Public Domain
Carson of Red RiverCarson of Red RiverThe evening was calm, and the window at Blakes flat by the river mouth was open. Kit Carson, standing with his back against the curtains, felt the rather shabby room was homelike, and for long he had not known a home....
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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The Perilous SeatThe Perilous SeatThe background and details of this story have been carefully authenticated. The founding of the colony Inessa, however, is not an actual event. It is the union of a number of colony traditions. It is therefore correct in character and spirit. The...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Kolme toverusta: RomaaniKolme toverusta: RomaaniHn joka ratsastaa oikealla, hn on Andrees Strandiger, Strandigerkartanon ainoa lapsi. Hn on sen Strandigerin poika, jonka nousuvesi tavotti ja sieppasi tuolla ulkona matalikolla, Wattilla. Viel nykynkin, kun tapauksesta jo on kulunut lhes kolmekymment vuotta, muistellaan sit, kun lnsituuli pauhaa rantavallilla, surulla...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Der alten Sehnsucht Lied: ErzählungenDer alten Sehnsucht Lied: ErzählungenDie frhe Dmmerung des Wintertages glitt ber die weite Hochebene und griff spielerisch nach den verblassenden Sonnenlichtern, die sich langsam zurckzogen, sich noch einmal zusammenfanden und mit dem Hauch des gemeinsamen Abschiedsgrues den Himmel in melancholische, rtlich-violette Tne spannten. Weier...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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The Little Review, December 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 9)The Little Review, December 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 9) The young artist is a woman, and at evening she comes to talk to me in my room. She is my sister, but long ago she has forgotten that and I have forgotten. Neither my...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Virginia of V. M. RanchVirginia of V. M. RanchIt was a glorious morning. The sky above was a gleaming cloudless blue, the desert, below, stretching to the far horizon, shimmered white in the sunlight, while some bird in a canon near was caroling a tipsy song of joy,...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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The Cholera: the claims of the poor upon the richThe Cholera: the claims of the poor upon the richIn 1831 the Asiatic Cholera first made its appearance in this country. It spread consternation wherever it went. This pestilence, however, had its mission. It had previously swept over the fairest portions of the earth,...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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10 KittensTen KittensThe stories of the ten kittens told in this book are true to life. They have been gathered from here and there over the country. All the kittens have lived and played their little parts in the life history as told in each...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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The High Place: A Comedy of DisenchantmentThe High Place: A Comedy of DisenchantmentROBABLY Florian would never have gone into the Forest of Acaire had he not been told, over and over again, to keep out of it. Obedience to those divinely set in authority was in 1698 still modish: none...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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The Aftermath; Or, Gleanings from a Busy LifeThe Aftermath; Or, Gleanings from a Busy Life - Called upon the outer cover, for purposes of sale, Caliban's Guide to LettersFew men have pursued more honourably, more usefully, or more successfully the career of letters than Thomas Caliban, D.D., of Winchelthorpe-on-Sea, near Portsmouth....
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Treatment of Cholera in the Royal Hospital, HaslarTreatment of Cholera in the Royal Hospital, Haslar - during the months of July and August, 1849, with remarks on the name and origin of the disease.On admission the patient was immediately placed in a hot bath, from 104 to 112 of Fahrenheit, in...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Address to the Inhabitants of Rugby about the Cholera MorbusAddress to the Inhabitants of Rugby about the Cholera MorbusA Meeting of the Inhabitants of this town has been called to consider the best means of saving us from the attacks of the Cholera Morbus, which has overrun so many parts of Europe. You...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Mind and Hand: Manual Training the Chief Factor in EducationMind and Hand: Manual Training the Chief Factor in Education The last twenty-five years have brought much of intrinsic value into American education. Rapid increase in population and ever-changing conditions have made imperative demands for schools adequate to self-government. The Kindergarten led the way...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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The Radio GunnerThe Radio GunnerCertainly they give men rewards for doing such things, but what reward can there be in any gift of Kings or peoples to match the enduring satisfaction of having done them, not alone, but with and through and by trusty and proven...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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On the inaccuracies which probably exist in the census returns of agesOn the inaccuracies which probably exist in the census returns of agesSome years ago, before the publication of the third volume of the Census of England and Wales, 1871, I was anxious to calculate the approximate death rates in particular parts of England, amongst...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Plain Sermons, preached at Archbishop Tenison's Chapel, Regent Street. Second SeriesPlain Sermons, preached at Archbishop Tenison's Chapel, Regent Street. Second SeriesGo to now, ye that say, To-day or to-morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Stop in Time: A word in season, from a faithful friend, on a very serious subjectStop in Time: A word in season, from a faithful friend, on a very serious subjectWhen I had put things straight after I got home last night, and could sit down quietly and think over our strange conversation, my heart sank within me. I...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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The Child & the Dream: A Christmas StoryThe Child and the Dream: A Christmas StoryShe was a remarkably bright Child and the beauty of her being bright was that she did not know it. She did bright things and said bright things and it never entered her mind to marvel at...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Der Krieg im WestenDer Krieg im Westen Das besetzte Frankreich ist heute Friede und Sonne. Der Zug fliegt dahin, sorglos und leicht, als ob er Vergngungsreisende an Bord habe, durch grne Tler und blhende Landschaften. Er hat nichts Martialisches mehr an sich. Vor Monaten keuchte und klirrte...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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A Sermon preached at St. George's Church, Bolton, on Sunday, 7th January, 1838A Sermon preached at St. George's Church, Bolton, on Sunday, 7th January, 1838 - occasioned by the death of the Rev. William ThistlewaiteThe text refers to the foregoing verse: None of us liveth unto himself; and no man dieth to himself. We are very...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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