Public Domain
Alone on a Wide Wide Sea, Vol. 1 (of 3)Alone on a Wide Wide Sea, Vol. 1 (of 3)In the West of England stands a city surrounded by hills. Its streets are wide, its shops fine and plentiful, and there are many handsome and some stately terraces of houses in it. In the...
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HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Asser's Life of King AlfredAsser's Life of King AlfredKing Alfred bids greet Bishop Wrferth with his words lovingly and with friendship; and I let it be known to thee that it has very often come into my mind what wise men there formerly were throughout England, both of...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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The Wonder Clock; or, four & twenty marvellous TalesThe Wonder Clock; or, four & twenty marvellous Tales - being one for each hour of the day I put on my dream-cap one day and stepped into Wonderland. Along the road I jogged and never dusted my shoes, and all the time the...
- HK$49.78
HK$159.34- HK$49.78
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The Attack on the Mill, and Other Sketches of WarThe Attack on the Mill, and Other Sketches of WarIt is by his huge novels, and principally by those of the Rougon-Macquart series, that M. Zola is known to the public and to the critics. Nevertheless, he has found time during the thirty years...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Saarroksissa Himalajalla: Saksalaisten veljesten seikkailujaSaarroksissa Himalajalla: Saksalaisten veljesten seikkailujaMutta nit hyvi seikkailukirjoja ei ilmesty kovinkaan runsaasti. Parhaimpien tt lajia tytyy olla laajakatseisten, etevlahjaisten kelpo kansalaisten kirjoittamia, jotka itse ovat saaneet suuren mrn kokemuksia ksittelemltns alalta. Heidn jljittelijns johtuvat etsimn uutta vain juuri seikkailujen keksimisess, rakentamaan tekeleens pelkn jnnityksen...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Proverbes sur les femmes, l'amitié, l'amour et le mariageProverbes sur les femmes, l'amitié, l'amour et le mariageLa PREMIRE DITION de ce Livre, tir plusieurs milliers d'exemplaires, est entirement puise depuis quelques annes. Celle que nous publions aujourd'hui, d'aprs les nombreuses demandes qui nous ont t adresses, n'est pas une reproduction pure et...
- HK$49.78
HK$159.34- HK$49.78
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From Monkey to Man, or, Society in the Tertiary AgeFrom Monkey to Man, or, Society in the Tertiary Age - A Story of the Missing Link, Showing the First Steps in Industry, Commerce, Government, Religion and the Arts; With an Account of the Great Expedition From Cocoanut Hill and the Wars in Alligator...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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El corazón juglarEl corazón juglar Title: El corazn juglar Author: Luis G. Urbina Release Date: October 5, 2020 [EBook #63378] Language: Spanish Credits: Produced by Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images available at The HathiTrust Digital...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Henry James at WorkHenry James at WorkI knew nothing of Henry James beyond the revelation of his novels and tales before the summer of 1907. Then, as I sat in a top-floor office near Whitehall one August morning, compiling a very full index to the Report of...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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The Sweating Sickness in EnglandThe Sweating Sickness in EnglandThere are few subjects which exhibit more points of interest to the epidemiologist and medical historian, than that series of epidemics, of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, which went by the name of English Sweating Sicknesses. We are chiefly indebted...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Saarelaiskuvia ISaarelaiskuvia IKalastajakyln vanhin osa on satamasta nousevan eteln viettvn men rinteell. Taustana on synkk mets ja sen takaa kohoavat korkeat vuoret, joiden korkeimmalla kukkulalla nkyy valkeaksi kalkittu loistotorni ja loistonhoitajien asunnot, muistuttaen ryhm kaukaa katsoen vanhaa ritarilinnaa. Myhemmin on kyl kasvanut sek metsn pin...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Confessions of a Railroad SignalmanConfessions of a Railroad SignalmanConsidering the nature and intent of the following essays on the safety problem on American railroads, some kind of a foreword will not be out of place. As much as possible I wish to make this foreword a personal presentation...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Rain and rosesRain and roses Title: Rain and roses Author: Jeannette Fraser Henshall Release Date: October 4, 2020 [EBook #63373] Language: English Credits: Produced by Charlene Taylor, Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Einstein's Theories of Relativity and GravitationEinstein's Theories of Relativity and Gravitation - A selection of material from the essays submitted in the competition for the Eugene Higgins prize of $5,000BY HAROLD T. DAVIS, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, Madison, Wis. ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 63372 Author: Bird,...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Lehrbuch der Botanik für HochschulenLehrbuch der Botanik für HochschulenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1923 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen sowie Schreibvarianten bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert, sofern der Sinn des Texts dadurch...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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The Life and Times of Queen Victoria vol. 3 of 4The Life and Times of Queen Victoria; vol. 3 of 4A Commercial CrisisSuspension of the Bank ActThe Fall of LucknowSir Hugh Rose in Central IndiaLast Days of the RebellionThe Operations in ChinaThe Queens Personal Direction of AffairsPalmerstons waning PopularityAttacks on Lord CanningThe Orsini PlotFrench...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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The Sense of the PastThe Sense of the PastTHE SENSE OF THE PAST, the second of the two novels which Henry James left unfinished, had been planned and begun some years before he died. The two first books and a part of the third had been written, and...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Koning Richard de TweedeKoning Richard de Tweede(Trompetgeschal. Koning Richard treedt op en zet zich op den troon. Gent, York, Bushy, Bagot, Green en Anderen nemen hun plaatsen in.Een trompet doet zich hooren en wordt door een andere trompet buiten beantwoord. Hierop verschijnt Norfolk, in volle wapenrusting, voorafgegaan...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Koning Hendrik de VierdeKoning Hendrik de VierdeGij zijt zoo vet van brein geworden van het oude-sekdrinken, het kamizool-losknoopen na het avondeten, en het slapen op banken na den middag, dat gij verleerd hebt, werkelijk te vragen naar wat gij werkelijk weten wilt. Wat duivel hebt gij met...
- HK$49.78
HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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Nietzsche's PhilosophieNietzsche's PhilosophieDr. Mbius spreekt in zijn geschrift over Nietzsche van diens vreemd ooglijden en dementia paralytica op een toon, die doet vermoeden, dat volgens den genoemden arts Nietzsche misschien niet ten allen tijde het etherisch, zuiver geestelijk wezen is geweest als hoedanig hij door...
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HK$99.60- HK$49.78
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