Public Domain
Yesterday's RevengeYesterday's RevengeWar! Years and decades of slaughter and hate and retrogression, of men against men, machines against machines, machines against men, in an ever quickening tempo of destruction. The World War, the War of the Wings, the War of the Rockets, the Pacifist War,...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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Message from VenusMessage from VenusThe Venusians had one admirable characteristic. When they set out to do a thing, nothing could stop them. Captain Paul Bonnet had said something to this effect to Major Rogers and it made the old man so angry that he almost court-martialed...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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Practicable Socialism, New SeriesPracticable Socialism, New SeriesThe first edition of Practicable Socialism was printed in 1888, the second in 1894. Now, twenty-one years afterwards, a new series is issued, but the most important of the two authors, alas! has left the world, and it therefore falls to...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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FeljegyzésekFeljegyzésekEz nem szgyen s nem titkolni val s pp azrt, mikor igy knyvbe val illesztssel egy idre meg akarnm menteni, ami ez irsok megfigyelseiben egy napnl vagy kt htnl tovbb is igaz maradhat: nem igyekszem holmi csiszolssal vagy tirssal rjuk hamisitani az eredend rkbecssg...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 05 (of 12)The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 05 (of 12)The first edition of the Select British Poets (5 in. 9 in.) was published in 1824 with the following title-page: Select British Poets, or New Elegant Extracts from Chaucer to the Present Time, with Critical...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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The AlhambraThe Alhambra - being a brief record of the Arabian conquest of the Peninsula with a particular account of the Mohammedan architecture and decorationTHE compilation of a book of this kind reveals in the author a refreshing optimism which does not always survive the...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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Lui: Roman contemporainLui: Roman contemporain Vous qui crivez, me disait un soir la marquise Stphanie de Rostan, un de ces rares et nets esprits du dix-huitime sicle qui semble avoir saut pieds joints sur les annes coules jusqu' notre poque indcise o les intelligences cherchent leur...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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The Vibration WaspsThe Vibration WaspsI was out in space with Joan for the sixth time. It might as well have been the eighth or tenth. It went on and on. Every time I rebelled Joan would shrug and murmur: "All right, Richard. I'll go it alone...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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Service by the Educated NegroService by the Educated Negro - Address of Roscoe Conkling Bruce of Tuskegee Institute at the Commencement Exercises of the M Street High School Metropolitan A. M. E. Church Washington, D.C., June 16, 1903When George William Curtis had received from Harvard her greatest degree,...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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The Way BackThe Way BackMichel Drawers crumpled the enormous star-map in his big hairy arms and let it drop from listless fingers. It floated slowly to the ground, scarcely claimed by the infinitesimal gravity of the tiny sky-rock. Hopelessly he gazed aloft, searching, with an air...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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Lunar StationLunar StationBill Bonwitt, the young chief engineer at the mercury mines that bored into the surface of Earth's moon at the crater Tycho, knew something was wrong. His hob-nailed boots beat a swift tattoo on the metal steps as he quick-footed down to the...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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A Green Cloud CameA Green Cloud CameHer fingers lightly caressed a button on the long table as she half-turned toward him. At this moment, she was glad they still wore the semi-barbaric accoutrements donned for last night's festivities, commemorating the conclusion of the final warweird, fantastic trappings,...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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Trips in the Life of a Locomotive EngineerTrips in the Life of a Locomotive EngineerBravery and heroism have in all times been extolled, and the praises of the self-sacrificing men and women who have risked their own in the saving of others' lives, been faithfully chronicled. Railroad men, too long looked...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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Little Mexican and Other StoriesLittle Mexican & Other StoriesSOME people I know can look back over the long series of their childish holidays and see in their memory always a different landscapechalk downs or Swiss mountains; a blue and sunny sea or the grey, ever-troubled fringe of the...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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The Lightning's CourseThe Lightning's CourseIt was only a robot, tiny, chubby, for all the universe like a Ganymedean monkey. It stood in the dark old mansion alone, stiff, immovable. Its pink, bewhiskered, rubberoid face seemed twisted with abject loneliness.... Aye, it stood alone and lonely, as...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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Eyes That WatchEyes That WatchHe, Sam Conway, was back from Mars now. Back from red, ferric deserts no Earthly boot had ever touched before. Back from bitter cold and aching dryness. Back from dazzling yellow hazes of dust and suspended ice crystals. No more need to...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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Histoire de Marie StuartHistoire de Marie StuartJ'ai toujours aim le XVIe sicle. Je l'avais beaucoup tudi. Je le connaissais assez pour le bien sentir. J'tais arriv ce moment o l'rudition, si incomplte qu'elle soit, s'embrase et brle de se rpandre, de crer une uvre. Mais quel sujet...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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Mio figlio!Mio figlio! Quando pubblicai la prima volta le parti staccate di questo libro modesto, i critici mi avvertirono di due cose, cio che io andava troppo per le lunghe, insistendo soverchiamente nei particolari; e che correva troppo senza nemmeno toccare episodii importanti della piccola...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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An AdventureAn AdventureIt is a great venture to speak openly of a personal experience, and we only do so for the following reasons. First, we prefer that our story, which is known in part to some, should be wholly known as told by ourselves. Secondly,...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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Modern Swedish Masterpieces: Short StoriesModern Swedish Masterpieces: Short StoriesIt is curious that, despite the rapid growth of interest in Scandinavian literature through the English-speaking world, there has been up to now no book to represent one of the most brilliant fields of achievement, the Swedish short story. The...
- HK$49.30
HK$98.64- HK$49.30
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