports psychology to novels and beginner guides. Discover bestsellers and highly recommended reads in human psychology available online.
Moral TheologyMoral Theology - A Complete Course Based on St. Thomas Aquinas and the Best Modern Authorities1. Definition.Moral Theology is defined: (a) etymologically, as the study of God, considered as the beginning and the end of mans moral life, i.e., of those acts that proceed...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Mysteries of the Rosie CrossMysteries of the Rosie Cross - Or, the History of that Curious Sect of the Middle Ages, Known as the Rosicrucians; with Examples of their Pretensions and Claims as Set Forth in the Writings of Their Leaders and DisciplesIn the following pages an attempt...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Life of Heber C. Kimball, an ApostleLife of Heber C. Kimball, an Apostle - The Father and Founder of the British MissionIn presenting this work to the public, I not only fulfill the desires of my own heart and those of my kindred who have undertaken to publish what is...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Das Wirken der Seele: Ideen zu einer organischen PsychologieDas Wirken der Seele: Ideen zu einer organischen PsychologieDie vorliegende Arbeit[A] enthlt die Grundzge einer organisch-teleologischen Psychologie, deren systematischen Ausbau sich der Verfasser fr eine sptere Zeit vorbehlt. Es wird hier versucht, zu zeigen, wie sich eine konsequente Durchfhrung des psychologischen Voluntarismus, fr den...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Nation Behind Prison BarsThe Nation Behind Prison BarsThere are enough people in prison in these United States to furnish a citizenship to a considerable territory, or to populate a good-sized city. For the psychological student, they form the most interesting of all objects of study. For the...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Kant und GoetheKant und Goethe In die Zustnde der Halbkulturen, aber auch in die Kultur vor der Herrschaft des Christentums pflegen wir die Einheit von Lebenselementen zu verlegen, die die sptere Entwicklung auseinandergetrieben und zu Gegenstzen ausgestaltet hat. So hart der Kampf um die physischen Existenzbedingungen,...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Buddha's Path of Virtue: A Translation of the DhammapadaThe Buddha's Path of Virtue: A Translation of the Dhammapada Foreword Translator's Preface I. The Pairs II. Heedfulness III. The Mind IV. Flowers V. Fools VI. The Wise VII. The ArahatThe Worthy VIII. The Thousands IX. Evil X. Punishment XI. Old Age XII. The...
- HK$49.13
HK$157.28- HK$49.13
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The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, and Manual of PolitenessThe Ladies' Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness - A Complete Hand Book for the Use of the Lady in Polite Society[To Contents] In preparing a book of etiquette for ladies, I would lay down as the first rule, "Do unto others as...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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An Essay on the Development of Christian DoctrineAn Essay on the Development of Christian DoctrineChristianity has been long enough in the world to justify us in dealing with it as a fact in the world's history. Its genius and character, its doctrines, precepts, and objects cannot be treated as matters of...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Eleusinian Mysteries and RitesThe Eleusinian Mysteries and RitesAt one time the Mysteries of the various nations were the only vehicle of religion throughout the world, and it is not impossible that the very name of religion might have become obsolete but for the support of the periodical...
- HK$49.13
HK$157.28- HK$49.13
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The People's Idea of God: Its Effect On Health And ChristianityThe People's Idea of God: Its Effect On Health And ChristianityEvery step of progress is a step more spiritual. The great element of reform is not born of human wisdom; it draws not its life from human organizations; rather is it the crumbling away...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Organizing and Building Up the Sunday SchoolOrganizing and Building Up the Sunday School - Modern Sunday School ManualsIn the preparation of this volume the purpose was to supply a convenient handbook upon the organization, the management, and the recruiting of the Sunday school, to be read by those desiring information...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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TheaetetusΘεαίτητοςNote: The tonic system has been changed from polytonic to monotonic. Errors indicated in a Table of Errors have been corrected in the text. The spelling of the book has not been changed otherwise. Words with bold characters are enclosed in &. Words in...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Morning and Evening Prayers for All Days of the WeekMorning and Evening Prayers for All Days of the Week - Together With Confessional, Communion, and Other Prayers and Hymns for Mornings and Evenings, and Other OccasionsThis little manual of prayers herewith offered to English speaking Christians in their own language, has long been...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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An Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists, by the Rules of Evidence Administered in Courts of JusticeAn Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists, by the Rules of Evidence Administered in Courts of Justice - With an Account of the Trial of Jesus A few years ago, Mr. Joseph Salvador, a physicianand a descendant of one of those Jewish...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Orthodox Daily PrayersOrthodox Daily PrayersThe present Prayerbook contains the most basic daily prayers of the Orthodox Christian as they have been transmitted to us essentially by the Russian Church, although the other Orthodox Traditions in this matter are very similar. In this book, we will find...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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SophistΣοφιστήςNote: The tonic system has been changed from polytonic to monotonic. Errors indicated in a Table of Errors have been corrected in the text. The spelling of the book has not been changed otherwise. Words with bold characters are enclosed in &. I have...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Bygone Church Life in ScotlandBygone Church Life in Scotland [Pg 1] By the Rev. Geo. S. Tyack, B.A. The Reformation in Scotland was of a character more sweeping and destructive than is easy of realisation by an Englishman at the present day. In the southern kingdom much that...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Breaking with the Past Or, Catholic Principles Abandoned at the ReformationBreaking with the Past; Or, Catholic Principles Abandoned at the ReformationTHE Rt. Rev. Francis Aidan Gasquet, Abbot-General of the English Benedictines and Chairman of the Commission appointed for the revision of the Vulgate or Latin Bible, gave a course of sermons at the High...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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De Essentia Patris Et FiliiDe Essentia Patris Et Filii - Patrologiae Cursus Completus; Series Latini; Tomus X; Columns 887-888Column887Hunc quoque librum a Ludovico Miro ex Victorina bibliotheca vulgatum, e libris de Trinitate conflatum esse primus observavit Gillotius: qui locis, e quibus centones quique distracti sunt, notatis, ctera suppressit....
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HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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