Public Domain
Broken ButterfliesBroken ButterfliesThe black bow of the Tenyo Maru cut into the broad ribbon of moonlight stretching, interminably, straight into the vast spaces of the opalescent night. Somewhere ahead, bathed in that same pale illumination, invisible, lay Japan. Arms folded over the rail, Hugh Kent...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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The Life of David Belasco Vol. 2The Life of David Belasco; Vol. 2The London engagement of Zaza ended, Belasco, Mrs. Carter, and the members of the Zaza company returned to America, sailing from Southampton, on board the steamship New York, August 18, 1900. Mrs. Carters tour in that play began...
- HK$49.71
HK$159.15- HK$49.71
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The Pearl, its story, its charm, and its valueThe Pearl, its story, its charm, and its valueIn these pages the story of the pearl is told from its birth and growth under tropic seas, through the search for it by dark skinned divers of the Orient and its journeyings by the hands...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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The Black Panther: A book of poemsThe Black Panther: A book of poemsThe author thanks the editors of the following, for kind permission to reprint here various poems first published in their pages: Alls Well, The American Magazine, The Art World, The Bellman, The Bookman, The Century Magazine, Contemporary Verse,...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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My "Little Bit"My "Little Bit"The articles in this book, with the exception of the first two, were all written during the war at the request of the various editors by whose courtesy they are now reproduced in volume form. Most of them, notably those which appeared...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Putting the Most Into LifePutting the Most Into LifeThe chapters in this little book were originally part of a series of Sunday Evening Talks given by the Principal to the students of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. They have been recast from the second to the third...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Land and Sea Tales for Boys and GirlsLand and Sea Tales for Boys and GirlsThe history of the Victoria Cross has been told so often that it is only necessary to say that the Order was created by Queen Victoria on January 29th, 1856, in the year of the peace with...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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A Little House in War TimeA Little House in War TimeA little chronicle of a great time may have an interest of its own quite incommensurate from its intrinsic worth. These pages do not pretend to any merit beyond faithfulness; but they are the true record of the everyday...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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The Ultimate EveThe Ultimate EveThe sun had not yet taken the chill out of the early April morning that broke on the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, when the ship settled to the ground. It was surprisingly large compared to the aircraft native to this planet,...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Hagerty's EnzymesHagerty's EnzymesHarper Breen sank down gingerly into the new Relaxo-Lounge. He placed twitching hands on the arm-rests and laid his head back stiffly. He closed his fluttering eyelids and clamped his mouth to keep the corner from jumping. Harper tried to let go of...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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A Century's Progress in AstronomyA Century's Progress in AstronomyThe present volume originated in a desire to present, in small compass, a record of the marvellous progress in astronomy during the past hundred years. Indebtedness should be acknowledged to the valuable works of Professor Newcomb, Professor Schiaparelli, Professor Lowell,...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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With the GunsWith the GunsAs these sketches of the changing phases of modern war are largely concerned with the work of the artillery, as, indeed, they are written from the standpoint of that branch of the Service, this would seem to be a favourable place to...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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The Space BetweenThe Space BetweenOne hour and forty-one minutes before deceleration, the spacecopter materialized off to right, matching precisely the 3360 kilometers per second speed of the Box. Jak SP34509260 jerked erect in answer to blinking red lights and screeching collision whistles. The dark glass and...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Valkoinen hevonenValkoinen hevonenI. Erss meksikolaisessa rajakylss. II. Vakooja. III. Muonan hankinta. IV. Kummallinen kirje. V. Villihevosen pyydystminen. VI. Eksyksiss aavikolla. VII. Ateria aavikolla. Kuokkavieras. VIII. Vanhoja tuttuja. IX. Kulovalkea. X. Sissijoukko ja sen lhettils. XI. Pelkoa ja toivoa. XII. Pakoon. XIII. Kalliolla. XIV. Ystvk vai...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Olvasás közben: Jegyzetek és megjegyzésekOlvasás közben: Jegyzetek és megjegyzésekEngem minden meghat, nha knyhullatsig megindt, ami emberi munkval fgg ssze, ami emberi erfesztsre emlkeztet, ami kicsiben vagy nagyban kpt mutatja a hsiessgnek, melylyel nemnk az meztelen s vdetlen szomor llatisgbl jv, nemess s mveltt kzdtte fl magt. A szpsget...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Speeches at the Constitutional ConventionSpeeches at the Constitutional Convention - With the Right of Suffrage Passed by the Constitutional ConventionMonths previous to the time that the recent Constitutional Convention met, Conservatives and Reformers, announced publicly their intention to disfranchise the Negro in South Carolina. For this pamphlet such...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Beer-Trust BustersBeer-Trust Busters"It's a hell of a note when one guy controls the beer situationlet's do Dudley dirty!" rang the war cry of Doc, Listless and Outhouse. And the intrepid trio went blearily about the business of dirtying Dudleyempty bottles marking their trail. We pulled...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Dick Merriwell's Heroic Players Or, How the Yale Nine Won the ChampionshipDick Merriwell's Heroic Players; Or, How the Yale Nine Won the ChampionshipA half million enthusiastic followers of the Merriwell brothers will attest the unfailing interest and wholesomeness of these adventures of two lads of high ideals, who play fair with themselves, as well as...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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Galambos Pál naplója Jobbadán AmerikábanGalambos Pál naplója; Jobbadán AmerikábanArra neveltek a szleim, hogy kltsek s nem arra, hogy keressek. El is kltttem mindent, a mit rm hagytak, urasan, elkeln. Egy reggel aztn reg inasom, a ki mindig ismerte vagyoni viszonyaimat, igy szlt: Nem. n itthon eladom a butorokat,...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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LupeLupeSegundo o meu ideial,falso talvez, mas sincero,tanto maior se revela o artista quanto mais singular a sua obra, isto , quanto mais se destaca da dos outros, affirmando nitidamente, por meio de suas peculiaridades, o eu de quem a criou. Ponderou muito bem um...
- HK$49.71
HK$99.48- HK$49.71
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