Public Domain
The Doves' Nest, and Other StoriesThe Doves' Nest, and Other StoriesSet up, electrotyped, and printed by the Vail-Ballou Press, Inc., Binghamton, N. Y. Paper furnished by W. F. Etherington & Co., New York. Bound by the H. Wolff Estate, New York, N. Y. This volume contains all the complete...
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HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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Trübner's oriental seriesTibetan Tales, Derived from Indian SourcesIn an Appendix to his Buddhism in Tibet, Dr. Emil Schlagintweit has given An alphabetical list of the books and memoirs connected with Buddhism. Although not completely exhaustive, it occupies thirty-five pages, and contains references to more than a...
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HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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The origins of art a psychological and sociological inquiryThe origins of art; a psychological & sociological inquiryThe aim and scope of this book is sufficiently indicated by its title. I have endeavoured throughout to restrict my attention to questions connected with the origins of art. Points of history and criticism have been...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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The Railway Conquest of the WorldThe Railway Conquest of the WorldThere is the unfathomable fascination of romance connected with the construction of great railways, though little is known of the beginning and the growth of the great trunk roads of the world; of the heavy tax which their construction...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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Historia de la guerra del Peloponeso (2 de 2)Historia de la guerra del Peloponeso (2 de 2)I. Los atenienses, al mando de Clen, toman la ciudad de Torone a los peloponesios. Viaje que el ateniense Fax hace a Italia y Sicilia. II. Brsidas vence a Clen y a los atenienses junto a...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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Historia de la guerra del Peloponeso (1 de 2)Historia de la guerra del Peloponeso (1 de 2)Nueve aos despus de la famosa batalla de Salamina, cuatrocientos setenta antes de la era vulgar, naca en Alimunte, aldea del tica, este clebre historiador. De ilustre y rica familia, sus abuelos maternos fueron Milcades, el...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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Arethusa: Konstantinopolin orjatarArethusa: Konstantinopolin orjatarCarlo Zeno, venetsialainen aatelismies, entinen kirjuri, entinen peluri, entinen onnenonkija, entinen Patrasin palkkapitjn maallikkohaltija, entinen kaksintaistelija ja entinen kreikkalainen kenraali, noin yhdeksnkolmatta vuoden ikinen ja sitkess ruumiissaan arvet puolestakymmenest haavasta, jotka olisivat tuottaneet kuoleman tavalliselle miehelle, oli pttnyt knt uuden lehden, ruvennut...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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Moving the MountainMoving the Mountain This natural tendency to hope, desire, foresee and then, if possible, obtain, has been largely diverted from human usefulness since our goal was placed after death, in Heaven. With all our hope in "Another World," we have largely lost hope of...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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The Plot That Failed or, When Men ConspireThe Plot That Failed; or, When Men ConspireNick Carter stands for an interesting detective story. The fact that the books in this line are so uniformly good is entirely due to the work of a specialist. The man who wrote these stories produced no...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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ThingsThingsTHE great alienist sat down at his desk, and having emptied his mind of all other impressions, held it up like a dipper for his new patient to fill. Large, blond, and handsome, she was plainly accustomed to being listened to. Before she had...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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History for ready reference and topical reading, Volume 2 (of 6), El Do.-GreaHistory for ready reference, Volume 2 (of 6), El Dorado to Greaves You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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My Diary: North and South (vol. 1 of 2)My Diary: North and South (vol. 1 of 2)A book which needs apologies ought never to have been written. This is a canon of criticism so universally accepted, that authors have abstained of late days from attempting to disarm hostility by confessions of weakness,...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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Shadow in the HouseShadow in the HouseOn one side at least, the dinner party had been marked by a sort of ebullient reticence. Landis and Elsa had returned two days since from their honeymoon and were still feeling a little dignified and unique. Erect and formidable in...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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History of the Cape Mounted RiflemenHistory of the Cape Mounted Riflemen - With a Brief Account of the Colony of the Cape of Good HopeThe character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour, by which all who enter into its service are...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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A Prevaricated ParadeA Prevaricated ParadeNever mind, replies old man Whittaker. We dont know none of them, personally, so well let what youve already read be sufficient and plenty. After listening to all youve read out of that book, Hank, Im of the impression that shes a...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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Hilaire Belloc: No Alienated Man A Study in Christian IntegrationHilaire Belloc: No Alienated Man; A Study in Christian IntegrationPoet, sailor, Grizzlebeardthis trinity sums up, not only the man who is Hilaire Belloc, but the vision of integrated humanity concretized in his work. Bellocian humanism is Hilaire Belloc grasped in the essence of his...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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Why We Love MusicWhy We Love MusicThe magazine, Time, commenting on my new book, The Psychology of Music[A], spoke approvingly of the scientific contributions to music, but gibed that, "psychologists have not explained why we love music." As a reply to that I wrote a note, Why...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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The Mason-WaspsThe Mason-WaspsThis is the second volume on Wasps in the Collected Edition of Fabres Souvenirs entomologiques. The first of these was The Hunting Wasps; and the present volume is somewhat wilfully entitled, for all Wasps hunt in varying degrees, if not on their own...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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Pages d'IslamPages d'IslamJusquici lensemble des nouvelles quIsabelle Eberhardt parpilla dans la presse algrienne, de 1902 1904, ne se prsentait sur un seul tableau que dans les collections de lAkhbar et dans le brochage part que nous en avions donn en 1906 avec un indice ditorial...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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La nouvelle cuisinière bourgeoise: Plaisirs de la table et soucis du ménageLa nouvelle cuisinière bourgeoise: Plaisirs de la table et soucis du ménageEn intitulant ce livre la Nouvelle Cuisinire Bourgeoise, je tiens dclarer que je nai obi ni la soif irrflchie du scandale, ni un apptit immodr de lactualit: jai intitul ce livre la Nouvelle...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.05- HK$49.50
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