Public Domain
De Danske paa Schelden (1808-1809)De Danske paa Schelden (1808-1809) - Under Kapitainerne S. U. Rosenvinge og H. Baron Holsten.Det Materiale, der er brugt ved Udarbeidelsen af denne Episode af den danske og franske Skrigshistorie i 1808-1809, er tilveiebragt ved Benyttelsen af officielle Aktstykker fra nedenstaaende Arkiver, hvortil jeg...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Kauhea Tarzan: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan aarniometsistäKauhea Tarzan: Seikkailuromaani Afrikan aarniometsistäI. Oudoilla olosijoilla II. Kolme kuin yksi III. Taistelu kallionkupeella IV. Vijytys V. Ahdistettu neito VI. Gryfin satimessa VII. Ihmeellisell kyydill VIII. Valon kaupungissa IX. Hmmennyttv vieras X. Kavallettu XI. Jumalan haastajat XII. Urhea muukalainen XIII. Temppelipapin hahmossa XIV. Leijonamies...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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The Origin of the Mound BuildersThe Origin of the Mound BuildersLet any traveler start from Wisconsin and traverse the Mississippi Valley to the Gulf of Mexico, and cross the country from the Alleghenies to the Western Plateau, and throughout his course he will find thousands of mounds of earth...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Zur Männerfrage!Zur Männerfrage!Um den Verdacht, ich sei eine Mnnerfeindin, nicht aufkommen zu lassen, halte ich es fr geboten, gleich von vornherein zu bekennen, da ich nichts weniger als das bin, da ich mich im Gegentheil stets behaglich in Mnnergesellschaft befinde und freudig mit der Eleonore...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Reisescizzen und Tagebuchblätter aus Deutsch-OstafrikaReisescizzen und Tagebuchblätter aus Deutsch-OstafrikaDer Markusplatz lag in hellem Sonnenglanz, welcher in all dem blanken Marmor und in der Goldmosaik der wunderbaren maurischen Kirche funkelte und blitzte. Auf den Marmorplatten wogte eine festtgliche Menge mit nur in Venedig mglicher Geruschlosigkeit. Tausende von schnen Augen...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Abenteuer und Fahrten des Huckleberry FinnAbenteuer und Fahrten des Huckleberry FinnDa ihr gewi schon die Abenteuer von Tom Sawyer gelesen habt, so brauche ich mich euch nicht vorzustellen. Jenes Buch hat ein gewisser Mark Twain geschrieben und was drin steht ist wahr, wenigstens meistenteils. Hie und da hat er...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Chicken FarmChicken FarmHarvey was a most unusual little man. A Cosmos-minded man with great singleness of purpose. He could discover asteroid-juncture faults with the greatest of ease, and "perp" planets, too.... But could he find Anna from Oregon who doubted his greatest discovery of all?...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Amour, Amour, Dear Planet!Amour, Amour, Dear Planet!Spacecaptain Jan Obrien was plain drunk and in no condition to handle an aircar. Which fact perhaps can be understood for a man who has not tasted the liquor of Terra in ten years and who comes home to his native...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Szilágyi és KáldySzilágyi és Káldy1841-ben szletett s 1901-ben halt meg. 1901. vi julius h 30-n este ht-nyolcz rakor mg lt s a nagy melegben eltikkadva hlszobjba visszavonult s 31-n reggel holtan talltk szobjban. Engem is rgtn rtesitettek hallrl. Akkor az Egyetrts politikai napilap vezetje s mondhatni,...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Engelsch woordenboek. Eerste deel: Engelsch-Nederlandsch (met uitgeschreven verkortingen)Engelsch woordenboek. Eerste deel: Engelsch-Nederlandsch (met uitgeschreven verkortingen)1. Het in den tekst staat in de plaats van het hoofdwoord; zoo een gedeelte hiervan tusschen haakjes staat, wordt dit laatste niet begrepen in het . Voorbeeld: Acoustic(al); -duct; het in -duct staat daarom alln in...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Eläinden Tauti-KirjaEläinden Tauti-KirjaJosa Hewoisten, Lehmin, Lammasten, ja muun pienen Karjan ja Rahwaan Irujamen ja Itikkain Taudit Ja Parannuxet, Lkityxet ja Koti-Huusauxet Lytn A-B-Ceen jlkeen sowitetun Registerin johdatuxesta ja Numeroin osotuxesta Kirjahan: Suomexi tulkitut Ja Monesta Kirjasta, niinkuin mys korwa kuulosta ja wlist, omasta koettelemuxesta waarin...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Panama and the Canal in Picture and ProsePanama and the Canal in Picture and ProsePanama. They say the word means a place of many fishes, but there is some dissension about the exact derivation of the name of the now severed Isthmus. Indeed dissension, quarrels, wars and massacres have been the...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 2, Vol. I, January 12, 1884Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 2, Vol. I, January 12, 1884Judging from casual remarks often heard in ordinary conversation, it would seem that not a few persons believe every man who is styled Lord So-and-so to be a...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Planet in ReversePlanet in ReverseDarrel Bond allowed himself a grin. The fleet admiral had warned him against straying off the freight lanes. Had, in fact, threatened to break him down to a button-pusher if he did it again. That was a laugh! Button-pusher! What was he...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Task of TauTask of TauA gleaming binary swung in the blue sky, sending a moist warmth across the swaying fern-growths of the Fourteenth Planet. Feathered creatures of bright colors flashed through the underbrush and made noises there. A figure came stalking down through the shaded clearings,...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Christian LiteratureChristian Literature - a sermon delivered May 8th, 1870, in Kensington Chapel, at the seventy-first anniversary of the Religious Tract SocietyAnd there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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The Book of Light in the Hand of Love: A plea for the British and Foreign Bible SocietyThe Book of Light in the Hand of Love: A plea for the British and Foreign Bible Society - A sermon preached in St. Paul's Cathedral, on Tuesday, April 30, 1872He is named the Divine, the Theologian; and this is his scheme of Theology,...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Biblical Revision, its duties and conditionsBiblical Revision, its duties and conditions - A sermon preached in St. Paul's Cathedral at the special evening service, on Sunday, March 13, 1870The Scribes were the guardians of the law, and its readers and expounders to the people. It is related of Ezra,...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Wages in 1873: Address read before the Social Science Association at NorwichWages in 1873: Address read before the Social Science Association at NorwichIn the following Address I shall devote myself to the task of reviewing, I hope in an impartial spirit, the most recent phases of the labour movement. The great advance of wages is...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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Birds of Song & StoryBirds of Song and StorySome barbarous peoples possess a rude taste for the beautiful plumage of birds, decorating their bodies in feathers of softest and brightest tints. But we have record of few, if any, savage tribes the world over which delight in bird...
- HK$49.15
HK$98.34- HK$49.15
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