Public Domain
Ludwig Bechsteins MärchenbuchLudwig Bechsteins Märchenbuch - Mit 176 Holzschnitten nach Originalzeichnungen von Ludwig Richter Es war einmal ein Schneiderlein, das sa in einer Stadt, die hie Romadia; das hatte auf eine Zeit, da es arbeitete, einen Apfel neben sich liegen, darauf setzten sich viele Fliegen, wie...
- HK$49.82
HK$159.48- HK$49.82
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Nuestra Pampa libro de lecturaNuestra Pampa; libro de lecturaComprende Nuestra Pampa,arreglo metodizado y ampliacin de mi libro La Pampauna serie de crnicas objetivas sobre el ms importante y rico de nuestros territorios, prolongacin de la campaa de Buenos Aires. Su confeccin artstica, como se advierte claramente, es marginal...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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The Gingerbread Boy and Joyful Jingle Play StoriesThe Gingerbread Boy and Joyful Jingle Play StoriesThe first three stories contained in the book found great favor with the reading public, having been published in the Womans Home Companion. All the stories are wholesome and have good influence upon the little readers. In...
- HK$49.82
HK$159.48- HK$49.82
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Over There with the Marines at Chateau ThierryOver There with the Marines at Chateau ThierryTop Sergeant Phil Speed did not know exactly where he was when the long train of trucks bearing hundreds of khaki-clad American Marines stopped at a small town within easy gun-roar of the battle front in France....
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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O Romance de um Homem RicoO Romance de um Homem RicoQuando Camillo Castello Branco escrevia no seu livro dilecto esta sentena:O homem no acha em si os alivios da razo quando os vicios lh'a degeneram, estava julgando a sua propria alma no tribunal austero da consciencia. O romancista, se...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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Die seltsamen Geschichten des Doktor UlebuhleDie seltsamen Geschichten des Doktor Ulebuhle Der deutschen Kinderwelt steht eine Flle von wundervollen Mrchendichtungen zur Verfgung. Sie alle sind so gemtvoll, anziehend und phantasiereich, ja zum Teil (insbesondere fr den Erwachsenen) so reich an ernsten Gedankengngen, da sie auch in unserer immer materialistischer...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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Paradise (to be) RegainedParadise (to be) Regained We learn that Mr. Etzler is a native of Germany, and originally published his book in Pennsylvania, ten or twelve years ago; and now a second English edition, from the original American one, is demanded by his readers across the...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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The roses of St. Elizabeth seriesPussy-Cat TownTo my comforting cats, Bandersnatch-Bandarlog and Kiku-san, sitting close to me now and always when I write; to the memory of my wise Tommy Traddles; to Bidelia Purplay W.; to Wutz-Butz and Madam Laura K., all really and truly cats, this book is...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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To Your Kitchen From MineTo Your Kitchen From Mineto choose a Modern GAS range because it will give you the best cooking results possible while adding new beauty and convenience to your kitchen. It is designed for long life and the easy care that is so necessary in...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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Andreas Vesalius, the Reformer of AnatomyAndreas Vesalius, the Reformer of AnatomyThe intelligent student of medical history has at his command an unfailing source of pleasure. To learn the successive steps by which Medicine has advanced from a priest-ridden and secret art practiced with mysterious rites in the Greek temples,...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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The Vanishing Comrade: A Mystery Story for GirlsThe Vanishing Comrade: A Mystery Story for GirlsTwo boys and a girl climbed down out of the bus from Middletown when it made its final stop in front of the summer hotel at the head of Broad Street. The boys, between them, were carrying...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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How to Make Sock ToysHow to Make Sock ToysHowever, no part of the text or any design illustrations may be reproduced by any printing process without the permission of the publisher, with the exception of brief quotations used for reviews in other publications. This book is dedicated to...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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John Law of LauristonJohn Law of Lauriston - Financier and Statesman, Founder of the Bank of France, Originator of the Mississippi Scheme, Etc.The career of John Law is one of the most striking and romantic in a period teeming with great and historic personages, and provides in...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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The Works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 02 (of 32)The Works of the Rev. John Wesley, Vol. 02 (of 32) The text may show quotations within quotations, all set off by double quote marks. The inner quotations have been changed to single quote marks for improved readability. This book has drop-caps at the...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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CaliforniaCaliforniaI have always believed that the Poet of the New Worldof the Worldwas to come out of the Westfrom California. Why not? Would it be more strange that this broad land by the shores of the vast Pacific should produce the Supreme Singer, than...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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Course of Study of the Oakland High SchoolCourse of Study of the Oakland High SchoolNote 1. The University of California will accept either Ancient or Modern Languages or both for admission. But since the University requires Latin for graduation from the Colleges of Letters and Social Sciences, and does not offer...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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The Story of the Bank of EnglandThe Story of the Bank of England - (A History of English Banking, and a Sketch of the Money Market)The Bank of England, which is managed by a Governor, Sub-Governor, and twenty-four Directors, was incorporated in 1694 at the suggestion of a Scotsman, William...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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Madame ClaireMadame Claire If you wish to be relieved from the worries of housekeeping; if you wish to cultivate the society of retired army folk, or that of blameless spinsterhood, ask for a room (inclusive terms) at the Kensington Park Hotel, Kensington. It is unprogressive,...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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Vanhaa Lappia ja PeräpohjaaVanhaa Lappia ja PeräpohjaaSamoilla Lnsi-Lapin ja Perpohjan kesmatkoilla, 1920-1922, kerttyj kuin viime vuonna ilmestyneiden "Lapin muistelusten", ovat tmnkin kirjan ainekset. Lisksi olen kesn alussa 1923 tehnyt uuden lyhyehkn kerilyretken Kittiln, Muonioon, Enontekille ja Tornion jokilaaksoon tydentkseni ja tarkistaakseni edellisill matkoilla saatuja muistiinpanojani. Saman Lapinkorven...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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The Silver Domino Or, Side Whispers, Social and LiteraryThe Silver Domino; Or, Side Whispers, Social and Literary"The 'Silver Domino' can handle words and phrases in a manner which either proves an extraordinary original gift or a good deal of practice.... The parody of Miss Olive Schreiner is one of the best and...
- HK$49.82
HK$99.69- HK$49.82
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