Public Domain
The Remains of Hesiod the Ascræan, Including the Shield of HerculesThe Remains of Hesiod the Ascræan, Including the Shield of Hercules - Translated into English rhyme and blank verse; with a dissertation on the life and æra, the poems and mythology of Hesiod, and copious notes.The remains of Hesiod are not alone interesting to...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Cosmic CourtshipThe Cosmic CourtshipTHE twenty-second of June, of the year 2001, was Miriam Maynes birthdayher twenty-first. She and her father, Terence Mayne, the billionaire contractor, had arranged to meet at the Long Island house for dinner. After an early breakfast, she kissed him good-by; he...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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A podolini kisértetA podolini kisértetSok esztendvel ezeltt egy felsvidki, kis szepessgi vrosknak voltam a lakosa. Ugy hivjk a vroskt: Podolin. Kzel a hatrszlhez, a Krptok alatt, mly vlgyben fekdt a vroska s vasutnak hire-hamva se volt messzi vidken. m a vroska mgis utjba esett annak a...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Storia degli Italiani, vol. 06 (di 15)Storia degli Italiani, vol. 06 (di 15) Un pregiudizio attaccatoci da moderni scrittori confonde il Comune colla repubblica, la libert civile colla libert politica; onde, al nominare listituzione dei Comuni, immaginiamo una di quelle formidabili sollevazioni del dolore irritato, ove le plebi insorgessero contro...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Lighter Classics in MusicThe Lighter Classics in Music - A Comprehensive Guide to Musical Masterworks in a Lighter Vein by 187 ComposersJoseph Achron was born in Lozdzieje, Lithuania, on May 13, 1886. He attended the St. Petersburg Conservatory, where he studied the violin with Leopold Auer and...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 12The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 12 - In MotleyRATS is radiants and the little ones is a mouse, and thats the feller which pursues the women folks up into a high tree and blankets on her blood! But the old he rat...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Old House: A NovelThe Old House: A NovelIt was evening. Winter hung white over the earth. Great snowflakes crept over the snow towards the coach. They moved ghostlike over the silent, treeless plain. Mountains rose behind them in the snow. Small church towers and roofs crowded over...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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South Africa, vol. IISouth Africa, vol. II.The distance from Newcastle to Pretoria is 207 miles. About 20 miles north from Newcastle we crossed the borders of what used to be the Transvaal Republic, but which since the 12th August last,1877,forms a separate British Colony under the dominion...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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South Africa vol ISouth Africa; vol I.IT was in April of last year, 1877, that I first formed a plan of paying an immediate visit to South Africa. The idea that I would one day do so had long loomed in the distance before me. Except the...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Mystery of the Deserted VillageThe Mystery of the Deserted VillageRonnie was in the hayloft sliding down the piles of newly-stacked hay when he heard the car drive up into the yard and come to a stop. Spitting a mouthful of hayseeds from his lips and tongue, he ran...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Metamorfóseos o Transformaciones (4 de 4)Metamorfóseos o Transformaciones (4 de 4)Entonces el padre Pramo, juntamente con sus hijos, hace las exequias Eaco, que tambien lo era, creyndole muerto; pero alli no se hall Pris por haber ido la Grecia. Perseguido este por los griegos, vieron en el puerto Aulide...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Metamorfóseos o Transformaciones (3 de 4)Metamorfóseos o Transformaciones (3 de 4)Despues que Minos puso sitio y tom Megara, Niso fue transformado en gavilan y Escila en cogujada. Desde aqui aquel volvi Creta, donde estaba el Minotauro encerrado en el laberinto. Habiendo muerto este Teseo, y volviendo con Ariadna su...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Metamorfóseos o Transformaciones (2 de 4)Metamorfóseos o Transformaciones (2 de 4)Alcitoe juntamente con sus hermanas despreciaron de tal modo las fiestas de Baco, que no observndolas, se ocuparon, mientras estas se celebraban, en las tareas ordinarias; y durante su labor cada qual, para hacerla menos penosa, refiri una divertida...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Metamorfóseos o Transformaciones (1 de 4)Metamorfóseos o Transformaciones (1 de 4)METAMORFSEOS o TRANSFORMACIONES DE OVIDIO traducidos al Castellano con algunas notas para su inteligencia por Don Francisco Crivell, y adornados con estampas finas por D. JOS ASSENSIO TOMO 1. MADRID en la Imprenta Real ao 1805. Si hubiera de...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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The Little Review, August 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 5)The Little Review, August 1915 (Vol. 2, No. 5) The dead fingers of spent passions, spent dreams, spent youth clutch at the throat of the rising generation and preserve the integrity of the American family. Not that there is a typical American family. There...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Wetzel, the Scout or, The Captives of the WildernessWetzel, the Scout; or, The Captives of the WildernessCome to tink soberly on de matter, I bring to mind I did have de hammer up, so as to be ready for de Injins when dey do come, and jist now I stubbed my toe,...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Star Book No. 236Aunt Lydia's DesignsEQUIPMENT: T-pins. Scissors. Tape measure or ruler. Knotting board (brown paper marked off in one inch squares for gauge. Place over knotting board of Celotex, cork, or padded cardboard). Rubber bands for bobbins (wind lengths overhand, secure with rubber band and release...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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A Monograph of the Trilobites of North America: with Coloured Models of the SpeciesA Monograph of the Trilobites of North America: with Coloured Models of the SpeciesSome geologists imagine that the order of creation is registered in the rocks which compose the external crust of the earth, and that they can there clearly read a progressive development...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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Good Newes from New EnglandGood Newes from New England - Or a true relation of things very remarkable at the plantation of Plimoth in New-EnglandThis book was published in 1841, and is a reprint of the original book by Edward Winslow published in 1624, with many footnotes added...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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A Treatise on Bread, and Bread-makingA Treatise on Bread, and Bread-makingThere are probably few people in civilized life, whowere the question put to them directlywould not say, that they consider bread one of the most, if not the most important article of diet which enters into the food of...
- HK$49.13
HK$98.31- HK$49.13
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